
Love Seed

With the world dying Flora Hernandez knows that she has two choices: to die along with it or to be strong and fight. Flora's weapon of choice is the earth itself. For years she has been growing plants and learning how to cultivate them to survive in an ever changing environment, but she knows she is losing the battle. When an opportunity comes to join the space explorations for other planets she does not hesitate. If she can find another world everyone can be saved, but even if she can't find one in time to save everyone, our people's history will continue to live on in the seeds she has brought with her. At least that was the goal before she went under hibernation only to be woken up 10,000 years in the future by a beautiful and oddly tall blond man. Will she be able to survive this new life in the stars and make herself useful to the pod that found her?

edensgarden · Sci-fi
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56 Chs


Geo was silent as he searched my eyes. "Are you sure?" he slowly asked. "You never did learn what the consequences may be for doing this."

I took a deep breath and tried to ward off the fear that slowly crept its way up my spine. "What are they?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Geo sat up from his cot and swung his legs over the side, gesturing for me to take a seat next to him. I hesitated, but fearing my knees might begin to shake once he told me what I was up against, I decided it would be best to sit down. "If you are caught the best case scenario will be that you are banished from the pod and sent to Labyrinth where you can sell yourself into slavery. The council is too divided and will likely not side with Thana if she chooses to protect you." His choice of words did not escape me: if Thana chooses to.

"The worst case scenario is death. If you know too much you will be a risk if sent to the Labyrinth, and Arca does not have enough resources to house long term prisoners. That is if the council even has the opportunity to hear about this. A few people have died working for Albin, all under mysterious circumstances, but I do not doubt it was to silence them." A certainty flared in Geo's eyes as his shoulders tensed with anger.

I knew that there was a story behind that look, but I couldn't think about that. I had to focus on this next decision that will dictate my fate one way or another. It all sounded so grim, almost hopeless. "And what happens if I do this, and I do not get caught?" I asked, wondering if the sacrifice would be worth all this.

"If you do this?" he asked with a small smile. "We will be among the first pods in history to terraform a planet and call it home. You will be able to combine your knowledge with both factions who for years have kept secrets from each other and delayed progress. You will help us build our strength so that when the time comes Thana will be able to take power and lead our people into a new era where we will not have to worry about starving to death or running out of room to live." He sounded so idealistic, not the cautious realist I have come to know. It made me smile knowing that he still had hope left, and that I could bring that to him. I could only imagine what it would do for the rest of Arca, but it was hard for me to picture that future with Thana leading and her being so cold.

"You really believe in her?" I asked cautiously. "In Thana?"

Geo was quite for a moment but nodded. "She is smart and dedicated to the pod. She has spent her life training for this. She has had to be tough and make harsh decisions, but it is what Arca needs right now."

The fear that had been threatening to take over was gone, and in its place was Geo's infectious hope. Politics aside, creating a new home for mankind has been my mission all along. If this will help achieve that goal, then the risks would be worth it.

"I will do it," I said confidently.

A surprised smile broke out on Geo's face. "You will do it?" he asked. I nodded, and I could tell he was pleased. "Thank you, Flora. You have no idea how much this means to Thana and Arca, to me." He eyed me for a moment, taking in my reaction. "I only hope you are doing this for the right reasons," he said softly.

I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe that Thana's intentions are good and that doing this will help everyone, but Albin's paranoia and warnings echoed in my mind. I looked back at Geo and gave a weak smile. "So do I," I nearly whispered.

I looked away in an attempt to gather myself when I suddenly felt his hand on mine. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to relish the comfort it brought me, knowing that in some way, even if I didn't have all the answers I wanted, he was there for me. I took his hand in mine and gently squeezed it as I looked into his eyes. "Thank you," I said softly before glancing away, "and I am sorry for last night."

He squeezed my hand until I met his eyes again. "You have nothing to apologize for. I wish I could tell you everything, but I cannot. Not yet, at least. Most of it I do not even know," he said with a small, bitter laugh. "But I told you from the beginning, you will always have me to help you."

The sincerity in his voice warmed my heart and caused it to flutter. His eyes were filled with a longing that stilled my breath, and I was captivated by the sensation. We looked at each other, neither one daring to make the first move. That was until he gently circled his thumb over our already clasped hands. The new sensation was enough to break me out of my trance and come back to reality, a reality in which he was betrothed to a powerful woman capable of ruining or ending my life. This reality was already filled with enough danger, I shouldn't seek to add more.

I looked away from him and cursed at how good his hand felt in mine before slowly loosening my grip. In response Geo tightened his and gave a comforting squeeze. "I will arrange the meeting," he said before letting go and getting to his feet.

"You don't have to do it now," I said quickly. "I am sure you are tired. I'm sorry for waking you."

"It is alright," he said with a smile. "We need to move quickly. I am sure the reason you woke me was because you were afraid you would not follow through with your decision if you waited any longer. I do not want to get in the way of that," he teased. I smiled and shrugged in response. He was right.

I watched him as he slipped on his shirt, careful to glance away when he turned back around. He offered me his hand and I gladly took it as he helped me off of his cot. He held onto me a moment longer than was needed, but I didn't mind. It was an innocent gesture, at least that is what I told myself as we made our way out of his lab and into the hallway.