


Phone rings

“Well, good morning to you.” Joshua's annoying voice sounded on the phone. I rolled my eyes.

“Good morning. It's only 7 in the morning, why are you disturbing me?”

“Oh did I wake my boss up?” He asked with humor. “You have a meeting with the Silver-stuck company... I mean, with their CEO, Mr. Burnish. And you — ”

“It's Saturday, Joshua.”

“Yes, I know that. But today is the last day to seal the deal, and you know how difficult of a person he is.”

“Alright. I'll be there. Is there anything else I should know?”

“That's all sir.”

“You're impossible, Joshua.”

Without second guesses, I got up from the bed, away from the woman who was in bed with me.

I had gone to have a quiet time at Kay-Kay pub, that was where I met her. My thoughts were so full that, she could not even take my mind off that one particular person who was invading me.

She turned to her side and saw me dressing up.

“Hey! You're leaving already?” She whined and I rolled my eyes. Women. I said to myself mentally.

“I've got work. There's money on the table, feel free to leave anytime.” I told her, and then, hung my coat on my left shoulder.

“You can also feel free and call me anytime sugar-boo.” Not casting another glance at her, I left the room to my car.

I drove home for a quick bath and later set off to my office.

“You could have chosen any other person to do this, why me?” Her voice rang in my head. I knew her question was right, I mean, anyone would also ask this, but even I did not know why I chose her. Yes, she is pretty and sexy, and I like her confidence. I know that there is more to her than she is letting on, and I would like to know more about her.

The very first time I set my eyes on her, I knew I was not going to let her go. I knew that within that little fire in her had an ice that could cool me off anytime. I normally don’t go after women, well, not until my last relationship. Women come after me.

“What is wrong with you,?” I asked myself while gripping my steering wheel harder. Whatever I was feeling for her was wild.

As soon as I got down from my car, Joshua walked to me, with files in hand. He was my assistant, and neither was he afraid of me like the rest of my staff, funny as it sounds, that is because he is my friend. He has been my friend since high school, and we have always been like brothers.

“Tejada never disappoints,” said Joshua, standing straight with a smile.

“You choose to call me by my name instead when we're at work. Wow!

“No one's here.” He replied and I shook my head.

“I'm sure you were with another lady. They can't get enough of you.”

“Are we seriously discussing this right now?” I asked sharply and began to walk away from him, but Joshua being Joshua, followed me, still being his annoying self. Sometimes, I even think about why I haven't kicked his ass out yet.

“Has Mr. Burnish arrived yet?”

“He called a few minutes ago so he should be here any minute from now.”

In the office, a few of the board members were already seated. The room went dead silent the moment my presence was known.

“Good morning,” they greeted and I nodded, heading straight to my chair. I let my eyes roam the room, looking for Mr. Burnish but, he had still not arrived. My patience was beginning to wear off.

“It's 10 AM already, where is he? I hate to be delayed.” I asked coldly, my anger surfacing.

“He's here,” Joshua announced after a moment.

The stout middle-aged man walked in and hurriedly took his seat across from me.

“We can proceed now,” Joshua started. “Mr. Burnish, as we already discussed on the phone, we want to buy your Realty at East Maria. That piece of land is the perfect site for our project, but we can only have it when you give it. We want to go bigger,” Joshua projected the pictures of the land and our plan for the real estate for us in the meeting room to see.

“Look, Jabari, I don't want to sell that property to any—”

“How much do you want for it?” I cut him off by asking, and he stared at me for a while, as if he was holding back what he wanted to say.

I took a checkbook from my drawer and tossed it to Mr. Burnish, a blank cheque, any amount you want. Do we have a deal?” I asked without sparing a glance in his direction.

In the corners of my eyes, I saw the other board members murmuring to themselves. After what felt like forever, Mr. Burnish finally took the checkbook.

“Fine, Jabari. I'll let my secretary reach out to you.”

“Good.” My face was straight, and he dared not to look at me.

“I think we're done now. We're all good to go then.” Joshua ended the meeting and I walked out, with him behind.

“You know you could have handled this?” I asked rhetorically.

“I know, but I wanted you to grace the meeting with your attitude since he was being stubborn. And besides, there would be no fun in me trying to let him agree to our terms. Did you not see his face? It was like he was talking to a beast.” He laughed and I couldn't hide mine as well.

“Where are you going after here?” Joshua asked.

“To see my parents. Wanna tag along?”

“Some other time. I've got to finish the work here. Do send my regards.”

“I'm not your messenger, dude.” I snapped and he raised a brow.

“Aunt will kill me the next time she sees me, it's been long.” He faked fear and I just shook my head.

“Don't worry, I will.” I sat in my car and drove off to my parents.

It had been days since I saw them.


“Look who has finally shown up. My lovely son” cried my mother. She always exaggerates.

“Mother.” I greeted and kissed her cheek, sitting next to her in the lounge. Where is Dad?” I asked, looking around to see if I would find him.

“He's in the study. Why the surprise visit, dear?”

“I had a meeting at the office, so I decided to pass by and say hello to my sweet mum.” I hugged her again.

“Oh boy. It's always work, work. Honey, I want you to settle down. You are this city's elegant bachelor. Son of the Senator, every capable woman would love you.”

“Mother, not this again. Please.”

“What do you mean, son? Look at Rachel Scher, Rupert's daughter. She's beautiful and young, just like you. Business minded. You two always turn heads around whenever you make an appearance together. Why don't you take your friendship to the next level?”

“Mum, I just got here and you're already bombarding me with all these. At least let me sit for a while.”

I sighed. Listening to my mum was frustrating. She would always nag about me settling down. At last, my dad appeared, saving me from my mother.

“How did the deal with Mr. Burnish go?” My father asked.

“It went well.”

“Good. It would have been a shame if the deal went wrong because the location of that property is really good.”

“Yes, Dad.” We started talking about our family and back to talking about politics.

“So the next Senatorship vote will be in late August. I'm beginning to feel pressured.” My dad said.

“You're a good man, Dad. You did an amazing job with your time and we'll still want you as our Senator.”

It has always been my father's dream for me to follow in his footsteps but being a senator is just a whole vibe, too much stress that I can't handle. I would rather focus on my own business, keep sipping on my wine, and get any girl I want to warm my bed.

“I'm guessing you did not hear what I said.”

My mum said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

“Sorry mum. What were you saying?”

“I said I'll plan a family dinner for the Schers and us. A way of getting to——'

“Mum!” I sighed because I was tired from listening to this over and over again. “Stop raising your hopes. Whatever you're planning won't work. I'll bring a girl home when I find a connection. I want what you and Daddy have.”

“Connection you say,” she scoffed, “and you are not seeing anyone?”

“Penny just let him be. He's young and handsome, only 31. Give him time to find love.” My dad spoke. Speaking more as a father than a Senator.

“Thank you, Dad.”


I left my parents’ house and went to mine, immediately letting my body fall on my bed after a nice bath. Suddenly, thoughts of Morgan took over my mind. Her body, her eyes, her captivating smile, and her confidence. For five years, after my girlfriend and I broke up, not a single girl caught my attention until Morgan.

Morgan June.