
Chapter 7

Surprise!!!!!! Surprise!!!!!! Surprise!!!!!!!

Talk about being proactive!

It was Saturday morning; David showed up at Primrose's house bright and early; and began tooting his horn... is car horn that is!

Anxious and excited to see him as usual, Primrose raced to the front door of her house to greet him!

She was so overjoyed to see him since she hadn't seen him in quite a few days!

It was from the time since he had given her a lecture about not being afraid or ashamed of pleasuring herself when she felt like it; and since he hand no intention of going all the way with her sexually until he had placed a ring on her finger! That had been the last time she had hear from him!

However, without any display of any conflict or disagreement between them; David greeted her warmly and sincerely as usual... arms outstretched to bring her to his comfy chest as he kissed her over and over again; like the beak of a starving bird pecking away on sweet nectars from blossoms of newly budding flowers!

Sometimes after, David invited Primrose to come inside his car and be seated beside him!

And when she had done just that, David reached over to the back seat of his car and brought forward a paper bag with some form of content in it!

He then proceeded to open it and take out a small box; and inside of the small box was a tube!

And then and there, David inquired...

"Honey, do you know what this is?"

Eyes popping and dancing around in wonderment; Primrose shook her head to indicate no, even though; she had seen the word lubricant written on the tube!

She was pretty unsure of what exactly the purposes of lubricants were for, at the time!

With eyes popping and a look of concern and wonderment on her face, Primrose intervened asking...

"What is this for?"

David immediately took off the cover of the tube and pierced the white tube open with it!

When he removed the cover form where it had been pierced, a crystal clear fluid flowed from the tube container that looked like a tooth-paste tube!

With the crystal clear substance still on his pointed finger; David, gently and sweetly went on explaining to Primrose as he expressed...

"Honey, this is what you are supposed to place on the tip of your clitoris as you massage it until your body react with a jolt and your swollen clitoris becomes soft, tender, wet and reject your touch towards it!"

"And it would be very favorable if you think about me while you are doing so and call out my name in the process!" David continued smilingly.

Feeling excited about his explanation and her shyness towards his response; David leaned over towards Primrose and began kissing her sweetly, softly and sensually on her lips as he expressed to her how much he adored her and wanted her as his wife!

Primrose was now uncertain, if she should take the sexually aided product from him or if she should reject it totally!

Realizing that if she took it from him she was indirectly telling him that she was going to use it!

Seeing the hesitant look on Primrose's face; David reached to the back of the car seat again and brought forth another product in a tube-like container!

He then expressed to her that such was a spermicidal and that he had bought it for himself; so whenever they had tied the knot, he could use it as a pregnancy preventative measure until she was ready to conceive a child!

David's proactive actions in obtaining products to aid her sexually and also to prevent unwanted pregnancy; had now left Primrose, falling in love with him even more!

Undeniably Primrose began day dreaming about her and David walking down the aisle together and about him being her husband, about him making love to her repeatedly, about him being the father of her children and about them sharing a lovely crib in the hills together!

She was so engulf in her day-dreaming about what their future would be like, once they had jumped the broom and moved in together; that she hadn't heard a single word David had said to her!

Her body was right before him, but her mind had gone into another dimension!

A dimension of her being a wife, taking care of her husband's little boy and possible raising his innate seeds; and how gorgeous they were going to be!

But after David had pinched her lips with his teeth, she then realized that he was suggesting for them to go out of town for the weekend!

Since it was another one of Primrose's weekend off from work, she told him she would think about it!

She loved going on these trips with him exploring the country sides together, visiting waterfalls, viewing exotic gardens and wildlife at various places in the country while stopping along the way, eating and chit-chatting with all sorts of persons they would come in contact with!

But, they wouldn't go any further than that!

Sometimes after he would passionately kissed his princess on the corner of her lips, as he often times would, causing her to become sexually stimulated by his constant touching and provoking her to be in a mood of making out with him; he however wouldn't allow for them to go any further in a sexual manner with him un less their union were bless by both god and man!

Just being in some place romantic with David would most times cause Primrose to get aroused which often times she feared continuing with him like this until they had tied the knot and spread the matrimonial bed!

Needless to say, when the weekend came around she agreed going an adventurous ride with David to the west coast for two nights and one day!

