
Love Reincarnated Moth

As secrets unravel and loyalties are tested, love and deception collide in a dramatic tale of ambition and heart. Haram, an orphan with a tragic past, moves to the city and becomes the secretary to Leo, a reclusive billionaire heir. Despite his aloofness, Leo finds solace in anonymous online conversations with a mysterious girl, their bond deepening with plans to meet. Just as Haram and Leo start to navigate their complex feelings, a shocking twist threatens to unravel everything. An ex-girlfriend appears, bringing chaos and secrets that could destroy Leo's family and their fragile bond. Will Haram and Leo's love survive the storm, or will the weight of deceit tear them apart? Discover the gripping saga of "Love Postcard," where passion, power, and destiny collide in a tale of suspense and heartfelt discovery.

HannahWrites · Urban
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24 Chs

The Marriage Begins

The grand Vanderbilt mansion, usually bustling with activity, felt oddly quiet as Leo and Haram exchanged a hesitant glance across the breakfast table. The weight of their newfound reality settled around them; the initial excitement of uncovering their online connection replaced by the daunting task of navigating their real-life marriage – a marriage that began anything but conventional.

Gone were the awkward rehearsals and forced smiles. Now, a comfortable silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the clinking of silverware. They were no longer actors playing a part; they were two individuals bound by an extraordinary secret, trying to decipher the path that lay ahead.

"So," Leo finally said, breaking the silence, "about living arrangements…"

Haram, startled from her thoughts, met his gaze. "Right," she agreed. "I suppose we should discuss that."

The Vanderbilt mansion, with its sprawling rooms and opulent furnishings, felt overwhelming. Haram yearned for a space that reflected her own personality, a sanctuary where she could shed the weight of their charade.

"There's a guest suite on the third floor," Leo offered, anticipating her concerns. "It's private, spacious enough…" his voice trailed off, unsure of her reaction.

Haram considered the offer. Maintaining a physical distance seemed prudent, a way to preserve the boundaries of their unconventional marriage. Yet, the prospect of living in a separate wing of the mansion felt strangely isolating.

"Perhaps…" she began, a hesitant smile playing on her lips, "we could start with the guest suite. But…" she added, her voice gaining confidence, "maybe we could redecorate it a bit, make it feel more… mine?"

Leo's eyes widened in surprise, then a smile mirrored hers. "Absolutely," he agreed readily. "The entire house is yours, Haram. Or at least, the parts that aren't filled with antique furniture."

The morning unfolded in a flurry of activity. They contacted interior designers, exchanged ideas for the guest suite, and even managed a lighthearted debate on the merits of modern art versus classic paintings. For the first time, a sense of camaraderie blossomed between them, a shared effort to establish a new normal.

As the days turned into weeks, a pattern settled into their lives. Haram balanced her gallery preparations with managing the household staff – a task that proved more daunting than she anticipated. Leo, freed from the constant scrutiny of his parents now that his "marriage" was settled, found himself gravitating towards Haram's company. They would share a quiet lunch in the library, discussing their respective days, the conversation flowing more easily than either of them had expected.

There were awkward moments, of course. Public appearances still felt forced, their practiced smiles and hand-holding eliciting raised eyebrows from social circles. During these outings, Haram ached with the need to confide in Leo about their online connection, to bridge the gap between reality and their digital personas. However, the fear of exposure, of jeopardizing the carefully constructed facade, kept her lips sealed.

One evening, as they sat in the library, a comfortable silence filling the room, Leo surprised Haram with a question. "Haram," he began, his voice hesitant, "would you… would you like to see my room?"

Haram's brow furrowed in surprise. The notion of entering his private space felt strangely intimate. "Your room?" she echoed, unsure of his intent.

Leo nodded, his cheeks flushed a faint pink. "The astronomy stuff," he explained, a flicker of vulnerability in his voice. "I thought… maybe you'd be interested."

Haram's heart skipped a beat. The astronomy texts she had mentioned in their online conversations. Could this be his way of acknowledging their shared past, a subtle test to see if she remembered?

A mischievous glint entered her eyes. "Lead the way, Mr. Vanderbilt," she declared, a playful smile gracing her lips.

