
chapter 1

living for thousand years in the universe is not something you can believe. even after so many years I can't find the loophole to break the curse without the doppelganger. it seems i have to wait more for the doppelganger. there have been some strange incidents happening in London. whatever it is, it's not normal neither vampire nor werewolf even not the witches doing it. I have to find out myself.

Nick there is a news someone claiming that they have seen Katherine's doppelganger who is a human


in mysticfall.

little sister pack your bags we are moving to mysticfall I've waited for too long now I want to verify is she really the doppelganger I need.

Elina Gilbert: life is not easy for me after the death of my parents and finding out I'm adopted. it would be great if it was only about adoption but no they saying I'm a doppelganger which doesn't make any sense come on how can that be possible but I have to believe as my boyfriend is a vampire that to more than 100 years old. vampire werewolf witches are good to be myth. sometimes I wish it would be better if I didn't find out or be a person leading normal life.

Elina where is your focus you can use your parents excuse now it's been more than 3 month now back to class.

sorry teacher I was just thinking about assignment.

think about that later now give your attention to this lecture

Elina I think you should rest for some days.

Stefan please I'm alright have you talked with Demon.

No he is out of station.