Analyzing the whole situation of the trip, Primrose wondered if David was that disciplined that they could share a hotel room together and he wouldn't want to get it on with her... didn't end up in the sack together!

How could he possible want for him to share a hotel-room together with her, a bed together with her, bathe in the same shower together with her; and yet still, they couldn't share their bodies... their sexuality?

Nervously, Primrose pondered the whole situation in her mind; hoping that there must be a reasonable solution to what they were experiencing!

Was David going to hang out in the hotel lobby or the restaurant or wherever they had gotten to stay, while she slept?

That could never be comfortable for him, she thought!

Primrose was very clueless about the arrangements they were going to be making once they had arrived at the hotel!

David had already packed his travelling bag and decided to stay at his home and rest until he knew Primrose was about to leave off from work that Friday night.

His plans were, once Primrose was done working for the night, he would go by her work place and pick her up from there; and then bring her by her house!

There she could gather-up whatever she needed to carry along with her on the trip and then they would hit the road from there!

They would sojourn to the West Coast where they had planned on spending their weekend together!

Bags in hand, Primrose elatedly jumped into David's waiting car once more and now they were on their way... on their long journey way out of town to share memorable moments together!

It was while they were in the car heading out of town that David expressed to Primrose that he had not gotten a place for them to stay as yet; after calling quite a few places trying to make reservation for them to get rooms for the weekend!

However, he tried to convince her that he would find a suitable place for them to stay while they were on the West Coast for the weekend!

But Primrose wasn't that convince!

"And what if, every hotel and guest house is already booked?" Primrose inquired.

Jokingly David replied!

"Well, I guess; we might just have to bounce it inside the car for the night!"

"Are you crazy David? What if someone tried braking into your car and what about if we need to use the bathroom?" Primrose asked curiously!

With a smirk look still on his face, David replied!

"Well, I have my gun on me to defend us; if we really need to and if we need to use the bathroom then we might just have to do what the Hippy's do... go in the bushes and do our business there! And then, go get washed off in the sea!

A matter of fact, I believe I have toiletries in the trunk of the car!" David stated teasingly.

"David Munro, you are a smart man, an inventive man, and also a crazy man... in the bushes... really!"

Primrose commented childishly!

"Yes Princess, in the bushes... we have to do what we have to!

Don't we?

I prefer it done in the bushes than inside my car; don't you?" David questioned.

Imagining that he was right, Primrose instantly looked over at David and smiled; and she said not another word on the matter of where they should empty their bodies!

It was a very long ride to the West Coast... approximately ninety-nine miles from the Meadow Brook community in the city where Primrose was then living!

And around mid-way into the ride David stopped at one of the many street-side shops to buy themselves, something very filling to eat, before going any further on their journey!

Most importantly, David certainly needed the coffee to keep him awake; because he knew sooner or later, Primrose would be falling asleep and not being of any company to him; since she had been up on her feet all night at work!

And it would be only a matter of time for her to stop talking with him and go off into a deep sleep; leaving him with only the road and car radio as his company during their journey!

It was nice enough for the vendors who were trying to catch their early morning sales, to loan them their stools so they could sit on the side of the street, take in the fresh air, gobble-up their first meal of the day before heading any further on their trip!

Just after the two love birds had done having their breakfast they purchase some fruits and snacks for the rest of their journey so as to have something to brunch on along the way! And especially in those areas that were less populated or didn't have commercial activities taking place around them.

Moments later David and Primrose began thanking the street-side vendors for their hospitality; and then were back in the car heading off to their destination to the West Coast, as they expressed they hope seeing them on their way back from the West Coast!

It was now early dawn and the darkness was eventually vanishing away while the sun was dashing its rays of light here and there before its golden head burst forth and took over the entire country sides!

And Primrose couldn't do anything else, but to close her eyes and let nature takes it course!

She tried very hard to stay awake and chat with David; but within moments she was totally gone leaving David to bump and grind to the sound of the calypso music playing on the car radio and munch on whatever snacks they had in the car!

And as David drove through districts after districts, deserted areas after deserted areas, wide savannas and lush lengthy valleys sides, Primrose continued to sleep during the long drive to their vacation spot on the West Coast of the Island!

It was only after David had stopped by the sea shore to relief himself and had gotten caught up in conversing with the fishermen who were roasting fish by the road side that Primrose was awaken!

