
Chapter 13

It was a new day at the Munro's house!

David Munro had left his wife Primrose in the hospital with the intention of returning there the following day to bring her home!

He wanted her to come home to some place pleasant, free from dust and tidy - everything in its own place!

But first, he needed to get some food in that stomach of his before he started doing any house cleaning!

Whipping up something quick... couple eggs scrambled, few slices of toast and a cup of warm beverage; David then got down to business and began cleaning-up their surroundings!

It was way in the mid-night hours before he was done cleaning house giving it now an aromatic scent of lavender throughout the entire house!

Bright and early the following morning David got out of bed and began fixing his morning meal while he contemplated on what to get his wife to celebrate the occasion!

Flowers and lots of it would be the ideal gift to give her when she had returned home but there was no way he could greet her with any flowers!

Or else, that would just bring her right back to the hospital or even worst, to the morgue; since she was having terrible allergic reaction to every flower on the planet!

Excitedly, David decided to go for some sweets instead!

He bought his wife a large box of assorted chocolate and then he went jewelry shopping! He bought a gold bracelet with the words... "To the mother of my first child!" inscribe on the inside of it!

Bothe chocolate and bracelet packaged nicely in gift bag; David brought the items to his car and rested them on the seat of his car while he waited for the best time to start his journey to the hospital!

He didn't want to reach there too early or too late either! Since he didn't want to be in the way of any of the doctors!

Over an hour later, he was entering his wife hospital room with a big smile on his face!

But Primrose wasn't there!

The entire room was empty!

Pondering where to go and who to ask about where his wife was; he suddenly heard the flushing of the toilet in what seems like the bathroom!

Waiting moments to see who would exit from what he had perceived to be the bathroom; David stood outside of the room and leaned against the corridor rails until whoever was in the bathroom emerge from behind the doors!

And sure enough, it was Primrose who had exited the bath-room!

She was all dress and ready to go!

And before she could step inside the hospital room, David stepped inside the room and began embracing her with pure love as if he hadn't seen her for ages!

He had his large arms around her squeezing her with pure passion and throwing kissing on her cheeks like he was overjoyed to have seen her!

When he cease from embracing her, David happily open the bag and excitedly stated...

"My Princess, I have brought you a little gift! I know I couldn't bring you flowers so I brought you some sweets instead and something more precious!"

And after asking her if she liked it and with a nod given that she did! David then took the bracelet and placed it around her wrist and watched her twisted her wrist repeatedly as she admired the fine looking piece of jewelry her husband had just given her to celebrate the pregnancy of their first child!

Soon after the Munro's were walking down the hospital corridor heading for their car!

But Primrose had to make one more stop before they finally leave the hospital grounds!

She had been given a prescription slip from the doctors to be filled; so as to control any other allergic reactions she might encounter!

David accompanied her to the Pharmacy to have the prescription filled! He then paid for them before the two of them return to the car and headed straight for their home!

The front door opened by her husband; Primrose was surprise to see how immaculate the house was!

How clean and spick and spank the entire house was! Everything washed, folded and in its place!

Now Primrose was the one presenting David with compliments on the great job he had done in cleaning the house and placing everything around the house in order!

Primrose was the one who had always taken care of their house before David had started accusing her of cheating on him!

And she used to do a very good job at it too!

Sometimes causing David to bring her little treats to show her his appreciation for doing so!

But she had become totally lacking in doing any house-hold work after her husband had begun mistreating her and accusing her of sleeping with those in whom she had studied with!

Nevertheless, they were home now and everything seemed to be back to normal... which was especially nice for Primrose, who had taken a lot of unpleasant words and action from the man she fell in love with!

And for the rest of the day the couple talked about the new life they were expecting to come into their lives and that they would be utterly responsible for! All the supplies they were going to need for them; from diapers to soothers!

Where in there house they were going to be placing the crib and where they were going to keep the bassinet and everything else that a baby should need or a parent desire for their baby to have!

And the Munro's didn't leave off the topic of their baby until it was almost dinner time!

All of a sudden, David was Chef Boy Hardee!

