

Well what should I take with me for my tour. Sania was lost in her dreams and suddenly found a shadow following her then sound of footsteps was coming, she was amazed and was in a deep shock. She was feared of getting attacked by a devil. Perhaps she never knew how dangerous it can be to see a horror movie at night. But now she knew it that the ghost which was in the movie is coming and going to eat her without even burping. She was muttering with herself that....OK fine calm down it's gonna do nothing with this that I have recently stolen some coins from our home temple for my piggu (piggy bank). Definitely god well help me and will not punish me for filling my piggu's stomach...oh come on my little piggu was hungry. Help me god help me I will definitely not stole food from kitchen and I will finish all my tiffin everyday and promise I will not make fun of our teachers in classroom...She was saying all this when she was under her bed and waiting for the ghost to come and eat her. As the footsteps were getting closer, she started reciting hymns. Then with frustration and fear she closed her eyes and requested god for help. Then a hand pulled her out of bed and Sania in response to this started kicking and punching. Every time when her hands and legs was in air finding the ghost she started believing that she can win this fight. Suddenly a sound came Sanu what happened to you? Have you lost your mind? It's me dear, Vasu your childhood one and only friend and your cousin sister. Sania opened her eyes and stared at Vasu and felt relaxed.

Sania said ok let's pack all our stuffs together but in response Vasu was still wondering about why she wanted to beat her, is it possible that she has come to know about her snacks packet which I recently finished while watching T.V. Vasu was in confusion while Sania packed all the stuff they well require on their trip. OK Vasu I know you are lazy bug come on now let's take a good night sleep tomorrow is a very busy day.

That whole night Sania was unable to sleep and was very excited for her tour but was a bit disturbed about the dreams which was coming to her from last few years even she was unable to decode them and even that handsome which she usually saw in her dreams who was he? That night she was in her deep thoughts and even she didn't knew when she fall asleep.

Somebody save me please, I don't know how to swim, I don't want to die please is there anyone please save me. I am losing my senses.... Now, I feel I am rescued by someone and I am feeling that someone has strongly held me in his arms whose this...He is the same guys that I usually saw in my dreams. But this time I want to see his face at any cost from last few years he always saved me in my dreams but I never come to know who is he? This time I want to see his face. Why he is wearing this black scarf. AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa OMG! god and with this Sania was out from her dream. Vasu handled her and gave her some water. Sania was in shock and said Vasu we really don't know what is real and what is paranoia. Then Vasu with a shock expression and some hesitation asked her that Sanu what happened? Did you saw a nightmare dear? What? What you mean by a nightmare I saw him again and this time I saw his face OMG! the ugliest creature ever made by god. After this they had there breakfast and went to the bus stop to take the tour bus.

While in the bus everyone was excited for their tour Sania was the only one who was in her deep thoughts about that who usually help her. She said but if he was having a fully masculine body like other handsome boys which can attract any girl then what happened to his face. I always expected that he will meet me soon in this real world and will surely marry me. But what kind of creature he is or this can be possible that he is a zombie. She was lost in her dreams about her hero.

Shellya with a smile came to Sania with juice in her one hand and within seconds her orange juice was adding a beauty charm on Sania's dress as the bus took a jerk. Sania suddenly came out of her dreams and Shellya said...OH so you are here on earth I thought lost in parallel universe.... hahahahah! with this everyone laughed and Sania shouted on her. This small fight ended when sir came and told all of them to keep calm and quiet.

The bus stopped near a small hotel which was on the main highway and that whole place was surrounded by dense trees. All of them one by one came down from the bus and started wandering here and there. Shellya and her mini girl gang was astonished by this hotel as she belonged to rich family she was not supposed to eat anything here according to her. Sania and Vasu was enjoying the scenery around that hotel but Vasu wanted to use the washroom so she told Sania to give her a company. Then they both went to the backyard of that hotel where the washrooms was placed . Sania was waiting for Vasu and suddenly a voice was coming from those trees as it was time of dusk so she can't see what was behind the trees. Suddenly a beautiful old lady was in front of Sania and hugged her tightly. Sania didn't knew her and thought that this lady might be her relative or any friend of her parents. So she decided to greet that old lady properly but before Sania can say a single word that lady gave a locket to Sania and said take this with you it will help you to bring your love to real life and it will save you from giant Kharol of that enchantress. Before Sania can react Vasu shouted and Sania just looked back and that lady vanished. Sania was astounded and with speed of light she reached to Vasu and saw that she was jumping all around as there was a cockroach. Sania giggled for a while and helped Vasu to come out of that washroom and at the same time sir blew a whistle as a come back signal for everyone. They all were back to journey again and enjoying but suddenly the bus started jerking and the environment around them suddenly seemed to be changing. It seemed like bus is moving with the speed of light and every thing around them which they can see from there window looks like getting colored into blue and suddenly black.





So my dear visitors follow me on Instagram on THE_SECRET_GIRL

Here I am writing a story on a simple girl named SANIA and a boy from parallel unviers. Will they fall in love with each other or Sania will get lost in time like the others. Let's find this together...........

The_Secret_Girlcreators' thoughts