She had awoken to an empty car with the music blasting in her ear and David beside her! But looking ahead of her, she could see him chatting with some fishermen under the almond tree and some other persons who seemed to be on a voyage also!

Still seated in the car, Primrose could see David reaching into his pocket for his billford and extracting money from it!

He them paid the fishermen some money who had given him two items wrapped in foil papers and also two bottles with what looked like drinkables!

In a while, David was heading back to the car with a countenance of happiness on his face while rocking his hip to the music playing on his car radio; causing Primrose to giggle with laughter as he approached the car jamming, jamming!

Happy and singing, David opened the car door and sat on the car seat beside his lady friend!

Seeing Primrose awaken David gushed out...

"My Princess is awake!"

As he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek while he rested the item in the foil paper between the front seats of the car and then handed her one of the bottles containing some brownish looking fluid in it!

It was succulent, juicy steamed fish in the foil paper ready to be eaten and when Primrose had loosened up the foil all the aroma just engulf her nostrils and then the entire car; causing Primrose to give off an awe of excitement!

She was definitely ready to dig in... not that she was hungry; but it was looking so good and smelling just the same, that she couldn't resist from stuffing herself with culinary work of art!

However, she went for the drink first!

It was something she had never seen or had tasted before! It was nest-berry and ginger sweetened with dark sugar! And to her, it tasted way better than it looked!

With their appetites now satisfied, they were ready for the road again!

But, before leaving from that spot, David asked Primrose if she wanted to use the rest-room!

Or it was more like if she wanted to go in the bushes and pee!

And especially since most of the persons who had stopped in that same area were doing so anyway! She considered, if she really needed to go, she would take a chance and do it in the bushes!

However, Primrose declined, confessing she was okay for right now and didn't need to empty her body! After David had continued pressing her; not to be shy and go in the bushes to relief herself!

With that utterance, David backed his car from where it had been parked and set it on the main road; he then had his foot on the gas and went straight for the road!

There were no more stops for leisure!

The only other stop would be for scouting to find a place to stay for the two nights and one day they had intended on staying on the West Coast!

As the duo continued on their journey, Primrose felt elated and excited about taking the trip with David to the West Coast; because she was now learning something new about him that she hadn't scrutinized before and probable wouldn't if she hadn't taken this trip with him!

She had now learned that he was not only generous; but that he was very open and very down to earth and not afraid of touching on any topic regardless how of how disgusting they might be for some!

Topics that she would have considered to be too much information to discuss with anyone else but her mother and her doctor!

Now she wasn't feeling sleepy anymore!

She had her eyes wide opened and began sharing several jokes with David!

But in the back of her mind she was only thinking about where they were going to be sleeping for the night; and how could they be sleeping in the same bed-room without, not getting beyond the sheets?

And what if, wherever they had gotten to stay had only one bed-room for them to occupy?

What would happen then?

It was after taking three deep bends that David and Primrose entered into a resort area where a strip of hotels were lined out on display for all to see and choose from!

And there were also quite a few bed and breakfast facilities advertising for guests to take advantage of the services they had been offering during their stay on the Coast!

All of them seem to be carrying various eye catching names like: Dust Till Dawn, Sea Shore Courts, Eat Sleep & Stay... and that's only to name a few!

They were like an arcade lined out on the street giving bargains for those who had enough cash to get them through the doors!

And as David and Primrose stopped by one of them to inquire if they had any vacancy or if they could refer them to a place that had vacancy, was clean and renting for a reasonable price so they stay there for the weekend!

But disappointedly, they found out from every person they had asked that they were all full - all occupied with guest from out of town!

However, a worker from one of the hotels they had stopped had referred them to several other local hotels a few miles out of that vicinity where they had stopped!

But those hotels too, all seemed to be already booked!

It was more dogs than bones... but being persistent in finding a place to shower and rest their heads for the night, they continued searching until luck had mercy upon them and directed them to a place!

So they had found a place that was very clean, very reasonable for them to shelter during the duration of their time they had intended on spending down by the West Coast!

But, most importantly for them, the hotel facility had more than one rooms available!

So David and Primrose didn't have to stay in one room of the hotel and punished themselves of what nature had made clear to them already... the strong sexual desire they were feeling for each other!

