

The metallic smell of blood wafted through the midnight breeze.

The sound of her own heart was pounding in her ears. She tried to calm her shallow breathing as she hid in the hollowed out trunk of an old tree. She watched the chaos through a small crack between the uplifted roots.

Her fathers limp body landed with a loud thud a few feet in front of her. His once white fur, now matted with crimson blood. She flinched, slapping a shaky hand over her mouth and willing herself not to squeal or cry.

Breaking her gaze from the heart retching scene before her, she took a small step forward to see how the rest of her pack was doing. She watched as many fought lazily, exhaustion taking over, and others still thriving to protect their own.

Her eyes locked on a black wolf she'd never seen before. Her heart, that had been slamming against her rib cage heavily just a few seconds before, was now at a steady beat. The sight of this male had her lower stomach tightening, in a way she wasn't familiar with, while his scent made her wolf howl from within her.

One of her pack mates lunged at him, grabbing the scruff of his neck and flipping him in the air before he slammed hard on his back. She felt every fiber of her being freeze as she waited for him to move. Her wolf was scratching at the surface, needing to break free of her cage to make sure this strange male was okay.

"Tali," she spun around at the panic in her brothers voice. "Get out of here," he barked in his dominant tone before shifting in midair and jumping on the back of an enemy.

Looking at her surroundings, Tali realized she was no longer in her safe hiding spot, protecting the pups, but out in the open. She was a few feet from the mysterious male. Was she walking towards him?

One look reassured her that he was okay. He was back on his feet, his strong shoulders bunching beneath his fur as he stalked towards another of her pack mates.

Mei. Oh no. Tali's wolf broke free without warning as the panic rushed through her. He was after her pregnant best friend.

The pain from the transition quickly vanished as the wind ripped through her wolfs' red fur. Before she knew it, Tali was pouncing on the male, shoving his unaware form to the ground. She placed herself between him and Mei as she crouched down and bared her teeth.

Mei scurried backwards as she realized what could have happened if Tali hadn't arrived when she did. With a quick look back, she nodded, telling Mei to run, before focusing on the male again.

He got to his feet and she watched as his legs wobbled a bit before he shook his head roughly and narrowed his eyes on Tali. She couldn't help but smirk in self satisfaction at the moment of clarity that crossed his face for a brief second.

When his wolf took a step towards her, she snipped a warning not to come closer. He tilted his head to the side slightly in confusion, as if asking Tali if she was sure she wanted him to stay away.

It was her warning growl that gave him his answer. He nodded once and sat down where he was. He didn't look like, or act like, a threat anymore. But with the blood shed Tali had witnessed tonight, she was taking no chances. She stayed on her guard even as she checked to make sure Mei was in the safe spot. Once satisfied, she nodded him away, making him leave so as not to give the location of the pups and Mei away.

Understanding what she wanted, his wolf bowed deeply before turning and trotting off. Tali waited a few minutes before crawling back down the hole and shifting into her human form again.

Mei threw her arms around her and sobbed, "Thank you, Tali. Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't-".

"Mei, stop. Please. You would have done the same if the roles were reversed," Tali hugged her best friend tightly before pulling back and placing a shaky hand on her rounded stomach. "How's little man doing?"

They talked while they worked together at keeping the pups fed and quiet so as not to give away their position. And they were well aware that it was going to be a long night.

"Who was he," Mei's question pulled Tali out of her silent thoughts. She looked over her shoulder and shrugged. "Well, why would he let you go without a scratch?" She looked at her friend knowingly.

"I don't know. Maybe he was hoping to get lucky," Tali laughed shyly at her own response. Usually the girls had no issues making sexual jokes and innuendos at each other. But her wolf growled at her for making that one. She rolled her eyes at the furry beast within before focusing on Mei again. "Honestly though, my wolf has been acting strange all night. Maybe she's just eager to get out and battle like the good ole days."

"You say 'good ole days' as if we're super old. Fucker, I'll have you know, I don't feel a day over 21 still," Mei laughed as she elbowed Tali lightly.

Tali sent her friend a wink as she joked, "It really doesn't matter how old you are. Truth of the matter is we're ancient. 25, no pups, no mates. We're broken." She dodged as Mei threw a pillow at her.

After their laughter died down, Mei let out a sigh. "The pup experience isn't all its cracked up to be. I've been the pack surrogate 5 times and I hate it. My back hurts, my feet are swollen. I can't eat fish. Oh my god, do you realize how much I suffer at the Friday fish fry? To get my mouth on some shellfish again," they laughed as Mei wiped away invisible drool.

