
Love Once Again

Six years ago, Tang Shi Yi disappeared from Ye Heng's side, leaving without a trace. The next time they saw each other again was at a company event where Tang Shi Yi appeared as a shareholder. The woman was still beautiful, attracting the attention of countless men. Fate allowed them to run into each other again, countless times even though Tang Shi Yi wanted to avoid Ye Heng. She had a secret and was determined not to tell him about her children. One day, Ye Heng saw the young boy who stood beside Tang Shi Yi. Ye Heng looked at the little boy who resembled himself before looking at the woman before him. "Tell me the truth. This boy... He is my son, right?" Tang Shi Yi looked away anxiously, wondering how she should explain the situation. Book from the same universe: The Author Must Die Cover Illustration by Kirinlukis

zetsubouaichan · Urban
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321 Chs

When Did He Come Back?

"I'm sorry," Tang Shi Yi flashed an apologetic smile as they were finally able to escape from the crowd earlier. "I have to wait for someone to look after Chen Chen."

Quan Lian smiled as he recalled the young boy. "Why didn't you bring him alone as well? This way, you won't have to worry that much."

"No. It's not suitable for Chen Chen to come."

"I already booked a few hotel rooms upstairs for anyone to go and rest," Quan Lian said. "If you tell me, I could let Chen Chen use one of the rooms."

"It's alright. I already found someone to help me babysit my son."

Quan Lian heaved a sigh. He knew the person that Tang Shi Yi mentioned. Previously, Quan Lian had met Yin Yi Bo and saw the man interacting with Tang Shi Yi's son.

The two were introduced and Quan Lian learned that Yin Yi Bo would often babysit Tang Shi Yi's son.

Quan Lian had always thought that it was strange for someone like Yin Yi Bo to babysit. Later, he learned that Yin Yi Bo was an old friend of Tang Shi Yi.

Tang Shi Yi wanted to let her son have a male influence as he grew up. This was the reason she would often find Yin Yi Bo.

Just then, one of the staff walked over and whispered something to Quan Lian.

The corner of Quan Lian's lips tilted up as he heard the staff's words.

He turned to Tang Shi Yi again and spoke, "Shi Yi, it's time. We should go now."

Tang Shi Yi tightened her hand into a fist. There was a hint of anxiousness on her face. "Quan Lian, what should I do? I'm quite nervous."

Quan Lan laughed. "What are you anxious about? I already introduced you as my partner earlier. It's just that, this time, we are announcing it to a bigger audience."

"I'm worried about giving a speech," Tang Shi Yi spoke. "It has been a long time since I last gave a speech to a big audience." She swept her gaze around the room and felt her body grow colder. 

There were many influential figures in the ballroom. Facing them was making her nervous.

Tang Shi Yi felt a warm palm squeezing her hand. She turned to Quan Lian and saw the man smiling at her with an assuring smile. 

"Shi Yi, you can do it," Quan Lian spoke. "I believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself as well. Deep breath."

Tang Shi Yi listened to Quan Lian's words and inhaled a few deep breaths. She was still anxious, but her heart was not beating as loud as it was before.

"Are you ready?" Quan Lian stretched his hand to Tang Shi Yi. "Come on. We have to go now."

Tang Shi Yi followed Quan Lian to the stage. As the man stood on the stage, Tang Shi Yi waited for him at the side.

The chattering voice stopped as soon as Quan Lian stood on the stage.

There was a hint of admiration in Tang Shi Yi's eyes as she watched Quan Lian give his speech. The moment he stood on the stage, everyone had their eyes on him.

This man was truly charismatic.

Tang Shi Yi finally snapped out of her trance once she saw Quan Lian turning to look at her.

Their gazes met and Quan Lian stretched his hand in her direction, motioning her to come over to his side.

Tang Shi Yi gripped her skirt and walked up the stage.

Quan Lian placed a hand on her arm and pushed her towards the center. "Everyone." He turned to look at the audience again. "Let me introduce you to A-LINK business partner." He looked at Tang Shi Yi and smiled. "Miss Tang Shi Yi."

Tang Shi Yi inhaled a deep breath. She stood in front of the microphone and started to give a speech.

Slowly, Tang Shi Yi began to gain her confidence.

A breath of relief escaped her upon seeing that everyone was paying attention to her speech.

Once the speech ended, the audience clapped loudly.

Tang Shi Yi walked down the stage with Quan Lian by her side. A few of the staff's business partners walked over to congratulate her.

She spent her time talking with everyone for a while. Then, she turned to Quan Lian and tugged at his sleeve. "Quan Lian."

The man leaned over. The hall was too noisy and he needed to come closer to Tang Shi Yi to listen to her words.

"I'm going outside for a bit of fresh air," Tang Shi Yi whispered.

Quan Lian nodded. "Go ahead. You have done a great job earlier." He guessed that Tang Shi Yi would need some time after addressing the crowd earlier.

Tang Shi Yi thanked her friend before heading out of the ballroom.

A breath of relief escaped her once she was no longer surrounded by many people.

Tang Shi Yi turned to the corner, wanting to head to the small garden outside. However, her steps halted when she saw two men walking side by side, heading in her direction.

Tang Shi Yi widened her eyes when she recognized one of the men. The men seemed to be engrossed in their conversation and had not seen her.

But, Tang Shi Yi recognized the man quite well.

Ye Heng?

This was the man that she had not seen in a few years.

The last time she saw him was almost six years ago before they lost contact.

Tang Shi Yi had always known that Ye Heng was from Y City. However, she heard that Ye Heng had moved to another country for his family business.

Then, what was he doing in Y City? 

When did he come back?

A few scenes from their past flashed in her mind.

Swiftly, Tang Shi Yi hid behind the wall before the man could notice her.

She placed a hand on her chest as she tried hard to calm her nerves.