He was now telling Primrose what to eat and what not to eat, like he had obtained some nutritional license and now a master in food management!

Still and all, she knew he was telling her the right thing, so she just nodded and came into full agreement to all that he was saying to her!

But, in the back of Primrose's mind, she was thinking of how badly David had treated her over the last two and a half years!

How dishonorable and disrespectful he had been to her! But she knew this wasn't the right time to bring up that topic and have that conversation!

Thankfully, David had never laid his hands on her so as to physically abuse her; then things might have been very different!

However, he had been rough with her... he had actually had his way with her in a sexual manner, and more than once!

For months at a time he had ignored her presences in their home and had shown her, a side of himself that was unpleasant to her!

Nevertheless, he was returning to his old self once more. To the person she thought and believed she had married to and wanted to spend the rest of her life with!

He was so generous to her now; that he wanted to fix dinner for her, gave her the permission to get off her feet and rest; which Primrose gladly did!

As Primrose lay on the bed in the cool of the evening hours, she wondered, if David was only acting nice because he had learnt, she was expecting a child... his child!

Would he return to his evil ways after the child has been born?

Would he be obsess with the child after its birth and ignored her; especially, if she had bring forth a boy?

Those concerns ponder through

Primrose's brain as she laid there in bed waiting for him to call her when he was done fixing dinner!

With those thoughts galloping through her mind like horses on race tracks; Primrose was anticipating to bring it to David's attention to drop her off by the college the next day! She needed to collect her degree and whatever other accolades she had received on her graduation day minus the flowers!

She was in fact feeling great - feeling more secure about her future! Feeling as if her feet were on steadier ground! And she knew now, that if David should every bail-out on her; that she would be in a better position than she was before in terms of caring for herself and also her child! If it should ever boil down to that!

Without any hesitation; David excitedly offered to collect the credentials for her, on his way to work the following morning!

Primrose insisted that she preferred for him to take her there since there were other affairs she needed to take care of on the college compound! Matters he was unable to attend to on her behalf.

Courteously, David expressed to his wife, if that's what she wanted, he would drop her off by the college and wait until she was done handling her affairs before bringing her back home!

Sweetly and calmly, Primrose told her husband that he didn't need to wait for her; but he could just drop her off by the college and she could easily catch a cab home whenever she was done attending to whatever affairs she needed to clearup on that day!

Unambiguously, David told her it was alright! He would drop her off by the college and she could grab a cab back home! And then moments later dinner was ready and the Munro's sat down to eat with David reaching for Primrose's hand and began saying grace over dinner!

At the dinner table the couple had a great civil conversation!

They were back on the topic of their unborn child and what they were going to name him or her!

They were discussing what doctors they thought would take care of her prenatal needs the best and how long she would be breast feeding her baby when he or she arrived on the scene!

Excited and off track... gone into another dimension, David had now jumped the gun and began talking about what school he thought would be best for his child to attend and how his child would be riding with him in the mornings so he could drop him or her off at school before heading to work!

But Primrose had to drag him back to reality and told him that such wouldn't take place until the next two and half to three years when the child was forming words and stable in their walking coordination!

And with such said, David chuckled with laughter and apologize to his wife for being so carried away with the operation of their unborn child and thanked her for bringing him back to reality!

Cautiously, Mrs. Munro brought up another topic that her husband wasn't particularly fund of hearing right now!

Sternly, Primrose expressed to him that once their child had started going to school she would like to go in search for a job!

And from the look on his face, she could tell that he wasn't at all pleased with her decision! His facial expression was once more like a grumpy old man! And it was clearly stating that he was in deep thoughts about what she had just said to him and how he should reply to her!

Close mouth and staring intensely at David; with piercing eyes; Primrose waited for him to respond... for him to say something! But he uttered not a single word back to her!

Now he began pushing his chair from beneath the dining table and brought his dinner plate to the kitchen sink!

And returning for the kitchen he asked Primrose if she was done eating! And she replied that she was!

So David took her empty plate with only scraps left on it and brought it to the kitchen sink where he washed all the dishes, put away whatever food was left over in the refrigerator and then held Primrose's hands, ease her from the dining chair and brought her to join him in the shower!

