
Love Seed

With the world dying Flora Hernandez knows that she has two choices: to die along with it or to be strong and fight. Flora's weapon of choice is the earth itself. For years she has been growing plants and learning how to cultivate them to survive in an ever changing environment, but she knows she is losing the battle. When an opportunity comes to join the space explorations for other planets she does not hesitate. If she can find another world everyone can be saved, but even if she can't find one in time to save everyone, our people's history will continue to live on in the seeds she has brought with her. At least that was the goal before she went under hibernation only to be woken up 10,000 years in the future by a beautiful and oddly tall blond man. Will she be able to survive this new life in the stars and make herself useful to the pod that found her?

edensgarden · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


I poured all my focus into my work, testing tube after tube until my eyes blurred from the strain. I had made a significant dent in the crates tested, but I couldn't say the same for the results. Each came back the same, negative. I left me wondering what they were doing at these sites and grinding my teeth in frustration at not having all of the data.

I will not lie, part of me is tempted by Thana's offer. The sooner I can make progress with the terraformation the sooner my place in this pod is secured, but I am not sure I want to sell my soul just yet.

I looked up at the clock and noticed it was nearly 20:00. Geo normally wakes up around this time. I knew it wouldn't be long before he'd come and check in on me, and these days lecture me about resting and not working so much. My skin flushed at the thought of seeing him again. I shook my head to clear away the embarrassing thoughts running through my head and made my way back to my cot. I was still tired from the lack of sleep last night so an early night sounded like a good idea. More importantly, it might make it so I can avoid Geo - at least for today.

I closed my eyes, let out a deep sigh to release all the tension from the day, and hoped that when I opened my eyes it would be the start of a new day. That fantasy was shattered as I was gently shaken awake late into the night.

I heard a voice as I drowsily came to ask me,"Flora, are you feeling alright?" I cracked my eyes open, and as soon as I saw Geo the sleep quickly left my eyes as I inhaled sharply. "I am sorry, I did not mean to startle you," he said softly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while pulling away from his touch. He noticed and awkwardly pulled back his hand before finally resting it along his side.

"I would normally find you working in the lab at this hour. When I saw that you were asleep I was worried something was wrong." The genuine concern on his face made me smile.

"I'm fine. You always lecture me about going to sleep earlier anyhow. Tonight I followed it for once," I said giving him my best 'everything's fine' smile. He studied me for a moment before nodding and turning away towards the door. No longer needing to play a part, the corners of my lips fell in both relief and sadness. Relief in that he was leaving and that I did not have to confront anything, but sadness for the exact same reasons. Did last night mean so little that he could ignore it like that after seeing me again? Did I want it to mean anything at all? My lips rolled in as I closed my eyes in frustration.

I heard the door to my room click shut and I let out a deep sigh. I opened my eyes expecting to be alone, but instead I saw Geo with his back to me and his hand on the door. My heart began to race as I waited for him to turn around, but he stood still as if debating what to do next.

My nervousness made me gulp before I broke the silence. "Geo, what is wrong?" I asked, trying to hide the shakiness in my voice. He turned to face me and took several steps into the room, my heart pounding with each step.

"I wanted to talk to you," he said before hesitating. "I wanted to talk to you about that kiss." My breath stilled as I waited for him to continue, but he seemed at a loss of where to start. He could barely make eye contact with me and my mind began to spin with the thought of rejection. I wasn't sure I could take that right now.

"It was nothing," I blurted out. His head snapped up as he looked at me in shock.

"It meant nothing?" he asked incredulously.

I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head. "I was drunk. I'm not used to alcohol and my judgement was impaired. I am sorry you had to experience that, I clearly wasn't thinking," I said with a laugh, hoping Geo couldn't detect how fake it was.

I watched as his head dropped with a sigh, a small smirk appearing on his face. "You should be careful next time. You do not know what signals you are giving out when you do something like that. Especially when some say the drink helps show your true emotions," he said, the smirk still tugging at his lips.

My heart skipped a beat but my face remained calm. "I really am sorry... especially if it caused any issues for you and Thana."

I could see Geo's jaw tighten a little. "I have told you, it is not what you think," he said. I could hear the frustration in his voice, but I knew it was not directed at me.

"How can that be?" I asked, not wanting miss an opportunity to learn more about Thana. "You are betrothed to each other. She even threatened me to stay away from you the moment she found out I existed. If that not does not sound like a fiancee I do not know what does," I said teasingly.

"She threatened you?" Geo asked in surprise. I cursed myself for bringing it up, hoping it would not derail the conversation.

"Only lightly," I said with a shrug. "But why would she do that if you two weren't in a relationship?"

I could see Geo's fingers fidgeting as he was lost in thought. After a moment he glanced over at me and let out a sigh. "You cannot share this with anyone else, understood?" I nodded eagerly. "I need to hear you say it," Geo said, and for a moment it looked like he was going to back out.

"I understand," I said quickly to remove any time for doubt.

"When our mother died, Marea and I were taken in by Thana's father. We grew up together as siblings, not as lovers." Geo grimaced before continuing. "Years later Thana's father started to become ill. She was being groomed to take his place, but she was too young to take authority without being questioned. It was not long before suitors from powerful families started flocking to her, trying to take control of the young councilwoman through marriage. To prevent his daughter from being made into a political puppet, her father selected a husband for her. He wanted to choose someone he knew was loyal, cared for his daughter, and would allow her to rise to power in her own right. So he chose me, and I said yes."

Geo's smile was tired and bitter. "Do you regret accepting?" I asked and suddenly realized how sensitive the question was. "You don't have to answer that. Sorry!"

He chuckled, "no, it is ok. I love Thana, and I am grateful to her father for taking us in. I was happy to help. At the time I had no goals beyond my work and had no reason to believe it would be an issue beyond some Arcans despising me for getting in their way, but after a while I began to feel trapped. Lately I have been wondering if I will ever be able to pursue my own life, or if this is it for me," he confessed.

"I'm sorry," I said softly, hating that he was so unhappy.

A soft smile spread across his lips. "Do not be. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to help her, even if I did not fully realize the consequences."

I thought back to earlier in the day. Would I be just as trapped as Geo if I helped her? "What are the consequences?" I finally asked.

Geo looked at me in confusion. "What do you mean?"

I let out a breath before straightening myself. "What are the consequences if I help her?"

Geo hesitated, his face unreadable. "I do not know what you are talking about," he said flatly causing my eyes to snap to his.

"You know what she asked me. I know that you do."