

As usual,Rose woke up to her normal routine. Little did she know today will change her life for ever.

"Mom am off to running ile be back don't wait up for me leave the keys under the mat" Rose put on her headphones and hit the road.

The sun was slowly taking over the clear sky.From a distance,Rose so a car parked on the road side with smoke coming from the front part of it.

She slowly walked towards the car and noticed a man flat on the ground.'Sir are you okay' she tried shaking him up but the man was half dead.She tried calling for help but it was still early and the street was empty.She touched the man's neck to read his pulse,she noticed his heart beat was beating slowy and this was not a good sign.

'Fuck I left my phone back at home'.she tried looking if the man had his phone but as expected it had a password.After think for some time Rose lifted the man into the car.'Am gona be late for my exams'.

She had medical exams today and if she missed it it would destroy her life.But at the same time, she could not leave the man alone.

Rose got in the car and drove the

man to the hospital