

Tali had all this raw meat before her and knew deep down that it wasn't going to last much longer. She'd collected herbs and spices from the woods and had every chunk thoroughly seasoned, but with only a small fire to cook over, she was running out of time.

Her mate was very thoughtful and took a lot of it to his pack house to have it smoked. Jax followed with a bunch of various woods in tow, to add a little more flavor to the meat.

While the pups rested, Mei and Tali sat outside, enjoying the smell of the roasting meat and the warm night breeze that flowed wildly through their unbound hair. She knew, eventually, she'd have to find better shelter for them. Summer wouldn't last forever after all. But this meat that she'd supplied would last them a few months if it was cooked and stored properly.

The moose skin was draped over a makeshift "table" of sorts. Tali knew there was enough fur to at least make warmer clothes for the pups. Unfortunately, she knew there wasn't enough of it to supply for the adults. Chase luckily had a pack to return too. Jax had his cave, which he informed us, was well insulated and perfect for the winter. With how deep it was, there was no way the freezing wind could move through it enough to chill the whole place.

But Tali, Mei and the 17- 18, with Mei's newborn- pups, they had nowhere to go. This was their place. The one place they'd known for almost 2 weeks. And, if the guys grew bored of playing hero, which was highly likely at this point, they would be screwed. Without their diligent care and support, everyone within the hollowed out tree cave would have starved to death by now. Namely, the pups.

Tali owed so much to the fierce males who continued to return with more and more things to help them.

"You've been deep in thought for a while. Care to share your worries," Mei's soft voice pulled her back to the now. And she leaned over to wrap an arm around her best friend.

Taking a deep breath, Tali braced herself. "Well, I've accepted that we've been abandoned and betrayed. I'm not happy about it, but I accept it. And I know we have all these pups to care for. I can continue hunting, I remember you use to garden. How hard would it be to create an indoor garden and maintain it during the winter? The pups cant live off jerky like we can. Most of them don't even have teeth yet. They need something soft. And, then there's that. The males. They've helped so much these past few weeks. How can I repay them for their kindness? They didn't need to step up and support us, but they did."

Mei twisted her body to face her friend. "Love, they did it for us. They know we won't leave the pups behind. From what Jax told me, Chase is doing everything he can to make room for us in his pack. If I'm being completely honest, if they even make enough room for a handful of these precious babies, I'll be happy. I will live off the land if I need too and I also know you know how to rough it as well. But… the pups. They can't take care of themselves and we don't provide much protection to them."

Tali's heart fell. She knew it was true but didn't want to admit it to herself. Even if she could continuously bring in enough food with her hunting skills, the pups needed more than that. And it killed her to admit that she couldn't do it all by herself. Or even just with Mei's help.

"An indoor, underground garden. Although that sounds fun, wouldn't work. Most crops need sunlight. In a house, it's possible with UV lights, sufficient heating, even opening a curtain or 2. But underground, it would be damn near impossible. I understand your need to provide, Tal," Mei hugged Tali tightly and kissed her forehead like a mother would her beloved daughter. "But without certain things, none of this is possible."

"Fuckin' Todd," she growled against Mei's shoulder. Tali was running out of options. She needed to ask the guys to assist a little more. She needed them to at least take in a few pups, if not, all. And that made her feel even worse. Even after everything they'd already done for her, she still needed more. "Fuck."


"Just throw it on the embers while I get the meat lined up," Chase was trying to have patience with Jax. He knew his new friend has lived in the wild his whole life and only ever ate raw meat, so teaching him to smoke meat and make jerky was proving more difficult than intended to be.

Jax had insisted on running down to the river and catching some fish for them as well. Mei mentioned missing eating fish to him earlier and he wanted to surprise her, which Chase completely understood, being a newly bonded male himself. It was instinct to go out of your way to make your mate happy. Chase could only smile as he considered exactly what he was doing.

Cooking, supplying baby things, food, drinks, vitamins. What was the pack getting out of this? Nothing. But, Chase? He was getting a happy mate. And he'd do this over and over again to keep that heart melting smile on her beautiful face. He knew this was what Jax was experiencing too, so he wasn't too hard on him. But he did want to get out of here before anyone saw or smelled them.

With the last of the meat finishing, all they needed to do was load all the cooked stuff in the back of his SUV and head out.

Chase hesitated before opening the drivers door. "C-man, what's doin'," Jax stared at him with concern evident in his eyes. Shooting a friendly 'hang on' at him, Chase rushed to the pack house and down to the storage area that held all the baby stuff.

He grabbed as many packs of diapers and canisters of formula as he could then ran to the kitchen. Loading up on gallons of fresh spring water, he felt accomplished and ready to return to his perfect mate. It had been hours since he tasted her sweet lips and he was starting to have withdraws.

Throwing the newly collected stash in the backseat, Chase rushed to the drivers door and sped off towards his other half.

Before they could get out of the SUV, their mates were throwing themselves into their arms and giggling. "I missed you! That took too long. Never again," Tali whispered in Chase's ear before pulling back to look deep in his soul. "Are you okay? Was it the cooking that held you up?"

