
Chapter 5

Returning home from the bank safely and back into her comfy little room; Primrose tried to relax for a while before fixing herself dinner!

But her mind was too crammed with all the plans she had on what to spend the money on!

She was thinking about investing in her education... about going back to school, about learning a skill that could sustain her throughout the years!

Dinner plate on her lap the phone wrong!

Primrose went to get it!

Surprisingly, it was David at the other end of the phone!

He was calling to see how his Princess was doing and also to inform her; that he was coming to take her to work later on that evening!

And as he enquired from Primrose if she wanted anything, she gushed out...

"Oh David... what else do you want to give me!"

"Haven't you given me enough already?"

"There is nothing too good for me that I wouldn't give to my Princess!" David replied.

With a long gush of sighing, Primrose told the man who saw to it that she was always provided for; she didn't need a thing else right now, before saying goodbye to him and replacing the phone on the receiver! She wanted to engage him in a conversation but she was too tired to do so right now!

The sun was in its setting stage, and Primrose began getting herself ready for work!

And soon after she was done getting ready, David showed up at the gate to Primrose's house and tooted his car horn so she could know that he was there waiting for her!

She knew right away that it was him when she had heard the horn tooting repeatedly!

So she gathered up her hand-bag, told everyone in the house-hold good-bye, rush through the door and into David's car; that already had the door open and waiting for her!

As soon as Primrose was seated inside the car David leaned over to tell her good-evening as he intimately kissed her before removing the vehicle from the spot where it was parked!

Just after pulling away from the spot where the car had been parked, Primrose began telling David about her mysterious day!

How she had to dressed-up in rags and made herself looked ruffled before going into the city; because she was terrified of anyone holding her up and robbing her of the lump-sum of cash he had given her!

And furthermore, how relief she had felt once she got the money deposited into her account and was out of bank!

Being very surprised to have learnt that his Princess was utterly terrified to go into the city and lodge the money he had given her; David told her the next time he had money for her, he would take her to the bank himself or asked his friend Fredrick, to take her there; so she could have her money lodged!

But by the time their conversation was ended they were already pulling up in the parking-lot of her work place and looking for a place to park so they wouldn't block any other traffic from coming onto the property!

And before Primrose stepped out of the car David gentle pulled her towards him and he began embracing her like there were no tomorrows and he then gentle began kissing her on the cheeks, before telling her to have a great night at work!

Primrose told him thanks and wished him the same even though, she was uncertain about where exactly he would be heading after dropping her off at work!

Stepping out of the car Primrose headed straight to the business office and sign in for work!

Moments later, she was counting out her float for the night which her supervisor had handed to her! And soon after that, she began taking orders as the patrons kept marching in the establishment one by one and two by two; and sometimes in greater numbers!

Some were ordering food; others were ordering alcoholic beverages while a few of them were being mean and just demanding non-alcoholic beverages, such as goat head soups and cigarettes from Primrose as she stood behind the counter!

For some, she would simple collect for their orders, write their tickets and send them to the counter to collect their purchases!

Except for those who only wanted to sit at the bar-counter and wallowing in their beers, wines and various shots of hard liquor, like vodka and gin; as they made themselves intoxicated and pour out all their concerns about work, their personal relationships, and even express about their financial status before heading home!

Although it was mid-week, it was indeed a very busy night at work for Primrose!

People were now coming from out of the wood-works flooding the establishment where she was working with their joy or their sorrow!

And long after closing hours; people were still coming in the joint and ordering whatever product the establishment was selling!

Even when David showed up to take Primrose home that night, a very massive crowd was still there and some were just driving through the gate looking for some place to park their vehicles!

But David was a considerate kind of man, so he got out of his car, went to the counter to let Primrose know that he would be in his car waiting for her!

So when she was through working, she should just tap on the window of his car to let him know that she was ready!

Something had to give... like a magnet stuck to metal no one wanted to leave the establishment that night!

Something was pulling people there and something was also keeping them there!

But the owner of the joint knew if he didn't make a stand and started ushering persons off the premises, he wouldn't have anyone showing up for work the following day!

Not because they didn't want to; but because they would be too tired, since their eyes had been opened for hours and they also had been on their feet for a very long time!

There were regulated hours for closing establishments like these were given a leniency most of the time!

So persons desperate for social activities would oftentimes want to hang around the business places until the early dawn hours... vaguely concerning themselves about the law or the toll it would be taking on the workers, if they have to be on their feet for at least ten hours!

With the proprietor taking a firm stand and telling the patrons that they had to start leaving now; because he didn't want any of the law enforcers approaching him about closing his business place at an inappropriate hour; and neither did he want to take advantage of their leniency!

Because one day, they might just show up at his premises accusing him of breaking the law; and then, he will be the only one in trouble!

