
Amelia’s POV

I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains. I sat up and yawned. Just then a maid knocked on the door.

"Come in"

"Forgive me, my princess but it is time for you to be up and starting the day"

I groaned, I hate mornings. I sat up and went to my washroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my chestnut hair a complete mess. My maid followed me and helped got my bath ready. After that she helped dressed me in a pastel blue colored, dress. To match my hair and pale skin. Next she helped me with my jewelry. Then it was out to breakfast.

I walked into the dining room and saw my Father and Mother already sitting and discussing plans for the day. My father is King Liam and my Mother, Queen Charlotte. My mother is from the kingdom Eowilard across the lake and my father from the very kingdom we are in now Kingdom Astaelian. There are five sections in the our kingdom. Section Legerillia is where majority of the nobles live. Section Ciesh is leading in having the best merchants. Section Edivia is the leading in having the best industry's/factory workers. And last but not least is Section Dalle leading in having all of the harvesters, people who grow all of the food.

My mother looked up and at me and smiled, my father didn't even stop from his reading. I sat down and looked at my breakfast. Pancakes with eggs and bacon. Delicious! As I went to the grab the pitcher of maple syrup and father looked up and said to me,

"Darling your mother and I have something to discuss with you."

I continued to pour my maple syrup and looked up at my father.

"Please, do tell me what it is."

He sigh and said "I hope you are aware that it is only a few months away from your 18th birthday and you will soon start having Princes from other kingdoms coming to offer marriage alliances. I need you to be on your best behavior and show them what great offers our Kingdom can offer."

I look at both my father and mother they look so hopeful for this alliance. I know our kingdom has been going downhill lately and we hope that this marriage alliance will help, I know my duty so I say...

"Of course, I will charm the other Princes."