Not knowing what to expect; Primrose asked...

"David, what are you doing?"

"I'm only trying to have a wonderful and memorable evening with my Princess - with my baby mamma before she gets too big and start refusing me!" David responded smilingly.

With those words said, David began undressing his wife and escorted her under the shower where he started laddering her body with the soap which had a sweet aroma of pungent lavender and vanilla flavor it, only enhanced the mood for romance and frolicking!

There was nothing about the rest of the evening that was melancholy - sad or bitter! It was all chirpy and perky all the way to the bedroom for the Munro's! And there in the middle of the night David continued expressing his loving making skills like never before to the woman who he loves and now mother to his unborn child!

Hormones raging and flesh fully aroused; Primrose too was giving David apart of herself that she had never given him before! And she was enjoying every single moment of it, ever than before!

She had David thinking; if she was the same woman he had married to!

"Where did she get these bed-room skills from?"

He questioned himself.

And he assumed this is what a college education can do for someone!

Just after breakfast the following morning; David gave her more than enough funds to grab a taxi home, after she had done taking care of her affairs at the college!

The trimester was here - it was now three months into Primrose's pregnancy! And together, the Munro's were visiting their obstetrician for the first time to gain prenatal care and hear some good news on how well their unborn was doing!

Primrose belly bump was now showing and she and her husband were excited to hear the heart-beat of their first child!

After filling out whatever demographer forms needed to be filled out at the doctor's office and waiting for a little while; the Munro's name were called! It was their turn to go in and see the doctor!

The doctor gave order for Primrose to get undress and David nicely part-take in getting his wife undress and robed in the gown provided by the doctor's office!

Primrose was now lying on the examination table and soon after; the technician rolled in the huge ultra sound machine in the room ready to perform the ultrasound procedure!

In the meantime, David held his wife hand and comforted her during the process! He was stroking her hair, kissing her hands, rubbing her shoulders and her forehead; and other moment smiling down on her as she lay on the examination table!

Now the technician began the process of the ultra sound and so she began rubbing Primrose belly repeatedly as she stared on the monitor of the machine as if she was seeing a ghost!

Completing the ultrasound process the technician called in the doctor and handed him the pictures she had already taken of Primrose pregnancy!

And he too, was staring at the pictures as if he was looking at a ghost!

Right away, David began concerning himself with his unborn child's health!

He became extremely worried!

The expression on both medical professional faces was telling him that something was awfully wrong with their unborn child! But what it was, he couldn't tell! And he thought, the doctor wasn't quick to deliver that information for some good reason!

He knew; his unborn child couldn't be that ugly for them to be having a face of awe like they had just seen the mask of Freddy Krueger! Amazed! Surprised! Oh, what the hell is this!!!

Both he and his wife were relatively young; so they weren't worrying themselves too much with their child having Down syndrome; and if that was the case; they believed they could handle it; but how well, that's another story!

They had talked about it before and decided, if such was ever to happen, they would still bring their pregnancy to full term and raised that child the best way they knew how!

Needless to say, their obstetrician was a very experienced doctor! He had treated other expectant friends of theirs already; who had nothing ill to say about him; they trusted his word; so the Munro's decided on using him!

However, the doctor offered David a chair while he examined Primrose's belly! He then went on to ask her about her meal intake and if she was exercising on a daily basis, feeling any pain, and so on...

And if she wasn't involve in any exercising regime, he recommended that she should start since some exercise would be very beneficial for her pregnancy and when she was ready for labor; but not too much of it, though!

The doctor then gave her list of foods he thought beneficial for both her and the babies she was carrying!

Not long after those instructions; the doctor then handed David a booklet with various sexual position recommending that he tried them when having sex with his wife, because they would be more comfortable for her in the state that she was now in!

From there, he went on to inform him about spending time with his wife and enjoy all the sexual pleasure they could have now; because after the birth of their children there will not be too much time for them to do so!

Ignorant about what the doctor was talking about; David burst out excitedly stating...

"No doctor, we decided on waiting until around four years before having another one! We are very aware that one child can be very demanding on the body and also the purse too... and in my case, the wallet!"