It was: The Best Rest Hotel; which had accommodated the loving duo for their weekend stay on the West Coast!

And when David ordered two separate rooms at the hotel, the desk clerk was surprise and asked him; if he had children he was renting another room for, or if they had friends coming to join them there later on!

But David honestly replied,

"No, there is no one else coming to join us but I need for my Princess here to have a separate room while we are here... we aren't married yet!"

With those nice words proclaimed from David's proclaiming mouth, the desk clerk began looking at Primrose strangely!

Unable to detect what the desk clerk was thinking; David ignored her gaze upon his Princess, pulled her close-up to him and began kissing her passionately in front of the hotel personnel!

With a kiss like that; who could tell that David and Primrose haven't been sharing the same bed, pillow and sheets?

Within couple of minutes however, the paper work was done, and Primrose and David were handed their hotel room keys and had the number of their rooms reveal to them!

Conveniently though, their rooms were side by side to each other just as David had requested and Primrose had hoped!

Now they were anxious to enter their hotel rooms, shower and get themselves some decent rest... some place to stretch out their limbs, backs and roll around as they see fit!

First, David walked Primrose to her hotel room, helped her to get unpacked and then saw to it that the pipes were working as she got into the shower, while he place her soil clothing into a bag reserve for her laundry.

When he was done there, he then when to his hotel room and did the same!

Around an hour later David was back into Primrose's room to see how she was doing and if she had gotten settled in her room ok!

But Primrose wasn't expecting what was to take place next!

She knew David had made it clear to her that he wouldn't have any sex with her until he had placed a ring on her finger... but how did he define sex?

Was sex for him, only when the candle was being stuck in the center of the cupcake - the penis penetrated the female sex organs and expressed the function of athleticism for however long it might take?

Apparently so!!!!!

Because David did the unsuspected and unthinkable!

He had Primrose lying on her back and then he got her lotion from the dresser and began massaging her clitoris with it repeatedly... first it was with his finger and then it was with his lips! He was sucking on her clitoris like an infant on their mother's breast and he would let it go... he was moaning and groaning like he was experiencing the taste of some well spice cheese cake he hadn't had in a very long time! He was enticed by it and he was also enjoying every moment of this pleasurable coupling!

And the more David massage Primrose clitoris with his mouth it was the more she had become more aware of her body!

She was now calling out; David, David, repeatedly until her last cry was, David please stop, please stop! And then her body began jolting, as if she had been electrocuted with a dose of live wires!

But David wouldn't stop!

He was milking her like a cow and licking away at her masterpiece, like she was honey comb in his hands, and then, until, Primrose had begun screaming violently in the hotel room, as if someone had been attacking her viciously!

And when David had finally released his flushed pink lips from Primrose little boat; he got up from the position that he was in and held her closely and cradle her until she fell asleep in his arms!

David then returned to his hotel room and then went to sleep with the attracted scent of Primrose warm swollen clitoris on his lips!

Bright and early the following morning, David was knocking on Primrose hotel room door, and gentle he asked...

"Princess may I come in?"

Primrose opened the hotel door and let David inside.

And as David stepped through the door; he held her in his arms and began kissing her passionately, while asking if she had slept comfortable last night!

Admittedly, she told him how she had slept very well during the night... "Like a baby!" She had confessed. "Who had gotten a bath and just been breast fed!"

David then kindly expressed to her that he was very happy that she had slept very well, kissed her once more passionately and then brought her for breakfast!

Hand in hand they walked down the corridor of the hotel and then into the hotel dining area, where David as usual, acted like a perfect gentleman!

He pulled out the chair from under the table for Primrose to be seated on, and then he placed the napkin on her lap before taking his seat!

David then helped her decide on what she wanted to eat, and when their meals were placed in front of them, he began feeding her momentarily as he stared into her eyes and continue to express how much he loved her!

It was there at the breakfast table in the dining room that they had discussed; what they were going to be doing while they were there at the West Coast for the weekend!

First, they decided to go for a walk around the compound of the hotel and check out the various amenities that they had to offer to their guests!

From there, they could then head out to the beach where they could participate in the various water sport activities that they had going on there!

So after breakfast David and Primrose went walking around the facility hugging on each other... no one could tell that they hadn't tied the knot as yet unless they had reveal such to them!

