
Love Outside The Castle Walls

***Old Description will have an updated one in the future*** Finding of that one to be with her in this enormous castle so that way they can live their lives together but her parents are wanting her to marry someone she doesn't even know let alone not even love, as she is trying to find a way out of this nightmare she has been living in to meet this prince of hers who could be anywhere. She just has to escape this castle to find him, she just doesn't even know where to start to find him. Would this princess find her true love near or far? Or will she end up marrying a guy she doesn't even know?

LesbianJuliet88 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Midnight rolls around as Lucille and Michael sneak out as quietly as possible not to disturb the others so they can climb out the window meeting in the place they agreed. As they did each one of them grabbed each other's hand smiling and sneaking out behind the guards to keep from going back inside as Lucille knew for sure that her mother would rearrange her for sneaking out and more likely same for Michael's parents. They both were pretty accurate and got out quickly before anyone saw as they made it into the woods behind the castle to where it should locate them anywhere as Lucille and Michael went separate ways planned to meet up if they found someone or feel lost enough to avoid one another for ever as they wished in their thoughts. As Lucille wandered so far in the woods not sure where she would end up by daylight, keeping herself in distance from the castle to avoid the guards especially if they go looking for her and Michael with his long stride who knows where he'd be.

Mantis on the other hand had a sense someone or group of people were near him coming, not sure where they could be coming from as though it had him curious if their is a gorgeous lady out there he could fall for because Belinda just was so out of whack he wanted to punch the woman at times couldn't though then people would boil down who did it especially with evidence and he was going to tolerate such dreadful ignorance from whack jobs in society which is why he rather live in the woods with no such creeps in this messed up world. As he sensed the closer the person got cause he could hear the wood snap every time. So he decides to lay low in a bush until the wondrous person decides to show then he'd jump out and scare them away cause he is in no shape to deal with such massive headaches. He peeped through the bush seeing a young blonde lady in such a fragile figure he wasn't about to scare her any she seemed so innocent he didn't see any reason to bother her, Mantis rather watch her guide through the forest without trying to make it like a scene to such a beauty like her looking for something like she was lost.