
Chapter 2

"Good morning, my lovely Princess!!! How are you this morning? Did you sleep well last night?"

David asked excitedly.

Still gorgy, Primrose replied.

"Good morning, David! Yes I slept well! I guess it must be the sea breeze that had me knock out like a baby!"

"Well I'm glad you have gotten some good rest! So what's your plan for the day?"

David inquired.

"I'm really not sure yet David! I might go down town, go to the market, or, I might just stay home and rest until I'm ready to leave for work!

Primrose replied.

"Well, whatever you decide to do, just remember that I'm thinking about you! And if you need anything; please call me and let me know, alright my Princess!" David expressed!

"Okay I will!"

Primrose replied.

"By the way, Princess, when is your birthday?"

David asked.

"To be honest with you David... I can never remember when my birthday comes around; can you believe that! Thankfully you ask me because it's two weeks from now! It's going to be on August the eleventh!" Primrose responded.

"Ha, it's just around the corner, well, I have to plan for you a birthday

celebration my dear!" David announced.

"Do you really want to do that for me?" Primrose asked sheepishly!

"My Princess, I'll do anything for you! Anything to make you happy... Once it's in my reach to do it... I'll do it for you!"

David responded with a tone of sincerity in his voice.

"Thank you for caring, thank you for being so nice to me!" Primrose uttered.

Not knowing if David was caught up in the heat of their conversation; but he uttered the unexpected... and utterances like these were very unnatural -abnormal to Primrose ears!

And with a loving tone and concern in his voice these words rolled off David's tongue like water on oil...

"Don't worry, my Princess! I am here for you... I love you with all my heart!" Primrose was taken aback by the words, I love you with all my heart, releasing from David's tongue!

Especially since no one else has ever express such to her in such a wholehearted manner!

This was not a situation she knew how to deal with; and so Primrose developed a sense of nervousness almost right away!

Like an elderly, she was very much set in her ways!

She had all her goals set down; and none of them included a man in them!

Primrose plans to buy a piece of land, build a structure on it and returned to school at a later date; and all of it she had construed in her mind; with her, and only her doing it by herself!

However, hearing David expressing his love for her; she was unsure of how to respond to his words of affection!

She just couldn't say back to him, I love you too!

It was way too early in the friendship for her to express such to him! And if she had to express such to anyone, she wanted it to come from a place of honesty - of genuineness!

And not because someone was lauding her with actions of affection, material possessions, financial blessings or sweet words lace with passion!

So Primrose honestly stated to David...

"Okay, I'm happy to hear that you love me!"

And with that said, she could hear David on the other end of the telephone sighing under his breath! He then asked...

"You don't love me?"

"I didn't say that David! But we have just met! It is just too early for me to express such to you! You certainly have been a wonderful man to me so far! But, I still believe we need to get to know each other some more before we begin dashing out words of affection that we may later regret!"

Primrose explained.

Amazingly however, David agreed with her! And then he express to her that no matter what, she was still his Princess!

And politely David said... "Good-bye my Princess!"

Primrose replied...

"Good-bye David!"

She placed the phone on the receiver and then went back to her bed-room!

It was now, almost time for Primrose to leave home for work so she began getting herself ready to leave the house for her job that very day!

Not long after picking up her working bag from the antique chair in her room going through the gates of her home!

Surprisingly, she saw a car looking like David's car parked-up across the street from where she was living! But, she was clueless, if it was his car parked up there!

After all, she hadn't made any note of his license plate number and of course, there were many persons with the same make and model vehicle like his!

With no particular mark on his car, she couldn't identify the car or she couldn't tell if he was the one parked across the street from her house!

Ignoring the car and walking briskly about her business to catch a taxi or a bus to work, David called out to her!

Not very sure if she was hearing right, Primrose decided to avoid looking back or responding to the caller!

However, the second call got her attention when David called out...

"Princess my love, I came by to give you a ride to work!"

