
Love Past Time

What kind of employee gives her boss the third finger in the middle of a meeting and doesn’t get fired?  In her entire life, Oh Ji-Soo has never seen anyone more arrogant, mean, time conscious and narcissistic than Kim Ji-hun.  No one.  One moment he is cursing her; “Do it again, dimwit! You have 10 minutes!” and another moment he is tearing up the design draft she brought to him.  Having had enough of his antics, Ji-Soo concluded that she would rather become unemployed than have her mental state tortured over again.  But when her boss comes for her, she forces a contract that would keep him in check, which ended up exposing the secret he had hidden for years.  Now that his secret was out, he could blatantly tell her with a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, “I gave you a chance to run from me, but now, that grace has expired.”  Left with that realization and a beguiling goody-two-shoes woman lurking around the corner, what choice would Ji-Soo make? Would she take a step back or get on the ferry wheel of romance with her boss?

Paschalinelily · Urban
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224 Chs

Dinner with the Jang's

"Ma-Ri!" Rising to her feet with equal excitement on her face, Kim Chae-Yeon wrapped her arms around her to return the gesture.

Watching the two women hug, Vice-president Jang went to take a seat across from the spot Kim Chae-Yeon was sitting.

Releasing Kim Chae-Yeon from the hug, Jang Ma-Ri in her black and silver dress held her hand and acted cutely.

"Aunty, I missed you so much."

"Hahaha… this child." Kim Chae-Yeon giggled while stealing a glance at Jang Deok-Hwa. She seemed to be fond of her ways.

"Ma-Ri, let your Aunty Chae-Yeon rest a bit." Vice-president Jang said with a small smile from his seat.

It was his daughter's way to act that way and given the fact that she hadn't seen Kim Chae-Yeon for a long time, she was bound to display such affection.

Heeding her father's instruction, Jang Ma-Ri pouted her lips before going to sit next to her father.