
The sad girl

A girl she was born in a middle class family her name is Siesie she have two older brothers,her father is headmaster in a small village and her mother is housewife.Siesie is a sad girl since from childhood but her family never noticed her sadness they even don't care if she's sad or lonely. After many many years ago, still Siesie parents don't notice, what is behind her sadness. When Siesie turn 17 years old, then one of there relative notice that Siesie is in a depression, it was her "aunty who notice her sadness. "Then she go ask about Siesie what is behind her sadnes, from there Siesie parents knows that she is in depression. Then they asked Siesie what is behind your sadness then she replied with her watery eyes so rudely I hate you mom and dad. Her aunty asked why do you hate your mom and dad? Siesie replied cuz they treat me like a step daughter although I'm the smallest again why would they treat me like I'm not exist in this world which is really sad for me. Siesie parents replied no I love you baby oh! I was waiting for that you to say I hate you mom and dad yeah but we really love's you the most dear. We just scared that you will become spoiled kid so because of that we don't give any attention love to you.