When Primrose looked back and saw that it was David, she immediately turned around and walked over to where his car had been parked!

Not strange to his Mannerism, Primrose waited for him to open the car door for her and let her inside of his car!

And after dropping her off at work that evening David told her that she shouldn't worry catching a cab after leaving work that night; because he would be coming back to pick her up from work and take her home!

Faithful to his words, David was there as soon as the restaurant doors were closed, tooting his car horn to get her attention of where he was parked!

This time however, he didn't get out of his car and open the car door for her!

But he only tooted his car horn for her to know that he was parked beside the entrance of the property!

Opening the car door for her Primrose got inside the car! And once she was inside and seated properly David asked...

"How was your night my love?"

"It was great!"

Primrose replied.

"Everything went well... it was a smooth night!"

"No disgruntle customers not wanting to pay their bill!"

Primrose continued.

With that said, they both gushed out laughing at her comment, and the idea of such patrons entering the restaurant; eating and drinking and then refusing to pay their bill!

But, before heading off the main street that led to where Primrose house was located David ask her if she wanted to get something to eat before heading home... preferable some Kentucky fry chicken, before he dropped her off!

Thanking him very much for offering her the delightful treat, they continued on the main street and pulled up in the KFC parking lot few minutes later; where David got out of his car, went up to the counter of the fast food joint and order a bucket of fry chicken for her!

When David returned to the car Primrose shockingly asked...

"Is some of this chicken for you to take home?"

"No, I'll have a piece right now, but it is yours! You don't have to cook any food tomorrow! Just stay in bed and rest!" David replied.

And safely, David brought her home, walked her to her front door, hugged her passionately and then saw to it that she went inside her house alright!

And when she had gone inside the house and had closed the door behind her! David walked back to his car and then drove off just like he had done before!

But she suspiciously watched from her living room window, seeing that he left off from the spot safely which had now become a norm for her!

Primrose took a shower and went to bed that night; and didn't wake up until it was around mid-day when the sun was boiling hot!

And while she was still lying on her bed contemplating about what she was going to be doing for the rest of day before heading back to work that evening!

One of the occupants of the house came banging on her bed-room door, as if it there was something urgent taking place beyond her bed-room door that she needed to see or know about!

Upon opening the door to her bed-room, Primrose notice that most of the children residing at her house were standing at her door giggling!

It was the eldest of the three who had informed her that there were two men at the gate to see her!

Primrose became puzzled... she had no idea who they were and wondered who they could have been?

She was not expecting anyone; and neither had David called informing her that he was coming over to see her!

She thought, if it was him, he would have said something about him coming to see her on that day from the night before; and furthermore, that he would be bringing over company to see her!

Hastily, Primrose attire into something more appropriate for the outdoors and walked to the front door of the house!

Excited to see who they were who had come to see her, she swiftly swung the door open!

And when the door had extended to the outside of the house; Primrose saw that it was no other than David standing there, in front of her yard gate with another fine handsome looking fellow!

Covering up her smile with one hand and adjusting the top of her robe with the other, Primrose gushed out...

"David, what are you doing here?"

"I wasn't expecting you at all today!

This is a surprise for sure!"

"And is it a pleasant surprise, I hope?" Davis fired back!

"I would want to believe so!" Primrose responded.

While still smiling with one hand at her mouth and the other grasping her robe to cover up her naked body!

Nerves a bit settles now, David called his friend over to where he was standing!

Who at the time was leaning against his car, while he and Primrose air-out their actions of surprise to each other!

"This is my friend Fredrick! We have been best buddies for many years!"

Smiling, Primrose extended her hand to the stranger, shook his hand as she said... "Hello Fredrick, it so nice to meet you!"

Fredrick extended his hand and said...

"Same here Primrose, nice to meet you also!"

"I wanted you to meet him, just in case anything should happen to me! Or if, I have to go some place and I'm unable to tell you where I'm going before I leave; I will send you a message through him! If it's not by him, don't believe it!" David explained.