They were all over each other like dark on chocolate!

With David being so very attentive to her; kissing her hands momentarily, stroking her back, stopping on the path-way every now and again, while looking in her eyes as he kissed her over and over again, expressing how much he would like to spend the rest of his life with her!

And after checking out the tennis court, the gulf area, the enormous fish-pond they had situated in the back of the hotel, David and Primrose decided to returned to their hotel rooms and fetched their swim ware and head for the beach; which was a little distance away from the hotel compound they were staying in!

And even though, the hotel was a little way form the beach, David and Primrose decided to walk it there thinking they could see the out-skirt of the community better and have their muscles stretched much better!

Once at the beach they began frolicking about in the water like little children, while giving off different gestures of competition of who can stay under the water longer than the other!

David would tell Primrose to go first, and while she was under the water he would count the seconds and the minutes she stayed under there!

And whenever she came up from under the water he would tell her the recorded time of how long, she had been under the water!

In return, she then would do the same thing to him!

Naturally, since David had many fitness training due to his job, he was able to hold his breath under the water much longer than Primrose could have done.

But him being so in love with her, he gave her the winning points and had her believing that she had really held her breath under the water much longer than he had done!

With the other visitors on the beach taking boat rides to go much further out into the ocean and others on water scooters going from one end of the beach to the next! According to where the designated areas were given for them to use the water bikes!

Primrose and David decided they wanted to try-out going on the boat rides and the water bikes also; thinking it might be a fun and romantic experience for the both of them! So soon after they were off the bikes they paid their fears and had gotten onto the boat!

They were the first ones on the boat this time around and they made sure, they had the best seats on the boat; so they could see the floor of the ocean better and away from the rear-end of the boat which was far more less dangerous if some calamity should ever happen!

It was totally surprising to them when they had gotten onto the boat, to find out that the bottom of the boat was insulated with glass so they could see the bottom of the ocean and its contents clearly!

Seeming magical to Primrose, she just couldn't help herself from gushing out with pure awe and excitement like a child expressing excitement in a candy store!

Now she was down on her knees in the boat with her hands to her face; trying to peep deeper into the ever so deep blue waters, where the floor of the ocean lies and naked eyes couldn't reach naturally from where she was situated anymore!

But she could only see where the lens of the bottom of the boat had permitted her to see, and every now and again Primrose would draw David's attention to come and witness whatever she was looking at, beyond the lens of the boat!

And just to appease her, David would get off from where he had been seated and began watching her; to witness whatever her eyes were beholding!

Needless to say, no one could tell, that he didn't care all that much about seeing the bottom of the ocean or watching schools of various fishes swimming back and forth into the waters of the ocean, or try to make their get-away from the vibration of the boat!

But he did it just for her!

It was his way of treating the overdose of love he had injected in his heart for her!

David only wanted her to be happy, show her a great time, introduce her to new adventurous experiences, take her away from her work for a while, away from the hustle and bustle of life in the city and the ways of life in general!

He only wanted to bless her with pure love, fun-filled romantic moments; and some of the pleasing pleasant pleasures of life!

Later on, David and Primrose was on the water bikes; something none of them had been on before!

Causing them both to take a good while before becoming acclimated to balancing themselves on the water transportation; since they had tumbled off the bikes several times before getting a grip of it!

But not before long, they had gotten the handle of the bikes, and began splashing and dashing between the rough waves; while they glide and held onto each other on the soft shimmering waves like they were doing a scene for an adventurous movie!

Indeed it was a romantic and blissful moment for the both of them!

And without any uncertainty, they were both enjoying every moment of it; that they had completely forgotten all about eating any lunch or anything else while they were at the beach!

It wasn't until the sun had shown itself to be that of an orange golden color and was slowly moving towards the horizon where the ocean and the sky seems to meet together; that David and Primrose had realized that it was now late and time to get off the beach!

Although it seemed to be getting much darker some persons were still liming and lingering under the heavy shrubs and large shady trees on the beach as if they had no intention of leaving the water front!

Water still dripping from their bodies as they kept trembling and shimmering from the evening air being upon their partially naked bodies continually!

David who had a much bigger beach towel than the one Primrose's had in her hand; grab it from his beach bag and threw it around her, as he kindly dabbed the water away to reduce the chill from the cold air upon her body!

