


“Hey! Dad, how are you?” I asked while adjusting the phone on my ear.

“I'm good, love. How is everything on your —” he stopped and coughed. “How's everything on your end?”

“Dad, are you okay? Should I come over?” I asked, sounding worried.

“Calm down dear. I'm good, and as much as I would want to see you, it is pretty late, you know that.”

I rolled my eyes. “It's just 8:20, daddy. I don't mind—,” he cut me short.

“Don't be stubborn my dear, because daddy's perfectly fine.”

“If you say so old man.” We both giggled.

“Tell me how your day went.”

“It went by too quickly, it was fine anyway. I, er, actually went to the park today for some fresh air, and guess what?”

“Tell me, ol' man.”

“I met Suzzy... Suzzy Hart.”

“Suzzy Hart…” I repeated the name, confused. “Who is she, dad?”

“She used to be our neighbor some years ago. You were little then. I was really surprised when I saw her, she's still the beautiful woman I knew.”

“Oh you perv Dad,” I called out and we began to laugh. “For the first time in a long while, you've spoken about a woman. You must like her.” I giggled and teased my dad.

“Well... you asked me to find a woman right? We just met and all, but who knows what might happen.”

“I get you, Dad. I'm just happy for you.” I spoke with all honesty.

“I'll be waiting for yours too.”

“Stop it, Dad.” I laughed.

We spoke for about 30 minutes before we ended the call. I cuddled my pillow as I began listening and singing along to one of my favorite songs from Yung Bleu and Drake; You’re Mines Still.

Lost in my thoughts, I received a message.

“Wait, what? No, no. Oh my God!” I exclaimed out of shock. A deposit into my account, and just when I was about to call Kyle, he called me instead.

“Hey, Kyle.”

“Morgan. Seen it already?” He asked.

“Um, yes. Thank you, I guess.” I was way beyond shocked because I thought 'he' was just joking about the money issue. But the fierce look in his eyes and the deposit just proved he meant it.

“Morgan, are you still on the line? Did you hear what I said?” Kyle asked.

“Oh, sorry. What did you say?”

“I said tonight, you don't have to dance. Um, just get dressed and come over. Jabari would like to have a word with you in the Red Room.”

“Oh, okay.” My voice was low. “I'll be there.”

“See you then.”

I wondered what exactly could be important that he wanted to talk about. Without wasting any time, I took my bath and got dressed in a short top, that showed the lower part of my tummy, and a pair of tight jeans with flats. I pulled my hair into a ponytail... and if you're wondering, I like my hair styled in a ponytail. And I did a light makeup for my final touches.

Recently, Jerome has been so busy that he hardly comes home.

Me: I'm not home. Love ya.

I sent him a quick text and left the apartment. My heart wouldn't stop pounding as I neared Aphrodite.

“Thank you, sir,” I said to the driver as I gave him his money, and went inside the club. I met Rayan who would not stop smiling at my appearance.

“Don't you look lovely, babe?” She asked with a wide grin on her face.

“Well, thank you. Where is Kyle anyway?”

“He is around. You know he's never at one place.” She said quickly, then sighed. “Oh, God, how I wish he would notice me the way I notice him.”

“Why don't you tell him how you feel?”

“Never.” She stated firmly which took me by surprise, looking at how much she was into Kyle.

“Would you first approach the guy you like?” She asked, raising a brow.

“Nope. And that's because I don't like anyone.” I said with a mocking smile.

Rayan rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Whatever. Kyle is here. See you around.” She was about to leave but I quickly called her back, remembering to ask her about Jabari.

“I have been wanting to ask you... you knew the man was Jabari right? Jabari Tejada.”

“Err, yes.”

“Why didn't you tell me?”

“Because I swore secrecy darling.” She patted my cheek and smiled, “Shoo, off you go.”

As I walked further away from where Rayan and I were standing, I saw Kyle talking to one of the girls who worked in the club. We don't get along so I just waved at Kyle when his attention fell on me.

“You look good,” he said as he neared me. Giving me a short hug. In case I've never said this before, Kyle was also a good friend.

“Where is the location?”

“Thank you. And there's no location.” I laughed.

“Mm. He's already in the Red Room.”

“Alright. Kyle?” I called him.


“Why didn't you say it was Jabari?” I asked him, my arms crossed on my chest.

“I swore secrecy darling.”

“What in fuck's name is wrong with you and Rayan?” I asked and left his side. I could hear his soft laughter from behind me.