Leo's room was a stark contrast to the rest of the mansion. Telescopes and star charts adorned the walls, a celestial globe sat prominently on a mahogany desk. Haram felt a warmth bloom in her chest, a silent confirmation of his online identity.

Pointing to a complex star chart on the wall, Leo spoke. "Remember when you told me about the constellations you could see from your childhood home?" His voice held a hint of hope.

Haram couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him. "Maybe," she said, feigning innocence. "But that was Sunshine. Did she ever tell you about the constellations?"

Leo's shoulders slumped momentarily, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He cleared his throat, a playful glint in his eyes. "Perhaps not," he admitted. "But Night Owl did mention a fascination with the Andromeda Galaxy."

Haram let out a laugh, the sound echoing through the quiet room. "Well, Mr. Night Owl," she countered, her voice laced with amusement, "the Andromeda Galaxy is that swirling mass of stars right there."

They spent the next hour lost in conversation, Leo explaining the intricacies of celestial navigation, Haram pointing out constellations she recognized from her childhood. As the night deepened, a comfortable silence settled between them, a shared passion for the vast unknown creating a powerful connection.

The next morning, Haram woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. Their conversation about astronomy had sparked an idea. She decided to visit Leo in his study, a determined glint in her eyes.

"Leo," she announced, her voice firm, "I have a proposal."

Leo looked up from his paperwork, a questioning look on his face. "A proposal?" he echoed, intrigued.

"Yes," Haram confirmed, her confidence growing. "About the guest suite… and our marriage."

Leo leaned back in his chair, bracing himself for the unknown. "Go on," he encouraged.

Haram took a deep breath. "Let's make this marriage work, Leo. Not just for appearances, but for ourselves." She paused, letting her words sink in. "We can explore this connection," she continued, her voice dropping to a whisper, "the one we shared online."

A flicker of surprise crossed Leo's face, followed by a slow smile. "Explore the connection, you say?" he repeated, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Haram met his gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yes," she declared, her voice steady. "Let's see where it takes us. But," she added, a playful glint in her eyes, "on one condition."

"A condition?" Leo raised an eyebrow, a playful smile mirroring hers.

"We keep the Love Postcard connection a secret, at least for now," Haram revealed, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Let's see if the real Leo Vanderbilt can live up to the expectations set by Night Owl."

Leo's smile widened, the challenge evident in his eyes. "Challenge accepted, Sunshine," he replied, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver down Haram's spine.

And thus began a new chapter in their unconventional marriage. They maintained the facade of a devoted couple for the outside world, all the while embarking on a secret exploration of their digital connection. They shared stories from their online personas, reliving conversations that had fostered a deep understanding. Haram learned about Leo's childhood dreams, his frustrations with the family business, his yearning for a life less ordinary. Leo, in turn, discovered Haram's artistic aspirations, her passion for social justice, her hidden sense of humor that shone through in her online messages.

Their days were filled with the practicalities of their marriage – managing the household, attending social events. But their evenings were spent in stolen moments, exploring the depths of their connection, both online and off. They exchanged messages on Love Postcard, keeping the platform as their secret haven. Night Owl and Sunshine, once anonymous confidantes, now held a new meaning, a reminder of the extraordinary way their lives had intertwined.

As weeks turned into months, a delicate dance unfolded between them. The line between reality and their online personas blurred. The playful banter and genuine affection they shared online began to seep into their daily interactions. A stolen glance across the breakfast table, a lingering touch during a dance at a social event – each subtle gesture spoke volumes, a secret language understood only by them.

One starlit night, standing on the balcony of the Vanderbilt mansion, Leo turned to Haram, his gaze filled with a mixture of hope and trepidation. "Haram," he began, his voice low, "there's something I need to tell you."

Haram met his gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. "What is it, Leo?"

He hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "I think I'm falling for you," he confessed, his voice barely a whisper. "And I can't help but wonder… is this real, or are we just playing a part?"

Haram reached out, her hand gently brushing against his. "Perhaps," she replied, a knowing smile playing on her lips, "it's a bit of both." She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "But hey, Night Owl, isn't that what makes it all the more exciting?"