Like a delicate tray of meal, David then lifted her up and brought her to one of the gigantic tree logs lying on the beach where he then he took his Princess towel, threw it over his shoulder to get rid of some of the water from his body!

And from his shoulders, the towel was now wrapped around his waist before taking his position in the bushes to get undress and put on something more appropriate for their walk back to the hotel!

Seconds later, they were on their way back to their hotel in damp salty clothing and sand filled foot-ware!

They needed to shower... to wash the salty water from their bodies and get dress in dry clothing!

But most importantly, they needed to get some food in their stomachs!

David and Primrose hadn't eaten all day!

Breakfast had been their only meal and now they were starving - they were famished!

Back on the premises of the hotel, David was ready to get wash and eat!

He wanted to eat something that was substantial... something that would hold him... he wanted a large meal; and he also wanted something to eat that was very pleasurable to his mind, body and soul!

Something that could have him staying for the fun and then licking his gum!

And after reaching their rooms, washing off the sand, salt and sea water from their bodies; Primrose and David went straight for the dinging-room in the hotel dining area!

They could have gone to check out one of the many restaurants in town; but it couldn't be for that night because they were really too tired from being on the ocean!

They had been bashed about by the waves of the ocean which had left the muscles of their bodies all worked-up, somewhat relaxed, and rejuvenated from tension!

All they needed now was some food in their bellies and their beds to rest their heads!

Entering through the entrance of the hotel dining area; David and Primrose were impressed to see how beautiful it was; all lit-up with red candle stands and red and white table cloth!

With silver ware placed in order at every table in the dining room while dinnerware and crystal glasses spread out just the same the room was set for noting but pure romance!

The entire atmosphere was absolutely magnificent... absolutely beautiful!

And David with Primrose by his side was very delighted and extremely impressed about the ambience that they had just walked into!

Anxiously they whispered to each other; if they had taken the same amount of time preparing the food like how they had taken care for the seated area of the dining room; then indeed, they would be up for enjoying a glorious meal there!

Trays of succulent bake chicken placed in front of them; with platters and bowls of mixed leafy vegetables, yellow rice mixed with a variety of grains and crystals jugs with natural fruit juices and champagne sodas in slender drinking ware!

The culinary work looked like it was presented for royalties and Primrose and David; appreciated every moment of it!

The sight of all that food presentation had certainly made their day!

Now the nibbling duo was ready to dig-in their fabulously looking evening meal!

Fearing the God's; David held onto Primrose hand and uttered a quick word of prayer over their meal! And seconds later, they were digging into the baked chicken, yellow rice and colorful salads with various grains placed in front of them!

Like a harbor sharks, they were reaching for the multi-color leafy vegetables set out on platters in front of them, so they could gobbling down natural fruit juice afterwards, then swallow down sodas to settle their stomach acids!

The new love birds were filled, but not fill enough!

Because when David had checked out the list placed on their table, with the many different dessert the hotel was serving for dinner; he called the waiter over right away!

And when David and Primrose had learnt that anyone of the dessert on that list would be on the house while they would have to pay for any other dessert on the menu list; they both opted for the free selection!

They both wished they had taken notice of the complimentary list before!

Without any question asked... they were both dessert happy!

They were indulging in their sweet treats with such passion and joy!

Almost at the end of their grub they called the waiter over to their table and complimented him on how excellent the meal had been; and that he should pass the word on to his boss for them!

As tired as they both were, there was no way they could have taken the load from off their feet and head into bed after finishing eating!

They both were too full in the gut!

So they both decided to slow dance some of the food away to a lower place in their tummies; before going to their rooms and heading for bed!

The Kenny Rogers, Sam Cook, Michael Bolton began playing and David, feeling romantic, held Primrose close into his arms and they both became as one as they swayed slowly back and forth to the music playing by the D-jay!

Strangely though, David immediately stopped dancing while the music was still playing and ushered the waiter to come over to where they were standing!

He then whispered something into the waiter's ear! But what David had said to him, Primrose was very clueless of!

She assumed, he was telling the waiter about the tip he had left at the table for him or some additional comment about the food they had eaten earlier on for dinner!

Oddly enough, the waiter began laughing, as if, whatever David had mentioned to him was very heart healthy hilarious!