Now all three had begun laughing!

While Fredrick, the tall dark handsome stranger reiterated, as he stated...

"That's right; if it's not from me don't believe it!"

And like babies, they all began chuckling again!

Primrose was somewhat overwhelm of how the stranger was alluring her into his life! It all looked good and felt somewhat good also!

But was David going too fast for her?

At the time, Primrose was unaware of what his job was!

Or where he lived!

She hadn't even gotten his last name memorized but yet still he was showering her and anyone around her with gifts!

David had bought the children in the yard an assortment of candies when he and Fredrick came to see her that day!

Causing her room-mate to question why he had done so without even asking her if he could give it to them! Although to her, he seemed like a pretty decent enough guy!

However, David suggested to Primrose that he might come and get her for work later on that night; but, if she didn't see him show up ten minutes before her time to be at work, she should grab a taxi to bring her there!

With that arrangement out of the way, David, Fredrick and Primrose said their good-byes!

The two males then jumped into David's car and drove off while David kept on tooting his horn as he departed from off Glendale Avenue!

When evening was about to turn to blackdust, Primrose didn't see David coming but she knew exactly what to do! So she called up a taxi to take her to her job!

But as soon as the taxi arrived at her gate so did David's car!

Primrose grew a puzzled look on her face! She was now unsure of what vehicle to enter into!

By now the taxi driver was about to start up a raucous on the streets! As he voiced off a few expletives about him driving all the way over to Meadowbrook, and she knew, someone else was there giving her a ride to wherever she desire on going!

But David wouldn't let him go too far with his quarrelling ways!

He got out of his car, remove his bill-ford form his pocket and asked the taxi driver how much money he need for coming over there!

And when he had stated his price; David went into his bill-ford, took out the money and paid it to him!

Still looking angry, the cabby then drove off and was on his merry way to nab his next passenger!

Kindly and courteously David open passenger door of his car door, seeing to it that Primrose was suitable seated in the car before taking his position around the steering wheels and driving off!

Upon reaching their destination, David pulled Primrose towards him and kissed her on her cheek gentle, promising her that he would return to bring her home when her work-shift was done!

Never short on his promises, David arrived at Primrose work place right after her shift was ended, later on that night!

And since the security guard hadn't closed the entrance gate of the property as yet David decided to drive onto the premises so as soon as Primrose had open the door of the establishment and set her feet on the outside grounds of the property, his car was right there with the passenger door open to receive her in his vehicle!

Primrose hopped into David's car while saying hello to him; which he responded in like manner to her, at the same time grabbing her hand, placing it to his chest and began caressing it gentle!

Minutes later the car engine was revving and they were now driving through the entrance gate of the establishment of where she worked and then on their way to take her home!

With his car parked exactly in front of Primrose's gate; David held her in a very warm embrace, as if, he was giving a child a comfortable cuddle before tucking him or her into bed!

And when he was done hugging her, he exclaimed...

"By the way, I have something here for you, Princess!"

David then reached to the side of his car door compartment and brought up an everlasting stack of cash and handed it to her!

Primrose was shock at the amount of money David had just given to her!

It was indeed a huge pile!

And she wanted to know how much it was right away!

But David told her she could count it whenever she had gotten inside the house where it was much safer for her to do so!

The stack of cash placed neatly together like a deck of cards; so Primrose began frisking her thumb over it as if she was in a casinos playing for the big bucks as she try assuming what the amount might be!

With questioning looks on her face; David told her not to look so alarmed; because there was much more of that wherever that came from and that it was good money - not counterfeit!

Primrose couldn't help but to wonder where he had gotten such large sums of money from to give her!

And she still hadn't come up with the guts to ask him, where he was working and why he was being so attentive to her!

Why he had taken to her, when there are so many other pretty girls around that he could go out with?

She knew for sure, she wasn't the pretties crayon in the box!

