
Chapter one: New Life and Divorce

King Jeff was walking back in forth in the hallway wondering if his wife Queen Liza was fine and going to make it to though birth giving to their triplets babies. He doesn't know the gender of the babies because it was his wife wish to be a surprise to find out the genders together.

It was hard for him not to rush into the labor room to hold his wife hand is aright and he couldn't go into the room of labor because he has no experience in such areas and he knows the best thing, he can do is wait outside and allow the professionals to do their job.

Queen Liza was sweating from head to toe on the bed and she was in pain every five seconds, she wanted the pain to go away fast but she need to stay patience. Liza was so happy that she was giving birth to triplets and she hopes the babies gender will be all girls so she can teach them how to fight and be protectors of the world, train them to be good princesses to keep their people safe from any harm.

She started to screaming in more pain and she wanted her husband to be in the room with her so he can tell her everything is alright and hold her dearly in his arms. The Doctor said, "Queen Liza one of your children is read to come out now and on three I need you push your hardest. Now one, two, three push Queen Liza."

She starts to screaming and was in so much pain and the doctor said, " I see a baby head Liza and I be here in few seconds keep pushing your Highness." After couple seconds the baby came out and the doctor said, "Liza your first born daughter as just arrived do you want to name the baby now or later?"

Liza wanted to name her first born but in the rules it says that "King must name the first born child". She said, " You can let her father name her first and I name the other children."

The head nurse nods and takes the baby to the father and said, " Your Highness your first born is a baby girl and your wife say that you can name her and she can name the other children."

King Jeff was not happy that he had a first born as a daughter and he said, "Her name is Abulia." The head nurse said, "My Majesty do you want to hold your daughter?" Jeff didn't even look at her he was in so much hate but he hopes to have a son.

The head Nurse took his silent as he didn't want to even hold his daughter in his arms and the nurse looked at the child who was just waking up in her arms and she as her mothers pretty purple eye color.

One of the nurse's came out and said, 'Nurse Lula you are need back in the room and if you like me to hold the King and Queen daughter I can." Lula nods and give the nurse the child and went back in.

When Lula went back in the doctor said, "What took you so long Lula?" She bows to the doctor and she said, "I am sorry sir and Liza but the king refused to take the child in his arms and I was held late."

The Doctor said, "Never mind that for now we must make sure Liza gives birth to her two next children safely now." Liza was shocked that her husband didn't even take their child but she couldn't even think of it for any longer because her next child was on his or her away.

She started to scream and the doctor said, "Your Highness you doing good just keep pushing and the baby be here soon." As the baby come out, the doctor said, "You have another daughter your Highness would you like name your daughter."

Liza was about to answer but she started to have another pain and the doctor give the baby girl to Lula and got helped to get the third baby out of her and he said, "Your Highness you have three beautiful baby girls and would you like to name both of them and do you want your husband in here as well."

Liza said, "Yes I would name this one Amya since she like the night and her eyes look like rain and her sister that was born before her shall be named Annarkia she looks full of energy and be graced in everything she does." King Jeff walks in and said, "How are you feeling my beautiful wife?"

Queen Liza knows how he feels about having three daughters and she kept quite and said, "I am doing good love just very tired and sleepy." Jeff puts a fake smile on his face and said, "I bet you are my love, you need some rest and sleep."

Queen Liza was not happy that her her husband doesn't want to touch his daughters and it hurts her but if he doesn't want to love them then she will love them more then he.

After three mouths Liza was just finished healing from giving birth to her three beautiful daughters Abulia, Amya, Annarkia. She can tell each of them was already showing signs of personality as three month age and they are different then each other.

King Jeff was getting worse in his anger that Liza didn't even give birth to son at first and so he ignored his wife and daughters. Which the head councilor noticed the change between the her Highness and his Majesty and he said, "My Majesty what's going on with you and her Highness?"

Jeff looks at the councilor and said, "I am just angry that my wife didn't bear me sons first but daughters. Why are you so concern now Head councilor Max about me and my family?"

Max smirks and he said, 'My King I have always been worried about you and your family and since you not happy with your three daughters and your wife why don't you take another wife and let her bare your sons. The rules do say that If the King is not happy with his wife that give birth to daughters. He can get another wife to bare him sons."

Jeff said, "Yes that is true but it also says that I must be born in this family not married into it to do this Councilor Max." Max started to laugh and said, "Ah thats where you are wrong my Majesty you can have another wife but she be a concubine until the Queen approves of her. But Knowing Queen Liza she will not approve since she and her daughters are the only ones who are the true heirs to the throne. But you can try to get divorce and marry another princess or Queen from another kingdom."

King Jeff thinks for few minutes so the room was quite and then he said, "I think I give the concubine a try and see where it takes me." Max thinks to himself and said, "Hmm If this works I can make sure this can be blamed on the Demon Kingdom this a perfect plan of mine." He then looks at Jeff and said, "Very well my King I will get the women line up for you."

Queen Liza was feeding her daughter Annarkia as she was about to finish and Jeff walks into the bedroom, he smiles at his wife and said, " Love I want to get a second wife. So I can have sons bare for me and so I won't just have daughters."

Liza puts her daughter Annarkia in her crib and turns around to walk out and waited for him to follow her out of their daughters bedroom where they can sleep good, get awaken up from their mother and father angering with each other. She turned around to face him and she said, "Why do you want to get a second wife you have me? Am I not enough for you or are you scared that I only give birth to daughters and not sons?"

Jeff followed his wife out of his daughter room and waited for her talk with him, he could tell that she was not going to let him to get a second wife. He said, "You are enough for me but to be honest here, you give birth to three daughters first and even forced me to name our daughter Abulia to make her the first born child."

Liza couldn't believe her ears and said, "First off if I am enough for you then you will have sex with me until we have a sons. It is said that a King needs to name there first born daughter and son. I have never forced you do anything and I can't believe you don't even care your daughters. If you want to marry another women then I have no choice to divorce you and before you say I never loved you then why don't you open your eyes and finger out if is best to lose who loves and cares who give birth to daughters then giving you sons."

King Jeff looked like he as hurt his wife but at this point he could careless he wanted sons and he said, " Lets get Divorce tomorrow I will send my lawyer to you tomorrow morning and we can get finalized the same day and i will fine another wife. Who can bare me sons first as first born."