So he was kindly asking them to leave the premises because he didn't want to be charged a fee for breaking the law.

Now, some of the patrons on the premises of the of the restaurant had begun entering their vehicles with bottles of beer, aluminum foils and paper-plates with food wrapped in it; and even the company's drinking-glasses!

And some of them were even asked to leave the drinking glasses on the counter, which they rudely ignored such request!

While some just stood on the spot and gobble-down whatever drinkable they had left in their glasses while some found a corner on the premises to rest their containers as they try finding their way to their vehicles!

However, some of the patrons were stubborn as a bull seeing red!

They had no intention of moving from where they were seated!

Some were thinking; because they were regulars there, that they were somehow entitled to sit there and ignored every request for them to leave the grounds of the establishment now!

Primrose had been hit on by patrons, on more than one occasion!

But this particular night this particular patron had gone too far!

He had been eyeing Primrose for most of the time since he had gotten there!

But she tried to ignore his advances!

And just as Primrose had checked off the stock for the night and handed her supervisor the night's sales; this patron came at Primrose in full force!

He began grabbing her on the ass and on the balloons resting on her chest - the breast!

While he also started stating offensive remarks of what he wanted to do with her in the early hours of morning and how much she would enjoy it!

Causing Primrose to fire-back at him with a fist fallowed by a slap in the face!

But she, fighting off the aggressive drunk, wouldn't be for long!

Because within minutes, David emerged from his car and jumped to defend his Princess!

Hands on his hip, David shouted...

"Back off!!!!!"

"If you touch her again I'll put a bullet in you!"

"Back-off I say, you damn crazy drunk!" Not believing David was serious, the deviant drunk made another attempt to attack Primrose, as slurps drained from his mouth and he belched out numerous profanities towards David!

Not joking, David pulled his pistol from his waist and pointed it towards Primrose assaulter!

Now, the deviant drunk was on his knees apologizing... begging David for mercy, for forgiveness, for stop pointing the gun up in his face!

A few more moments of...

"Man, I beg you... don't shoot me man!"

"Please don't shoot me!"

"A didn't mean anything by it!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha I just say she was nice... never want to disrespect you, sir!" The drunk pleaded.

Hearing the man pleading for his life; David put the gun away, told Primrose to get into his car and then angrily drove off, leaving all the spectators in a state of shock of what had just transpired!

While David drove on streets, lanes and avenues to get Primrose home, he told her; if she wanted to leave her job and stay home, she should; and he will take care of her - will support her!

Flattered by his generous offer, Primrose turned and looked at the man who had definitely made her feel special, made her feel like royalty; and told him she wasn't ready to take that step as yet!

Even though, she didn't have any specific reasons why she wasn't ready to give him that opportunity of caring for her!

But, David only reached over to Primrose, squeezed her hands, and told whenever she was ready to do so she must let him know; because he was able and willing to give her any and everything that she was in need of!

And from her heart, she promised him; that she would inform him, when she was ready to stop working!

For each moment that went by; Primrose was just so mesmerize by how much

David loved her!

She never in donkey years believed that she would ever find someone loving her like this!

Someone loving her with all her flaws... because money she certainly didn't have; education was far from her; only the basics she had obtained; and she didn't have all of that down pack either!

A beauty queen, that she wasn't either; the bodily flaws were surely on cloud nine!

They were surely right-on - definitely not hidden!

They were all highlighted for the world to see them!

Extended gut, creases between her legs like an immobilize baby, knees black like she was kneeling down on them from the beginning of eternity, hair stunted - lack growth and luster, blotchy skin, like the leaves of a star-light croton plant and feet flat-footed like a duck!

Needless to say, Primrose had a personality that covered all her dreadful imperfections - all her faults and unattractiveness!

And her personality characteristics were certainly design like that of a true blueblood - that of royalty!

Hence, David, the man who love her and cherished her couldn't resist calling her nothing else but princess... my princess, as he would often say to her!

Upon reaching Primrose's gate, David did the usual!

He walked her to the front-door of her house and saw to it that she had gone inside safely, before returning to his car and driving away!

And for weeks, David had been loyal and faithful to Primrose and her every needs!

What he didn't give to her physically, he would have given to her monetarily!

He continued taking her to work and bringing her back home on the nights that she was scheduled to work!

Except, for nights, when he had to fly out of the country dew to his work or the family business!

But away from that; he was faithful to her like Jesus on the cross, he was there for her in every possible way that he could!

Getting to know her likes and dislikes! What had brought her joy the most and make her smiled! What fashion she was drawn to and what she didn't find fanciful!

He even wanted to know when her monthly period came around and when sanitary products she liked using!

And during the time David had spent with her, there wasn't anything that he could find about Primrose that would declare to him; that she wasn't his Princess!