Here goes nothing. I said to myself and opened the door to the Red Room. There he was again, on the sofa, on his phone.

“You wanted to see me.”

He raised his head. Was it just me or what? Because I could see him doing that in slow motion. Get a hold of yourself, missy. I mentally said to myself.

In a second, he was in front of me. His cologne hit me hard but I kept still. Meeting his gaze.

“Morgan.” He said my name so softly and calmly. But I never told him my name.

“M... Morgan? I... I never told you my name.” My confused voice bounced back.

“I have my ways, Morgan June.”

“Fine.” I straightened my body, he was way taller than I was but I was not about to let that intimidate me, so I asked him what was on my mind.

“What did you want to talk about? I never skip my dance.”

“About that…” then there was this silly silence. “I want you to quit dancing here. I mean in this club.”

“What did you say?” I asked and broke into laughter. It was funny to me. Like who the hell did he think he was to just make rules for me?

“You heard me. I don't want you working here anymore. This is not a good place for you Mor—”

“You can not tell me what to do and what not. Who do you even think you are, Mr. Tejada? And just so you know, I'm not quitting. You're not the boss of me, and certainly, Kyle does not take orders from you.”

I knew I didn't like working at Aphrodite but it was my source of income, and I decided to make it. I can't just quit without a backup plan.

“Don't be stubborn.” His brows furrowed as he spoke. “I know you don't like it here.” His voice was stern and he was not smiling either. His glare turned fierce.

“You don't know anything and you don't know me either.”

“I know you June, probably more than you even know yourself. I know you live together with your best friend. And I know you have your father, and you don't like it here. Listen, all those useless men who lay their eyes on you make me sick, and I, I am not going to spare anyone who touches you because I do not share what's mine.” I didn't fail to notice the venom lacing his voice but I was not willing to back down.

I snorted. “Don't act like you're any less than them. Those men make me sick as well, and that includes you. I do what I do to please your filthy souls and hungry eyes to get money. You and I don't even have to talk, you’re just a customer and I’m your server. So, Mr. Right, if you can't go with that flow, lemme go back to dancing for everyone, besides, I'm not owned by you. The name’s Ronnie when I'm here, not Morgan.”

I was seething. I let myself say a lot, whilst he stood still, not affected by whatever I said. I hated how gentle he was looking in front of me.

“And just so you know, I don't need you increasing my pay to survive.” I ended, breathing hard. When I didn't get the reaction I was looking for from him, my heart boiled with more anger.

“Are you sure about that? Are you sure I also make you sick? Really?” Amidst talking, he kept coming forward. He kept moving closer to me, and I kept moving back. “So you can't stand me?” He asked again. “Why didn't you stop what happened between us that night if I make you sick as well?”

I wished I could do something but my body kept betraying me. I felt chills run through me when he ran his fingers along my skin. My legs became wobbly, and the tingle I felt in between my legs was certainly not helping.

“Don't be shy telling me that I turn you on,” he spoke with so much confidence that it bored me because he was right about everything he was saying.

“I, no, you're, you're—” I tried so hard to form words but I couldn't focus. Not when his fingers were playing tricks on me. My eyes closed and I moistened my lips. I couldn't control the rate at which my heart was beating. My body ached and burnt to be touched by him but I was still trying to keep my sanity.

He brought lips to my neck, and my head fell to the side, giving him more access.

“So I make you sick?” He asked more quietly this time but I couldn't say a word.

“J... Jabari,” I stuttered. Once again, desire took over. The rush caused adrenaline in my body. Not once did he break off the kisses he was tracing on my neck.

Lust always wins when it comes to Jabari. He ran his fingers along my thighs whispering nothing into my ears while his breath fanned my neck.

“What were you saying baby girl?” He asked, a hint of tease in his voice. “Should I stop?” He asked again but I could not utter a word. “Tell me, do you want me to stop?” I shook my head, and my answer came out breathy.


“Say it like you mean it.”

“I want you to stop,” I replied again in my husky voice.

Oh, this man is a pro. I did not see the time my flap came undone but his fingers were already playing with the hem of my thong. I moaned at how good a kisser he was. Down his fingers went, making me weaker than I already was.

“You and I know you want this, but I only reward good girls. Until you're ready to be my good little Muse, you will be punished.”

See you all in the next chapter. I can't wait ;) don't forget to share with others as well and also comment because comments make me hungry to update more :)