It was then the doctor came up close to David patted him on the shoulder and showed him the picture taking from the ultrasound machine! And then began explaining to him that he was not only having a child; but he was having septuplets - his wife was carrying seven babies inside her womb and from what the ultra sound showed, they were all looking healthy - had regular heart beats!

But before the doctor could say they should come back in the next three weeks; David body was sprawled out on the floors... he was knocked out cold... he had just fainted from hearing the news that he was going to be a father of seven babies all at once!

Now, the doctor was calling his staff to bring him something to revive him! Ammonium carbonate to be exact!

Primrose called his name several times and shook him vigorously! But he still wouldn't budge!

It wasn't until the medical staff had brought in the ammonium carbonate and the doctor had placed it under his nostril that David had shown any sign of coming around to his normal self once more!

David sitting on the floor with his knees bent, the medical staff aided him to his feet and then had him lying on the table where Primrose just had her examination done; with the doctor checking his vital signs ever so often!

The medical staff was now bringing him ginger ale to drink and kept on asking him, how he was feeling!

But he was still too nervous... he knew there was no way h could drive home or function well at work with all this information stuck in the back of his brain!

So right then and there, he asked to borrow the phone from the doctor's office and called his good friend Fredrick, told him to catch a cab and come and pick him up at the doctor's office right away!

And he promised him that he would be there shortly!

David was obviously shaking and his thoughts went very deep... "Seven babies one time?"

"Why it couldn't be twins or triplets?" He asked himself.

But the doctor's office wasn't the place for him to discuss what was on his mind; so he waited patiently until his friend came and get them and brought them home!

Little over an hour Fredrick was in front of the doctor's office and when he opened the doors to the doctor's office; and saw his friend being stroked by his wife while wiping his face, as if, he was the one who was pregnant! He just couldn't help himself, but burst out in laughter!

He had never seen his friend like this before!

So unzipped!

So discombobulated - so at a loss!

Looking so nervous and filled with fright!

His beautiful tan looking skin was now looking rose pink like a wet flower bed!

Sweat was even dripping from his eyelids!

Regardless of his friend state of unstableness or shock; Fredrick jovially told him to snap out of it!

Snap-out of whatever he was feeling at the moment and man-up to being a father! Because he too had to deal with the reality of being a daddy!

But little did Fredrick know; that his friend was going to be the father of not one or two children; but he was going to be a papa of seven babies at the same time... seven of them were going to be born on the same day within minutes of each other!

In the car on their way home David kept on shaking his head! He wasn't ready for this kind of news to hit him! And reluctantly he mentioned out loud...

"I can't believe I'm going to be the father of seven children... the father of

septuplets in six month time!"

Fredrick, now hearing the news that his friend wife was carrying seven babies - seven babies her womb... astonishingly, he almost ran into the back of another vehicle!

He had to quickly jam his foot on the car breaks which had caused a screeching sound and had the car jerking back and forth repeatedly bringing the attention of the car to everyone who was close by! Everyone had stopped whatever they were doing and began looking!

Everyone thought, it was a sure accident that had taken place in the middle of the streets!

Nervously, David belched out...

"Just so I thought!"

Now Fredrick had stopped dead center in the middle of traffic and began staring at his friend seated in the back seat of the car, in amazement!

He was speechless... he didn't know exactly, what to say!

But, David cut his staring short, when he loudly stated to his friend...

"Man, get out of the middle of the road and mind you kill me and my babies before them born!"

"That's something I certainly wouldn't like to do or have on my conscience!" Fredrick fired back.

Pressing his foot on the gas pedal once more, he was now reacting to the heavy flow of traffic behind him whose drivers were honking their horns repeatedly at him! Telling him to get moving or get out of the way so they could go about their business!

But instead of getting angry or annoyed by the reaction of masses of impatient drivers behind!

Fredrick laughingly stuck his head out the car window and shouted repeatedly... "We are having some babies here... seven of them!"

"We are having septuplets!"

With such declaration, Fredrick had now set off a wild frenzy of both pedestrians and drivers in the middle of the streets!

