
Love, Reincarnation and Redemption

R18: "He was a sinner; she is his sin." He wasn't supposed to make her a vampire in the first place. But Arnold couldn't resist the charms of the almost-dead woman as he acted recklessly to bring her back to life. Doctor Arnold Spears, a powerful vampire, and a respected surgeon gets himself involved with a human woman on the night of her suicide. He strangely got attracted to the almost lifeless body and tried his best to save her, which resulted in making her a vampire. Natalie, a heartbroken woman, now awakens and finds out she is a vampire. Who had a vengeful heart towards her ex-husband and everyone who maltreated her in the past? She hoped to get revenge by devouring them and making them beg for mercy. Arnold, who didn't want to get himself involved with human issues, decided to be responsible for Natalie and also tame her vengeful heart to avoid people finding out about their existence as vampires, which he and also his friend Devin had been hiding for decades.  After a month of being together, they found out Natalie couldn't take just any blood but Arnold's, which opted them to get into a marriage contract proposed by Arnold, who was already in love with the obstinate woman. Gradually, both of them discovered they had an unsettled past together. Note: This is a western fantasy romance between vampires, werewolves, beasts, and other magical creatures in the modern world and underworld. The cover photo is not mine; it was gotten from Pinterest. If you're the real owner, contact me at latiabdulkarim@gmail.com. I'll put it down.

Abdulkarim_Latifat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
116 Chs

I own you.

"Arnold, answer me. What else would you do to revive that woman?" Devin asked again.

"You staying quiet would help me in this situation." Arnold retorted.

"What would you say to her if she wakes up and craves blood? what explanation would you give if she finds out she's now a vampire?."

"I said, shut up," Arnold yelled out. His hoarse voice thundered in the room.

"You acted recklessly and need to account for it, she might let the world know the almighty doctor Arnold is a vampire, you know what that will cost you and the rest of our kind?"

He didn't expect the heavy blow he received from Arnold which sent him to the ground.

"You should've thought of all these before doing what you did, Your many centuries of hiding after your fake death might be exposed when your father finds out you didn't die and I helped you escape."

"That is my business, you shouldn't get yourself involved with it."

While they were still arguing, Natalie twitched her face uncomfortably in her sleep. She felt strange after the dream she just had.

Hearing the two men argue disturbed her sleep.

Her body felt sour like she was seriously beaten, she then remembered jumping in front of a car, intentionally. She wanted to die. But she felt alive.

"Where is she?" She thought.

Did she finally die and leave this pathetic world? finally free from all her problems? she smiled. Maybe she was now in heaven. But angels don't argue in heaven. Where the hell is she? Natalie opened her eyes abruptly. Seeing the two good men indulge in an unfriendly discussion. It was more like they were arguing. "Where are they, lovers? Did she reincarnate into another body? Why did the two good-looking men have to be gay?" She asked herself so many rhetorical questions.

"I told you not to ask more questions." Arnold continued and Devin tapped him while staring at Natalie.

"She's awake," Devin said and Arnold looked immediately. Seeing Natalie stare at them, he got enchanted immediately by her hazel eyes. This woman is a complete beauty. He thought.

He's met a lot of ladies in the past, but this woman was exceptional. Her beauty couldn't be compared with. She didn't look innocent, her sharp glaring eyes had rage and anger written on it. He read her emotions through her eyes as he didn't move his eyes from her.

"Now what? are you going to explain to her or not?" Devin's questions brought him out of his thoughts. Devin was right, how is he going to tell the woman, in an attempt to save her. he made her a vampire.

Natalie watched how the two men stared at her. She then realized she had seen the face of the man on the red shirt when she was unconscious. Did he save her? She thought. Then again, how did he find her in such a deserted area? she made sure no one was around to save her when she got hit. Except he was the one who hit her. She had thought it was one of those hit-and-run drivers With the way he drove on the road that night. She wondered how long she had slept.

"Are we into a staring competition?" She finally asked. Confused by the current situation, she was in a room, with two men. The last thing she remembered was that she attempted to kill herself. Why was she here? who are the two men?

"My friend here, saved your life," Devin said, breaking the long silence between the three of them.

"He saved my life? why? how?." She asked.

"How? do you want to know how?" In a blink of an eye, Arnold was already standing in front of her. She wondered if they were acting in a movie. Is he some kinda flash character? she wondered and looked behind him to see if there was a movie director in the room

"How did you?." She asked and paused then continue. "Move that fast?"

"Do you want an answer to that question?" He said in his husky voice which made Natalie shrink fearfully. Who is this godly man? why am I in his room?.

"Am I kidnapped or something?" She asked.

"I saved your life."

"I didn't ask you to." She retorted.

"Wait, what?"

"I wanted to die, I wanted to end this pitiful life I'm living. I purposely jumped in front of your car, why did you have to save me?" She said out in frustration.

When she said this, Devin moved close to them. His eyes caught Arnold's, he didn't dare to say anything. Arnold was already pissed off as it seems.

"Wait, are we acting a movie here? I don't understand how you both move so fast." She asked.

"You wanted to kill yourself and I saved you for trying to make me responsible for your death." Arnold's voice thundered angrily in the room. The fact that the woman was already ungrateful pissed him off.

"You should have just drove off as any other human would."

"Well, I'm not any other human. I'm something more than a human."

Devin watched them exchange words. He thought it would be better if they just calm down and talk about this like normal adult Vampires would. They both seemed to be obstinate, which wouldn't help their current situation. He agreed with the woman, he didn't have to save her. Arnold had some explaining to do.

Arnold's claws popped out and he grabbed Natalie's neck Abruptly.

"Since you don't need the life I've given to you, I'll have to take it back." Seeing his claws and the murderous looks in his eyes.

Natalie trembled.

"What.. what are you?" She asked.

"I'm your worst nightmare, I'm your benefactor. I gave you life and only I can take it back. I own you" Arnold said to her face, pressing his claws tightly on her neck.

What is he? a beast?.she asked herself. Staring at his eyes, which turned dark as night. like he was going to devour her. He owns her, is she some kind of a pet to him?.

She had just gotten divorced from that cheating bastard. Now a beast held her captive. What has she gotten herself into?.