
Love of the Mrs. Mafioso

Whence do billions of consequences emerge from the darkness? In a world where money and status reign supreme, where the wealthy can live by their own rules and the weak find no place, a tale unfolds about two unexpected allies. A cold-blooded mafia member who knows how to keep situations under control and an intelligent young man striving to survive among conceited peers. When they collide in one place - an elite business school where money defines the rules - an unforgettable dance of intrigues, secrets, and mysteries will commence. What will unite these two entirely different worlds? What will be the consequences of this encounter? Discover in a captivating story how even the most improbable connections can change everything.

Carmen_Kingsman · Urban
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52 Chs

Playing with Fire: Mafiozi's Provocation and Power Display

"The Mafia sides with the Outcasts?" Karen whispered, twisting her face. "It doesn't seem very mafia-like..."

Upon hearing these words, the brunette regretted it, and the mafia girl approached her closer, leaning on the desk.

"Oh, what do you think is 'mafia-like'? Should the mafia only stand on the side of the 'stronger' ones?" she asked with irony.

"No-no, that's not what I meant," gestured the leader of the Fashionables.

"Then what did you mean?" the girl looked straight into Karen's eyes. For a second, I began to feel sorry for her. It's not easy when someone who can potentially kill you stands right beside you.

"I don't know... I didn't think," stammered Lisa's friend.

"Hah, that explains why you all are so dumb here. One can't write, another can't think. Anyway, let's get back to Luke," the brunette clapped her hands.

"M-Miss, what are you leading to?" Charlie asked. "Miss??? I guess I'm not the only one. Nobody knows her real name."

"To the fact that your... uhm... gorilla can't even write," the brunette paused for a moment. "Hey, Len, or whatever your name is, can you write, or do you need help?"

"I can," the boy mumbled softly and lowered his eyes.

"I see he can't even speak. Well then, let me help."

I watched in amazement at the mafia girl's actions. Anyone would envy her self-confidence. I didn't understand what she was about to do—humiliate me or protect me? She went to the teacher's desk and took a clean sheet of paper. At last, I noticed that Miss Idalia had disappeared. I thought it was for the best; she wouldn't have been able to bear witnessing this spectacle. The brunette put the paper in front of Forrest with a thud and said:

"Now, write." Surprisingly, the boy quickly grabbed a pen. Apparently, he didn't want to die. Then, she turned to me.

"What's your name?"

"Julian," I replied, surprised at myself. Why did she need to know that?

"Write, Gorilla. Dear Julian," she said sweetly. The class burst into laughter, seemingly in support. Luke blushed, but he still wrote. He couldn't refuse.

"Sorry for being born as such an idiot. Don't be mad at me; you know I was born that way. I sincerely ask for your forgiveness and help. With love, problematic Foris."

With every word the mafia girl uttered, the class exploded with laughter, and the boy turned even redder. He finally realized how it felt to have the entire class against you. It seemed like the girl was enjoying this performance.

"Why should I write this nonsense?" the blonde protested.

"Because I want you to!" she gritted her teeth. "My wishes must be fulfilled."

"What on earth should I write this for?" the boy shrugged and whined. The brunette twisted his arm and squeezed it so hard that his fingers turned white. Her gaze froze Foris. For a moment, it seemed like a red glint appeared in her brown eyes.

"Because I decided so!" she hissed. "My desires must be obeyed."

"Why?!" the blonde snapped.

"Because in this school, status matters more. I'm playing by your rules. But not for long..." the mafia girl slyly spoke and twisted the boy's arm so much that it seemed like it could break any second.As the laughter subsided, the tension in the classroom became palpable. I observed the mafia girl's actions with a mix of fascination and concern. Her display of power over Forrest was both intriguing and alarming. It was evident that challenging her authority was not a wise decision.

Karen, still trying to regain her composure, mustered the courage to speak up. "You can't just do whatever you want here! We have rights, and you can't manipulate us like this!"

The brunette turned her icy gaze toward Karen. "Oh, rights? In this world, power matters more than rights. Remember that. But don't worry, I'm just having some fun for now. Who knows what the future holds?"

Her cryptic remark sent shivers down my spine. She seemed like a force of nature that could change the dynamics of the entire school with just a flick of her fingers. Luke, visibly embarrassed, managed to break free from the brunette's grip and rubbed his arm. "Okay, enough of this! We get it. But why are you doing this to us?"

She let out a chilling laugh, one that made everyone uneasy. "Because it's entertaining! Watching you all squirm and tremble, it amuses me. And you, Luke, with your 'Fashionables,' you think you're invincible? Think again. You're nothing more than a bunch of weaklings hiding behind a fancy name."

Her words struck a nerve, and the expression on Luke's face shifted from embarrassment to anger. He took a step forward, ready to confront the mafia girl, but Karen held him back, knowing it was a battle they couldn't win.

"Let's just get this over with," Karen said, trying to diffuse the tension. "What do you want from us?"

The mafia girl smirked, satisfied with her display of dominance. "For now, I want you all to remember who's in charge. And just in case you get any ideas about going against me, remember this moment".