
Love Reincarnated Moth

As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, love and deception collide in a dramatic tale of ambition and heart. Haram, an orphan with a tragic past, moves to the city and becomes the secretary to Leo, a reclusive billionaire heir. Despite his aloofness, Leo finds solace in anonymous online conversations with a mysterious girl, their bond deepening with plans to meet. Just as Haram and Leo start to navigate their complex feelings, a shocking twist threatens to unravel everything. An ex-girlfriend appears, bringing chaos and secrets that could destroy Leo's family and their fragile bond. Will Haram and Leo's love survive the storm, or will the weight of deceit tear them apart? Discover the gripping saga of "Love Postcard," where passion, power, and destiny collide in a tale of suspense and heartfelt discovery.

HannahWrites · Urban
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24 Chs

The Ex-Girlfriend's Return

The crisp autumn air swirled fallen leaves around Leo's feet as he strolled through the manicured gardens of the Vanderbilt estate. Lost in thought, he replayed the events of the past few weeks in his mind. Haram and he had managed to navigate the minefield of Olivia's suspicions, deflecting her questions with practiced ease. Their online connection, a secret solace they continued to nurture on Love Postcard, provided a safe haven amidst the complexities of their real lives.

He stopped by the koi pond, the sound of the trickling water a soothing melody. A gentle touch on his arm startled him. He turned to find Mrs. Vanderbilt, her face etched with concern.

"Leo, darling," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "There's someone here to see you."

Leo's brow furrowed. Who could it be at this unexpected hour? He followed his mother into the grand foyer, a sense of unease settling in his stomach. His apprehension morphed into shock as his eyes landed on the woman standing there, her expression a mix of anger and desperation.

"Kim?" he stammered, disbelief coloring his voice.

Kim, his ex-girlfriend from college, stood before him, a far cry from the carefree girl he once knew. Stress lines marveled her once-youthful face, and her eyes held a glint of accusation. Yet, it was the small hand clutching hers that truly stole his breath away.

A little girl, no more than four years old, peered out from behind Kim's legs, her large, innocent eyes filled with curiosity.

"Leo," Kim said, her voice tight with emotion, "I need to talk to you. This is Amelia… our daughter."

The world seemed to tilt on its axis. Leo's mind reeled, his carefully constructed facade crumbling around him. A child? His? The possibility had never crossed his mind. He had always been careful, and Kim had never mentioned anything.

His gaze darted between Kim and the child, his heart pounding in his chest. A thousand questions swirled within him, threatening to overwhelm him. Haram, his secret solace, his… wife, suddenly felt like a world away.

"What… what are you talking about?" he managed to force out, his voice strained.

Kim took a deep breath, her voice thick with emotion. "We met up a few years ago, Leo. Remember that trip to Paris you took before starting business school? We… we had a night together. And then…" she trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes. "I found out I was pregnant."

Leo's mind raced back to that fateful night in Paris, a moment of reckless abandon that now threatened to shatter everything he had built. He had been young, consumed by his studies and the pressure of living up to the Vanderbilt name. He hadn't seen Kim since, and guilt gnawed at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"I… I tried," Kim confessed, wiping away a stray tear. "But you were already busy with your family business. And by the time I was ready to contact you, you had already… announced your engagement."

The weight of his lie settled on Leo like a leaden cloak. His marriage to Haram, a charade orchestrated to appease his father, now felt like a betrayal on multiple levels. He stole a glance towards his mother, her eyes filled with shock and disappointment.

The little girl, sensing the tension in the room, tugged on Kim's hand. "Mommy," she whimpered, "who's that man?"

Kim knelt down, gently explaining to Amelia that the man was her father. The child's innocent eyes met Leo's, and a flicker of recognition sparked within him. A connection he couldn't quite explain. Fear, guilt, and a strange sense of paternal protectiveness warred within him.

"Leo," Kim pressed, her voice regaining its strength, "I need your help. I can't raise Amelia alone anymore. Her father… he passed away recently. She needs a father figure in her life."