And furthermore, most of her coloring was done outside the lines of her drawings - she wasn't one of the popular girls in town which great looking guys like David usually run after!

But before she could say anything else to David; he kissed her on the cheeks, and with his hands still holding her face, he softly said to her...

"It is all yours, to do whatever you want with it... Princess I love you and you deserve it!"

Princess was too surprise!

She couldn't do anything else, but to look him in the eyes and say thank you!

What else could she say?

After that thank you though, he escorted her to her front door, embraced her softly and watched her entered the house and closed the door behind her as usual!

And with a double tooting of his car horn, Primrose knew he had driven from off the spot where he had parked and was on his way out of her community and heading to wherever he called home!

Lights now turned on in her tiny room, Primrose took a deep breath, sat on the side of her bed and then began counting the money that David had given her!

Stunningly, when Primrose had done counting the money that David had so graciously blessed her with, it was way more than she had anticipated it would be!

She had clearly anticipated that it might have been around twenty-five thousand dollars, or so!

But, it was astonishingly more than that; the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars!

Now, she didn't know what to do with herself.... she was so elated and nervous at the same time!

She began pacing back and forth in her bed-room, in the way hours of the night!

She just couldn't contain her excitement!

She had never seen this much money before in her life; much-less, to touch so much dough with her hands!

It was like she had won the lottery!

Or had robbed the bank and had gotten away scotch free!

Because, even though, she was working in an industry where a lot of money changed hands, she had never handled so much money before!

On good nights at the establishment where she worked; like weekends, they would make around forty thousand dollars! And if it was a holiday night, they would make twice as much!

But this lump-sum right here; she had never seen before, never handle before, or never dreamed of handling before, all at once either!

Never touching all of this greasy gravy, this loot, this hard cold-cash at one time, was now making her nervous!

She kept on wondering if she was counting the money correctly; or if she was making mistakes!

Primrose then went back and sat on the side of her bed and recounted the whole money again, and again, and again!

She just wanted to make sure it was the right amount, just like she had counted before!

And sure enough... it was definitely two hundred and-fifty thousand dollars!

Primrose was wounded with amazement, astonishment and awe!

She was just too amazingly excited; she kept on wondering if she actually was going to sleep for the rest of night!

Nerves now a bit more subdued,

Primrose managed to drag herself to the shower!

And moments spent under the shower did made much difference to her, some of her excitement had now diminished! She was becoming better at being calm and collected!

However, still dumbstruck!

But still and all, when Primrose was out of the shower and had returned to her tiny bed-room she anxiously began looking to see if the money was still where she had left it!

And then, she began recounting it once more!

But it was still the same amount of money there as it was before!

Eyes now tired from being open for so long; were now ready to be closed!

But Primrose didn't know what to do with the money or her-self!

She thought about hiding it in her closet between all her garments!

Soon after, that idea vanished from her mind altogether!

Now, she thought it best, to hid the money in one of her shoes so no one would find it!

And then, something else came to mind; and she believed she should sleep with the large load of cash under her pillow!

Because, if it was ever to be missing from her room, she pondered repeatedly; then she would have to be awakened first, before anyone could seek off with her sizeable amount of dough that David had given her!

And so Primrose settled for sleeping with her two hundred and fifty thousand dollars under her pillows that night!

With under her pillows becoming the final hiding place for the bundle of dough to rest, Primrose, just like the snatch of cash, finally went to bed with the vast amount of cash under her head!

And every so often during the night, when she had awaken to use the rest room; Primrose would check the place where she had decided to snatch her cash just to see if it was still there!

Even though, there had been no history of anyone losing money in the house before or her house, or any of the houses in the community had never been rob! She was still nervous and suspicious that someone would rob her that night!

But, not ever having this amount of cash in her position before; Primrose couldn't help, but believe that somehow or someway, it would go missing from right under her nose; whether it was by a man or by a ghost!