David was sweet, soft, loving and a caring man!

Needless at say, David wasn't one big on the jokes... he was no comedy king, at least, as far as Primrose knew about him!

However, Primrose made nothing much of his conversation with the waiter!

Since she thought it to be just men talking about men stuff; if it hadn't been about the food or the tip he had left on the table for him!

Suddenly, David burst out that he wasn't ready for heading to his room for bed!

He wanted to spend some more time in the hotel and hang around for a while... listen to the music, watch the other guest dancing and mingling with each other for a while longer!

Knowing that she wouldn't agree; David surprisingly stated to Primrose that she could stay with him; but if she was feeling tremendously tired, she could go up to her room and rest and he will see her first thing in the morning before breakfast!

With fire in her eyes; Primrose told David absolutely not... they came to dinner together and so they should definitely leave together... it wouldn't look right for her to leave him in to hotel dining area and go to bed!

With such words uttered David kissed Primrose on the cheeks once again very passionately, expressing to her how much he loved her and how thoughtful she had been!

Not wanting for them to return to their rooms separately, but only together, even though; they were sleeping in separate hotel rooms!

But after David and the waiter had done talking, she had noticed from the corner of her eyes that the waiter had went straight to the kitchen and when he had returned from the kitchen; he went over to where the music had been playing!

Moments later, the waiter brought a large crystal bowl filled to the brim with ice-cream and various fruit delights spread over on the surface of it to the table where she and David were seated for dinner!

Still slow dancing on the dance floor, David held Primrose hand and walked her to her back to the table where they had their meals!

And there he pulled a chair from the table for her to be seated on!

Staring at the crystal bowl of ice-cream on the table Primrose asked...

"Who order this mouth-watering bowl of sweetness here?"

Since she had thought they had done eating for the night!

Eyes dancing like siren lights, looking at her smiling, David responded...

"I did; and I would like for you to share it with me!"

"But there is only one spoon set at the table!

We have to get the waiter to bring us another spoon for us to share this!" Primrose commented hesitantly.

"No, we don't need another spoon... we both can use the same spoon, my love!" David replied.

"Okay then, if you say so!" Primrose gushed out.

And spoon by spoon, David took his time and fed Primrose from the same bowl he was eating the ice-cream from!

And while he fed her, he encouraged her to take her time and consume the icecream; because it was very cold!

And the dessert being extremely cold; it could choke her to death right there on the romantic spot which was something he wouldn't like happening to her right now!

Considering his wisdom, Primrose took his advice and began consuming the icecream very slowly and with caution!

It was around the sixth or seven spoon of ice-cream that had gotten into Primrose's mouth, that she had felt something hard like a nut... or even harder than a nut in her mouth!

Causing her to exclaim...

"Oh, this is certainly something more than crunchy!"

And so she bit into it once, twice, and then the third time she had bitten into it - the so call nut; that she had come to realized that it wouldn't budge... it was very hard, too hard; as hard as a rock!

And now a hole was available, big enough for her to push the tip of her tongue into it!

Grabbing one of the napkins from the table in front of her, Primrose exclaimed with twisted tongue...

"This in no nut... this is... this is... David this is a ring!"

With eyes staring down, observing the shiny object she had spat out into the napkin; Primrose was looking completely puzzled!

Now her hands were stretching towards David's with the object on the white piece of paper, as she exclaimed out... "Look David, it is a ring!

Someone from the kitchen must have accidentally dropped it into bowl of icecream while they were preparing it! Probable we should call the waiter that served us and bring it to his attention!"

With only slight pleasantness on his face,

David quietly mentioned...

"Lets' see, what the inside of it says first, before we go running with it to any of them!"

David fired back.

"Rings like these usually contain a name scripted inside of it, stating some form of sentiments to it!" David continued.

Since, where they were seated around the table, was a bit darker than the rest of the dining room, David held Primrose hand and they both walked up to where the D-jay was playing the various musical selections because more light was being illuminated there!

There, David handed the ring to the musical selector for him to read whatever had been in scripted in the inner surface of the ring!

And side by side the both men - David and the music selector began to read out load what had been written in the inner surface of the beautiful piece of jewelry while Primrose stood by watching ever so attentively!

And listening with anticipation; of who in the crowd or from the inside of the kitchen would come forward and claim the very valuable looking piece of object!