Haram's face flashed in his mind. The woman who had become his confidante, his partner in this convoluted charade. The thought of bringing Amelia into their already fragile situation filled him with dread. Yet, the sight of the little girl, so vulnerable and innocent, tugged at his heartstrings.

"I… I need time to process this," he stammered, his voice laden with despair. "This is a lot to take in."

Kim nodded, her eyes filled with a flicker of understanding. "Of course, Leo," she conceded. "Just… please, consider Amelia. She needs her father."

Leo, overwhelmed by the sudden revelation and the weight of responsibility thrust upon him, could only manage a silent nod. Kim, with a final, lingering glance at him, turned and walked away, leading the bewildered Amelia out of the grand foyer.

Mrs. Vanderbilt, her initial shock giving way to a steely resolve, approached Leo. "Well, son," she stated, her voice laced with disappointment, "it seems you have a lot of explaining to do."

Leo sank into a nearby armchair, his head in his hands. The carefully constructed world he had built was crumbling around him. The secret he had kept from Haram, the charade of their marriage, now seemed insignificant compared to the bombshell Kim had dropped. He had a daughter. A child he never knew existed, a child who now needed him.

The news spread like wildfire through the Vanderbilt household. Olivia, ever the gossip, reveled in the drama, relishing the opportunity to see her perfect brother brought low. Haram, informed by a concerned housekeeper, felt a wave of nausea wash over her. The secret she had shared with Leo online, the connection they had nurtured, suddenly felt fragile and meaningless.

Leo, isolated in his study, wrestled with a maelstrom of emotions. He desperately needed to talk to Haram, to confide in her about the revelation and seek her support. But the fear of her reaction, of shattering the fragile trust they had built, held him back.

He picked up his laptop, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. Should he message Sunshine on Love Postcard? Yet, the words wouldn't come. The online persona, once a source of solace, now felt inadequate to express the depth of his turmoil.

Days turned into a blur of tense conversations with his parents, concerned inquiries from family friends, and a growing sense of desperation. Kim had reached out again, demanding a meeting to discuss Amelia's future. Leo, still reeling from the initial shock, felt paralyzed by indecision.

One evening, unable to bear the weight of his secret any longer, Leo sought out Haram. He found her in the library, nestled in a plush armchair, a book abandoned in her lap. Her face, etched with worry lines, brightened when she saw him.

"Leo," she said, her voice laced with concern. "What's wrong?"

He took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "Haram," he began, his voice strained, "I… I need to tell you something."

Haram put down her book, her gaze fixed on his face. A knot formed in her stomach as she sensed the seriousness in his voice. "What is it, Leo?"

He hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "I have a daughter. Her name is Amelia. She's four years old."

Haram's breath hitched. The revelation slammed into her like a physical blow, shattering the fragile normalcy they had begun to build. A child? His secret child? The weight of the revelation was compounded by the realization that he hadn't confided in her, not even online as Sunshine.

"A daughter?" she echoed, her voice barely a whisper, a wave of hurt washing over her. "You never mentioned her… not even on Love Postcard."

Leo's shoulders slumped. "I… I know. Haram, please, let me explain…"

He launched into a frantic explanation, detailing his encounter with Kim in Paris, his initial ignorance of Amelia's existence. He poured out his guilt, his confusion, and the growing sense of responsibility he felt towards his daughter.

Haram listened in stunned silence, her heart a tangled mess of emotions. The betrayal stung, even though she knew their marriage was a sham. Yet, the bigger issue was the child, this innocent being caught in the crossfire of their complicated lives.

"What about Kim?" Haram finally asked, her voice trembling slightly. "What does she want?"

"She wants me to be a part of Amelia's life," Leo confessed. "She needs a father figure."

Haram fell silent, processing the information. The revelation of his child forced them to confront the precariousness of their situation. Their marriage, a marriage of convenience, now felt even more like a house of cards.

Haram replied, "I don't think this is going to work Leo".