She continued after a bit, "But seriously, it's not that great. There's medical complications, food restrictions, weight restrictions, sleepless nights, morning sickness, night sickness, midday sickness, tender tits, weird ass cravings. I guarantee I've gained at least 30 pounds this pregnancy. All this suffering and I can't even keep it."

Tali rubbed Mei's arm and planted a kiss to her brow. "But what you do is so wonderful. You're giving our pack a future. How many others would offer up their womb so that their pack could thrive? You've given multiple families something to cherish. Not to mention all the friends you've gained from being a surrogate. I'm proud of you. All of us are. Aside from the alpha and beta pairs, you're the next most important part of our pack."

Mei giggled as she playfully shoved Tali. "I guess you're right. I am pretty fuckin' great, huh?" The girls laughed lightly

Suddenly, Tali was on guard. Her ears perked up as she listened closely. At the sound of another twig snapping, she shifted to her wolf eyes so she could see better in the dark. Someone was outside the tree cave and she didn't know who. If it was a pack mate, they would've announced themselves by using the secret call. And none of them were to be back out here tonight. If there were survivors, they'd retrieve them in the morning.

She sniffed picking up a faint scent but couldn't place it. Or was she smelling the woods? It was a perfect combination of cedar, pine and dirt. Tali was struggling to wrap her head around what was happening. Was there cedar trees in this part of the woods?

That's when it happened.

The dark form took a step into the clearing. The moon casting shadows, in all the right places, made him seem bigger and stronger than he should. Tali was finally able to pull her gaze from his muscular chest and landed on his sinister smile.

This man was going to be bad news.


Chase sat next to a big tree, listening closely for his mates laugh again. The sound was like light feathery kisses to his very core. And how he loved it.

When a twig snapping caught his attention, he crouched low to the ground, watching intently as his mate searched the perimeter. Her eyes were glued to the dark. Chase assumed he saw the male before she did. The look on her face pissed his wolf off though.

Her eyes scanned the other male and Chase tried reassuring his wolf that she was sizing him and to determine if she could take him down. His wolf smiled at her fierceness.

When the male stalked towards her, Chase quickly, yet quietly moved towards the area he'd just surfaced from. If he could get behind the enemy, it would make it easier to take down the fucker.

Chase moved into position faster as his wolf picked up the scent from this strange male that was after his mate.

Mountain lion.

The dark scent of cedar gave it away. And then, as if hitting him like a punch to the guts, Chase felt the fear tear through him. His mate was definitely in danger. Mountain lions were known for fighting until death. Theirs, or their opponents.

Just as the vicious creature was getting ready to leap at her, Chase lunged forward, grabbing him around the waist and pinning him to the ground. He pushed the assholes face into the ground hard as he fought to keep his wolf under control.

"Who the fuck," he stressed the word as he slammed his head into the ground again, "are you?" When the muscular beast man beneath him said nothing, Chase shifted his weight, aiming most of it on his back to make it more painful if he decided to shift.

An angry growl came from the male before his heavy breathing calmed and he flattened to the ground, giving up all fight.

"Her scent," he growled. Chase's head snapped to her. She was crouched down, claws and canines bared with a dark look in her eyes. She was ready to draw blood even if it meant throwing away her own life. He had to admire her protective streak. He'd witnessed it twice today.

Turning back to the mountain lion reluctantly he asked in a dismissive tone, "What about it?" Curiosity peeked his interest though and he took a deep intake of the air. Her scent was the strongest. Encasing his very being and calming his nerves.

"You feel it too," the lion chuckled. "The calm air about her. How being near her washes away the darkest of moods. Or the pain. Physical or mental. Shes addictive." Chase growled out loud as he pressed his knee harder into the fuckers spine.

"What the hell are you doing here? This isn't your territory," Chase barked. He was starting to lose control of his wolf now. If this asshole kept talking about her, about the woman his beast was so obsessed with already, he wouldn't be able to hold back. His wolf clawed and howled, begging to be released. He needed closer to his female.

The muscle beneath him laughed a dangerous warning. "If I don't take her, someone else will." With that, Chase gave in. He removed himself from the mountain lion and stepped back towards her. "She'll be mine. Forced is always an option," his dark laugh was cut off by Chase as he jumped, transforming in midair before latching his teeth in the bastards flesh.

Blood, adrenaline, her. Her. He needed her. He needed to protect her.

He needed full control of his wolf, not wanting to risk what all shifters feared. Going rogue. But he had too. If he was any bit human, he'd hold back, willing his wolf not to do whatever was necessary.


Without another thought, he let go. His wolf was all there was now. And all Chase could think about was her. He hoped she'd see what was happening and she'd run. Run far away from him.