Chase brought his hungry lips down hard on hers, soaking in that sweet taste he missed, more than he could admit out loud, before replying. "All's good, Love. There was more meat there than I originally thought, but we got it all done for our very demanding mates," he chuckled and looked over at Jax, who through a wink at him in return.

He watched as Tali's face fell and her gaze drifted to the gravely dirt beneath them. "I'm sorry, Chase. I've been nothing but a burden on you. I know this is more than you signed up for. Hell, you didn't even sign up for me as a mate. The Goddess just stuck you with me and all these pups. I'm so sorry," tears streaked down her cheeks and for the first time since meeting her, Chase saw the helpless, broken and scarred side of his mate that he never wished to see. She was strong, independent and brave. And the shit that she kept facing and pushing through just proved how true that was.

He lifted her chin to meet her gaze again before responding, "Don't. Ever. Apologize to me." His voice was stern and leaking with his dominance, which caused Tali to bark out a wet laugh. "You're my mate. And I couldn't ask for a better one. Burden?" He chuckled dryly and watched her eyes fill with confusion. "Never. You, my love, have given me more to live for. More to cherish. And I'll be damned if I let you or anyone else speak of the people in this area with ill intent."

Chase brushed his lips gently across hers and smiled as he heard her suck in a shaky breath. "I have the best within my grasps," he said, pulling Tali in so she was flush against his body as he wrapped his arms around her protectively.

"Not to break up the cute moment," a deep baritone rang from behind them. Chase spun around, pushing Tali behind him as his canines elongated at the unexpected male approaching them. "I just came to see how my sister was holding up and to collect my pup," Todd smirked as he walked closer to the small group who was ready to rip his throat out.

Tali stepped around Chase's protective body shield and growled, "Not. Your. Sister. Not. Your. Pup." Todd threw his head back as a dark laugh ripped through him. The hairs on the back of her neck instantly rose as the betrayal and hatred for her own brother resurfaced.

Todd glanced down at his newly manicured nails and sucked his teeth. "Actually, my sperm, my pup. Pack laws. And, you refusing to give him to me means that you're against the pack. So you're a rogue? You know what that means?" Dropping his hand abruptly, he looked up, his wolf shining in his evil eyes. "It means, I get to kill you." Without another word, Todd shifted. His tan wolf growling aggressively at the small group that stood between him and his supposed-to-have-been son.

Tali felt the growl burst from her throat before she had the chance to stop it. She had to protect the pups. Those were her pups. They were abandoned with her and Mei. No one else had claim to them anymore. From the looks of it, Jax and Chase agreed as they both shifted and blocked Todd's wolf in.

"Mei, get inside," Tali barked before shifting as well. Her full attention on her betrayer, she lunged for him, grabbing him by the scruff and throwing him to the ground. She pinned him down, trying to bite at him face as he used his back claws to scratch her stomach open.

Tali felt the warmth of her blood coating the underside of her wolf as Todd continued to struggle beneath her. With one final kick, he managed to dig his back claws in deep enough to make her yelp. Taking that opportunity, Todd struck, going for her neck to end her in one blow.

She squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the impact. When it didn't come, she opened her eyes and looked up to see Chase's black wolf holding him by the neck as Jax stalked in front of him, tracking his preys every move.

Tali fought to her feet and shifted back, holding her stomach as she limped towards them. "You fucked up, Todd. You abandoned us. Now you're on my land. Threatening me with my pups. Bad move, brother." Her words dripped from her lips like poison being slowly administered into ones victim. Looking to Chase, she recognized his human eyes and they twinkled, waiting for her command. His jaws tightened a little more as he tipped his head to the side in confusion.

Tali smiled at her perfect mate before turning her steely gaze on her brother again. "Come near me or mine again and I'll personally kill you." She turned her back to show she wasn't scared of him anymore before calling over her shoulder, "Release the bastard. He's not to come here again. Jax." She turned to meet her new friends eyes shining a bright golden color that complimented his fur. "Escort him off our land, please. Only kill him if he tries anything funny." Jax's lion smiled and tipped his head in respect and understanding before she turned away again.

Finally in the comfort of the tree cave, Tali clutched her stomach and fell to her knees as she tried breathing through the pain. Mei rushed to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist to guide her to the main room with all the blankets and pillows.

"Fuck, Tal. This is bad," Mei's concern was evident in her voice. She was scared for Tali. Which only made her smile. Tali already knew it was bad when she grew dizzy just from standing up. But she couldn't risk Todd seeing her weak. He would have taken that opportunity to strike.

"Alcohol. Bag," Tali managed to pipe out. The girls worked together to clean and bandage the wounds but blood began leaking through the gauze as soon as it touched the wounds. Mei stifled a sob as she draped a blanket over her friend. Tali could smell the fear oozing off her and squeezed her hand in reassurance. "I just need sleep, M. I'll be fine. Help the guys when they come back, please." Mei nodded just as Tali's vision began to blur.

Then, darkness swept in.