
Love Reincarnated Moth

As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, love and deception collide in a dramatic tale of ambition and heart. Haram, an orphan with a tragic past, moves to the city and becomes the secretary to Leo, a reclusive billionaire heir. Despite his aloofness, Leo finds solace in anonymous online conversations with a mysterious girl, their bond deepening with plans to meet. Just as Haram and Leo start to navigate their complex feelings, a shocking twist threatens to unravel everything. An ex-girlfriend appears, bringing chaos and secrets that could destroy Leo's family and their fragile bond. Will Haram and Leo's love survive the storm, or will the weight of deceit tear them apart? Discover the gripping saga of "Love Postcard," where passion, power, and destiny collide in a tale of suspense and heartfelt discovery.

HannahWrites · Urban
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24 Chs

Family's Damage Control

The opulent Vanderbilt mansion buzzed with a frenetic energy unlike anything it had ever seen before. Gone was the usual air of quiet luxury, replaced by the frantic scrambling of lawyers, publicists, and security personnel. The revelation of Leo's alleged daughter, Amelia, had ignited a media firestorm, threatening to consume the Vanderbilt family and their carefully constructed image.

At the center of the storm stood Mr. Vanderbilt, his once-impeccable composure cracking under the relentless pressure. News conferences were meticulously planned, denial statements drafted and redrafted to the point of near-sterility. He addressed the media with practiced charm, painting a picture of a loving family blindsided by these outlandish accusations.

"My son, Leo," he declared, his voice firm yet laced with a hint of paternal concern, "has assured me there is absolutely no truth to these claims. We are a close-knit family, and any suggestion otherwise is simply malicious gossip."

However, the public wasn't easily swayed. Kim's tearful interview on a national news program, where she recounted her brief relationship with Leo and the subsequent birth of Amelia, resonated with many viewers. Photos of a wide-eyed Amelia, clutching a teddy bear, tugged at heartstrings, casting a shadow of doubt over the Vanderbilt's carefully crafted narrative.

Meanwhile, within the mansion walls, a different drama unfolded. Mrs. Vanderbilt, her usually stoic demeanor shattered, grappled with a whirlwind of emotions. The shame of public scrutiny, the fear for Olivia's safety, and a flicker of doubt that gnawed at her concerning Leo's story – all swirled within her.

"Leo," she stated, her voice tight with repressed anger, during a tense family meeting, "we need a plan. Denials alone won't quell this media frenzy. We need to be proactive."

Leo, his face haggard from sleepless nights, ran a hand through his already disheveled hair. The guilt that had been a gnawing ache in his stomach now threatened to consume him. He longed to confide in his mother, to tell her the truth about Amelia, but the fear of further damaging the family name held him back.

"We've hired the best lawyers in the city," his father interjected, his voice laced with a steely resolve. "They'll handle any potential legal ramifications from this… woman."

"But what about the public?" Leo countered, his voice firm despite the turmoil within. "They need more than just legal jargon. We need to… acknowledge Amelia's existence, at least."

Mr. Vanderbilt scoffed. "Absolutely not! The very idea! This is a blatant attempt at extortion, nothing more. We will not give this woman any more power than she already has."

Haram, who had remained mostly silent until now, spoke up. "With all due respect, Mr. Vanderbilt," she began, her voice surprisingly calm, "ignoring the situation won't make it disappear. People want answers, and frankly, your blanket denials ring hollow."

A tense silence descended upon the room. Mr. Vanderbilt locked eyes with Haram, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. He had always seen her as a quiet, unassuming presence in his son's life. But now, she exuded a quiet strength that demanded attention.

"Perhaps Haram is right," Mrs. Vanderbilt finally conceded. "We need to formulate a response that addresses Amelia's existence without giving credence to this… woman's accusations."

A heated debate ensued, ideas tossed back and forth like a life raft in a stormy sea. A private DNA test? A public statement acknowledging Amelia but distancing Leo from any responsibility? Each option came with its own set of risks and potential pitfalls.

The damage control machine whirred back into action. The press release was disseminated, dissected by news outlets, and ultimately deemed an unsatisfying non-answer by the public. The media frenzy continued unabated, fueled by speculation and a growing mistrust towards the Vanderbilt family.

Amidst the chaos, Leo found solace in stolen moments with Haram. They retreated to their rooms, logging into Love Postcard as Sunshine and Night Owl.

Night Owl: Sunshine, this is a nightmare. My family… the media… it feels like everything is spinning out of control.

Sunshine: Night Owl, remember, we've faced challenges before. We'll get through this together.

Night Owl: But what if it tears us apart? What if my family can't accept you, especially now, with all this drama?

Sunshine: Night Owl, true love doesn't crumble in the face of adversity. If anything, this will only strengthen our bond. We just need to be honest with each other, with ourselves.

Haram's words resonated with Leo. Honesty. It was the one thing he had been lacking, not just with his family, but with her as well. He hadn't confided in her about Amelia, not fully. The fear of losing her, of shattering the fragile trust they had built, had kept him silent.

Night Owl: Sunshine, there's something else… something I haven't told you about Amelia.

He poured out his heart, confessing the details of his encounter with Kim in Paris, his initial ignorance of Amelia's existence. He spoke of his confusion, his guilt, and the growing sense of responsibility he felt towards his daughter.

Sunshine: (after a long pause) Night Owl, I understand why you didn't tell me. This is a lot to process. But thank you for trusting me now.

Night Owl: You're the only one I can trust, Sunshine. The only one who truly knows me.

Their online conversation, once a refuge from the complexities of their real lives, now felt intertwined with them.