Dazzling and glistening from their hands, David and the music promoter read out load over the microphone...

"To my beautiful Princess, will you please marry me; love always, David!"

At first, Primrose didn't realized what had just read out load... she was completely confused about what had been said!

Her baby brown eyes were glancing all around, dancing with great expectancy of someone coming forward while hoping, to see the excited owner of the valuable object coming forth from the crowd or from inside of the kitchen to be thankful, someone found their valuable possession and was willing to return it!

Nevertheless, the music player began repeating the words over the microphone several times:

"Princess... congrats to Princess... she has just been asked to spend the rest of her life with the man who loves and adore her... Mr. David Munro!

What a lucky lady!"

Now, the selector began dedicating song after song in honoring their celebration as he happily shouted out from his booth congratulatory sentiments repeatedly for them over the sound system!

With a glow stamped all over his face, David walked Primrose to the center of the dance floor, knelt down on his knee, place the ring on her finger while he asked her to marry him!

Smilingly, with eyes popping from their sockets like a wild scary kitten; Primrose accepted David's marital proposal as she threw her arms around him to happily seal the deal!

She absolutely said, "Yes!" to the ring!

While confirming their loving agreement and their intention of spending their lives together as one the both of them began kissing repeatedly and dancing to another love song from: Michael Bolton music selection; "Girl I want to be your soul provider" and "How can I live without you?"

Teasingly the selector began playing, Girl I said I love you but I lied from the same Michael Bolton album!

But Primrose ease away from David and laughing interjected...

"You couldn't be lying because I have the ring to prove it!"

As she dangled her left hand before his face while displaying the gorgeous ring sparkling shadows of lights throughout the entire dining room area!

Causing the other guests in the dining room to erupt with several applauses, as Primrose flashed the white gold ring with its very many intricate cuts of diamonds in front of David's face!

Just after the music selector had done playing the music Primrose and David were dancing to; some of the guests had left their seats to gaze upon the beautiful rock on her finger!

Some were excited to see the beautiful piece of jewelry on her finger even though they didn't know her as it had somehow quietly reminded them of their moment in time of being engaged or probable when they were tying the knot!

While some, from the look on their faces; were only hoping that this could be their moment!

However, others just looked at it without any enthusiasm and had given Primrose a smile and a hug as they went back to their seats or wherever they were before the music had stopped playing!

And then, there were some who held her hand and some her finger and stared at the ring as if they were viewing a dead body laid out in state for all to see!

Some of the strangers were viewing Primrose's engagement ring as if they had some metal detection beam in their minds-eye that could reveal to them where her engagement ring had come from, if it was a fake piece of jewelry, or, if it was genuine - the real McCoy!

And some of the hotel patrons just had Primrose finger twisting it and holding it up to the light; as if they thought it wasn't real as they try analyzing the naturalness of the master piece on her finger!

And proudly David stood by and watched everyone observing the genuine piece of rock he had lovingly place on his Princess wedding finger!

But now it was going too far with some of them! So David called his fianc閑 over by his side and embraced her passionately, while asking her, if she was ready to throw in the towels for the night and go to bed!

Even though, excited, Primrose also was severely tired from all the day's activities they had on the beach! So she told her husband to be, that she thought it best that they retired for bed now!

Shortly afterwards, David and Primrose were standing in the middle of the hotel dining-room like they were blue blooded - royalties waving good night to all the other guests who were there in the dining room having their evening meal or who were just there to take-in the music!

With some guests still yelling out loudly good-night and congrats repeatedly, along with other mannerly courtesies complimenting their engagement; soon afterwards the newly engaged couple hand in hand left the dining room and headed towards their rooms on the hotel compound; so they could get themselves rest-up for another day of fun in the sun!

But would an engagement ring change their sleeping arrangement?

Or, would David's philosophy which he swears by... not penetrating a woman before wedding her changed since he had place a gorgeous piece of bling-bling on the woman that he intended on marrying matrimonial finger?

He preciously adores her and there were no questions about that!

But could he only give himself to her partially?

Could David, really wait until a priest had blessed their union before making the big plunge... before letting her have all his manhood... before him actually having sex with her... penetrating her with his boneless stump?

Or, would he, like a ghost... give up the long waiting and go for the untied long anticipated plunge?