Because now; he had people running up to the car peeping through the tinted windows to see if there was really the birth of the babies taking place in the back seat of the car... police and all, were slowing down their rides to assist in the miracle birth!

But later on Fredrick pointed his finger at

Primrose and shouted out once more... "She is having seven babies - she is pregnant with septuplets!"

Now some were walking away from the car with pure disappointment on their faces, especially, the school children!

While others were shouting out congrats and making wishes of potential boys or girls that would be coming on the scene before going about their business!

Satisfied now; with all the excitement and drama he had caused in the middle of the street; Fredrick began moving the car so everyone could be on their merry way once again!

Still petrified, David began laughing nervously while commenting that his babies weren't here as yet, and yet still, they were causing such a ruckus, rumble and rumpus on the streets of the city!

But instantly, Primrose sternly declared...

"I am not raising them up to be any fracas though; they are going to learn how to behave themselves and be well

mannered to others!" "Of course they will be!" David agreed laughingly.

However, Fredrick agreed with her on a more serious note!

And with the mention of Fredrick's siding with Primrose, the rest of the ride home was all about what type of up-bringing they all had when they were growing up!

What they could do and couldn't do; or what, they could say or couldn't say in front of their parent; because such was considered inappropriate around anyone who was much older than they were!

With further mention of what the outcome would be like if any youngster was heard using languages deemed inappropriate for their age... the whip or the belt would be doing some appropriate correction on their behinds for sure!

Still reminiscence about their youthful years, it was concluded, confirmed and confessed that David had the easiest and best life out of all three of them!

He had someone to take care of his clothing, chauffeur to drive him to and from school! And oftentimes, he would take trips with his family abroad or go on outings or places where some children had only red about in books!

Nevertheless, David knew the culture of most of his peers and his good friends!

The home life they had, which were very similar to that of his wife's own, and also, of his very good friend Fredrick's own as well!

Which in fact, was one of the reasons why they were both drawn together... they both had grown to be bosom buddies, side-kick, confidants!

It was mainly because David's home, was often time his shelter - his rescue place, from many of ass whopping!

However, they were now home and

Fredrick had carefully parked his friend's car under the mango tree in the front of the yard, hopped out of the car and handed David the keys to his car!

Teasingly, Fredrick ask his friends; if he should hang around for a family meeting since he was going to be God father, uncle and guardian of the seven babies when they arrive home!

But crabbily, David told him it was time for him to go!

He could use the bathroom if he needed to or get himself something to eat and then he should get stepping; because he needed some alone time now with his wife, so they can discuss the future of their unborn children!

"Well man, I'm not going to walk off this hill so please call a taxi for me; so I can leave you two, baby-making machine alone to discuss whatever you're going to do with all these spoil brats when they arrive on the scene!"

Fredrick mockingly uttered.

"You alone, having seven babies one time and some man can't even make one... not even an ugly one!"

"Ugly or not; they just can't shoot


"They might have to borrow you from your wife! Or if you ever get broke, then your wife can rent you out to make some babies for some men who just can't get it right or make the grade in that area!

Fredrick continued remarking tauntingly.

Cracking up with laughter, David entered the house and got on the phone to call a taxi for his buddy!

And while they waited for the taxi to arrive, Primrose fixed David and Fredrick something to eat as Fredrick continued to humor them with their pregnancy and the awesome miracle of them having septuplets... how they have now joined forces with the holy heavens! Because now; he would be having the seven candle sticks right inside of his house!

He was now trying to come up with every word that he could recall that carries the description of what the seven children would be like running around their house!

Just to make a point of all that the seven babies were going to be doing when they started moving around independently Fredrick began telling his friends they need to cover every electrical circuit around the house so the babies won't stick anything into them and get themselves electrocuted!

However, honestly but jokingly he went on yapping... "After these babies come, you both will be making a lot of trips cleaning them up and everything you buy or do will have to be done seven times!

And I sincerely hope, when they grew up, they will be sitting their tri-pose exams at

Cambridge - examination taken for honors, so I can have a reason to take a trip abroad and something to celebrate about in my old age! Seven babies... at least three of them have do something great in life... they all can't turn out to be crooks!"

