
Love Seed

With the world dying Flora Hernandez knows that she has two choices: to die along with it or to be strong and fight. Flora's weapon of choice is the earth itself. For years she has been growing plants and learning how to cultivate them to survive in an ever changing environment, but she knows she is losing the battle. When an opportunity comes to join the space explorations for other planets she does not hesitate. If she can find another world everyone can be saved, but even if she can't find one in time to save everyone, our people's history will continue to live on in the seeds she has brought with her. At least that was the goal before she went under hibernation only to be woken up 10,000 years in the future by a beautiful and oddly tall blond man. Will she be able to survive this new life in the stars and make herself useful to the pod that found her?

edensgarden · Sci-fi
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56 Chs

Mission Day 2-ish

DATE: Unknown

TIME: Unknown

I don't know how long I have been asleep but my body still feels fatigued. There is no way to tell time in this room, but my internal clock says that it is time to eat. I wonder how long it has been since I last ate anything. In my head it feels like it was just last night, but after hibernation I know it could be months or even years from now.

The ship is quiet. I don't hear any people, only the hum of the electrical and the groans of the ship. It makes me wonder how large this ship might be to not even hear him nearby. There's no point in yelling then. At least I found my journal to keep me company. It had been stashed in the cabinet of my pod where I had left it. My pouch of seeds I had tucked away next me seem to have made it through hibernation alright. As far as I can tell anyways. Won't truly know if they are still viable until I put them in some dirt.

While taking stock of what was around me, I found the door to a small restroom that was being blocked by my pod. I was thankful to find it because who knows how long I will be in here! All in all I seem to be fine...I just wish I knew where, or when, I was. I hear footsteps coming down the hallway.


The tall man from before opened the door slowly and looked around the small room nervously before entering. I must have given him a fright earlier when I jumped out at him. His eyes met mine and the stunning pale blue made me take in a sharp intake of breath. He saw me at the other end of the room sitting on the cot and smiled a weak smile. I guess you could say it was boyish. His appearance had changed since I last saw him. His blonde hair was no longer stringy and falling in front of his face but well combed and neat. He looked beautiful in an almost alien way with his long limbs.

Once he stepped inside I could see the tray of food in his hands and instantly started to salivate. He placed the tray in front of me and I could not help but dive in. I definitely shocked him for a second time with my voracious appetite, but he quickly recovered and seemed to be enjoying watching me devour this bland oatmeal like substance. The look he was giving me was almost like he was in awe that I was sitting there. I looked away from him because after a while it was getting a little awkward.

I cleared my throat to break the tension and turned to look at him. His eyes met mine again and I froze. He reached out and took my hand in his. He started to manipulate my fingers, testing their mobility and reflexes. It was almost like being hypnotized. His hands moved from hands to my wrists, and as he moved them up towards my elbows I finally came to my senses and pulled away.

"What are you doing?!" I asked him forcefully. His head tilted as he pondered what I had asked. "Where am I?" I asked angrily, "what year is it?" His mouth made a tight line and his eyes seemed to pity me. He shook his head and gave off a small shrug. It was not my finest moment, but I was tired, scared, and frustrated. I started shouting at him, "don't you know how to speak? Are you dumb or something? Answer my questions!"

He tried to cover my mouth and looked around the room as if trying to find out if anyone else heard me. There must be others on this ship. I flung his hand away from me and continued my rant, "What are you trying to do to me? Where is the rest of my crew?" His eyes grew wide and he hurriedly stood up to leave. In an instant it felt like I had been hit with a bucket of cold water. I didn't have my answers, but if he leaves I won't ever get them and I don't know when he will come back. I leaned forward and grabbed his hand before he could leave the room.

He straightened in surprise but looked back at me. I couldn't bring myself to look at him and stared at the floor while breathing deeply to calm down. "I'm sorry," I nearly whispered, "please don't leave yet." I pulled him towards the chair and gestured for him to sit. He slowly took his seat and watched me, I'm sure wondering what I would do next.

I do not know why I wanted him to stay. I suppose it's because I do not have anyone else and the stress of the situation is getting to me. I thought I was stronger than this, but I guess you never really know how you will react to something until you're in the moment. While thinking about how far I had fallen, I looked up at him and caught him staring at my notebook. I had left it on the desk and he began scanning its pages. He stopped at my most recent entry and looked at me questioningly.

I stood next him to see what he was pointing to. He was pointing to the year from my entry July 13th, 2119. He flipped back to my first entry and pointed at the year again. He then flipped to today's entry where I had written, 'Unknown.' He took my pen and clumsily wrote down, '12119.' I blinked and thought this must be a mistake. There is no way this much time has passed! How could I possibly be alive? I pointed at it again and looked at him to be sure. When he nodded yes my heart started to pound. What could have happened? I was supposed to be asleep for a couple of years max. Where was everyone? My head started to ache and my world began to spin. The last thing I remember was him catching me before my world went dark.