And again, he had Primrose and David laughing!

Now David was feeling a bit better and began adding to his friend amusing comments!

As he stated,

"We all will be taking that trip when the time comes for them to graduate from college or university as we push our wheel chairs and walkers in the Air Port!"

Not long after their giggling and their rupture of laughter, the taxi driver pulled up at Munro's gate and began tooting his horn for his next passenger to hurry-up and come!

And gleefully yelling good-bye to his buddies, Fredrick got up and race to the gate to catch the cab before the driver became impatient and drove off leaving him without a ride!

With Fredrick gone, the Munro's could get down to serious business... talk about those little ones they had coming along the way!

Even though, Fredrick had taken away a tremendous amount of tension they were feeling; they were still anxious, nervous; and somewhat scared out of their wits about what they were going to do!

They had to start somewhere, so they began discussing about creating space in the home for their soon to come seven bundle of joy! If they should buy seven cribs for each infant, or, just buy two large mattresses, surround them with sponge and then place them on the floor; so whenever they started rolling around they wouldn't roll too far from the ground or get themselves hurt from doing so either!

Furthermore, they thought, they would be growing real fast... and within no time they would outgrow the cribs and normal beds would have to be bought for them anyways!

Plus, once they started moving around, they wouldn't be able to have eyes on them every minute of the day! So if they rolled off the mattresses, they wouldn't roll far from the ground; they thought!

Now the Munro's were contemplating on getting an assistant to help them care for the little ones when they came home! It would be impossible for them to make it without any hired help! So David thought about calling some agencies around town to get started on the interviewing process!

Again, the couple began discussing another baby topic and this time they were talking about going shopping!

David had now decided on taking two weeks off from work! He wanted to take a trip abroad... to Miami to be exact! So he could start doing some shopping for his unborn babies!

He thought it best, to go when the manager of the clothing store he owned, was going abroad to buy stock for the store! Since doing so would allow him to get better deals in the purchases for his newbies and his wife!

Nevertheless, David had told his wife that there was still some stuff that they could shop for locally! And how he wanted them both to go shopping for them when he had returned from abroad!

He certainly didn't want her feeling left out of the joy of shopping for her first set of children!

It was a very memorable time for both of them and he wanted her to enjoy every moment of it! Even though, it was also a quite scary moment for them, especially, for her! Since it was her first time having a child and not one child; but several of them all at once!

The Munro's had now concluded and confirmed all that they thought; they were going to need for their little buns baking in the oven!

And they realized that whatever else that they didn't have on their list would have to come from their doctor or from some other medical professional who deals with babies... they were all ready with their list... with a trailer load of diapers first on their agenda!

Soon after the Munro's were done chatting; David took out the sheet of paper the doctor had given him with the various sexual positions he and his wife could partake in during each trimester she was with child and he began to carefully observe each position as if they were a diagram!

Moments later the two of them began practicing their homework and completing every assignment with precision! From being on all fours to using their dresser for elevation and a humping table!

For the rest of the night it was pure balloons popping up in that house... it was pure slaps on the backsides... Pow!!! Pow!!! Pow!!!

"On your back now, baby!"

"Baby; turn on your side!"

"Sweetheart, turn this way!!"

"And, baby, turn that way!!!"

"Baby; ease up a little more, let me give it to you!!!!" Were their words of passion!

And it seems like it went on forever!!!

The Munro's were practicing as much as they could; doing every position they could physically manage to perform in the nude!

They knew; six months down the road, they might never get a chance to touch each other like the way they were doing now! Because they would be so engross - caught up in changing diapers and feeding babies... at least, if they wanted these newbies to be alive!

One thing, they did know for sure; was that they had time on their hands now to copulate as much as they wanted to!

And secondly, that they couldn't get anymore pregnant than they already were!

So why not, make the estrogen and the testosterone juices flow, squirt and drizzles from the ticklish places the almighty had created on their bodies! As their bloods became hot as cayenne pepper and their flesh become swollen and erected! Ready and waiting to be subdue by the pleasurable and gratifying caresses of hands that constantly go fidgeting for each other; and kisses and thrusting that only they could perform on each other and for each other which usually brings them to a place of love overdose and slumberous rest!!

It was indeed a dandy moment, a hunkdory moment of delicious, sensual and satisfying sexual enjoyment for the both of them! They enjoyed every minute that was available for them to do so!

Needless to say, David came back on track with buying her every gift that he thought was pleasing to her and would cause her eyes to dance with excitement!

Well, except for flowers!

He didn't want another episode of what had occurred on her graduation day to reoccurred!

And thankfully, none did!

She had no other episodes of any allergic reaction to anything else around the house or what David was buying for her during her pregnancy!

For the most part, she was very happy, glowing and quite dandy with the healthy growth of her septuplets inside of her!

However, David on the other hand was behaving like he was the carrying those babies - like he was the one pregnant!

He was always bringing up his food!

Complaining that his feet were swollen and hurting

Sometimes complaining about his back and belly aching him; except for when they were naked and getting it on in whatever style they would choose to!

And right through Primrose's pregnancy; David complained about feeling different and very strange in his body!

But it was only his friend Fredrick who could have put reasoning to the matter as he began ranting and out-rightly asked David...

"Man, why are you so selfish?"

"You really think that the Almighty would allow you to place seven babies in this woman and you go about your merryway, scotch-free!!!!

She must stretch out her body!

Grow stretch-marks all over her skin!

Turn around and go through a series of excruciating pain so as to make them tangible to you!

Then, she will have to put them on her milk jug and feed! Turn around again, and change them, whenever they crap in their pants; and on tap of all that, she will have to be running around the place with them playing monkey-bar, dolly-pot and Tom and Jerry sky-larking!

And I am not going to mention; when they wake her up at nights bawling over god-knows-what! And she will have to get-up from her sweet rest, just to play psychic with them!"

"You think God is a fool, to let her go through all that and you walk around like girls on a carnival float?"

"You are lucky that I'm not God! Or else, you would be growing some titties someplace on you, preferably your face, to help feed these seven babies you're bringing into my world to eat up all of my food!"

"David, I suggest you stop complaining because you are a lucky man... having seven babies one time!

Soon they will be tracking behind you like ducklings behind their mommy! "

Stitches were now in control of everyone!

None of them could contain their laughter!

Jokingly, David gave out...

"Well, I am certainly luck that you are not God because I wouldn't want to see myself with breasts fastened on to my face at all... up to the poor babies would be screaming, 'Bloody-Mary come and get me from this scare-crow'!"

And for the rest of the evening the Munro's and Fredrick spent their time yapping away and making fun of their pleasure and their pain!

The third trimester was now here and around mid-night Primrose nudge David and told him it was time... the time for her to start pushing out the seven lives dwelling within her; so they could greet the world where they could be handled and could be love!

With bags already pack, a dash to the hospital was very speedy!

At the hospital everyone knew who Primrose was... the lady carry seven babies within her, as she was oftentimes referred to, when she visited the hospital for check-ups!

Like bees around blooms, almost every medical staff was swarming around her!

The doctor specializing in this area - neonatal care physician was called! And like a bullets, he was there in minutes!

Decision was made for tommy to be cut so as to pull out those septuplets locked up in their mother's belly for nine months!

Prep and ready to go, the doctor began performing the cesarean section on his patient!

And one by one, he began pulling out babies and handing them to the nurses to be cleaned up, robed and place into colored coded bassinet so they could determine who was on the scene first; just in case their fleshly creator wanted to name them according to the order of birth!

With the seven infants out... the doctor made a second check to make sure no other infant was hiding inside of her before he began his suturing!

Frighteningly, he thought he saw one more!

But the nurse shouted...

"No doctor, they are all out!"

Four boys and three girls... pink in health!

They were release from the hospital after six days of observation!

It has been a bitter sweet moment for the Munro's but the sweetness was much more than the bitterness!

And with the sudden disappearance of David's aches and pain; and the everpresent hands of Fredrick among others; and the seven beautiful bundles of newbies; the Munro's roost, was truly a place overjoyed and overdose with nothing but pure love!!!