
Resurrected Love

Aurora X Benjamin

Aurora and Benjamin were married to each other for business reasons, even though they used to dislike each other. But over the course of a year, something changed. They both started developing feelings for one another.

Then, something terrible happened. Aurora received news of her husband's death in an accident. From that moment on, she became cold and distant, just like her late husband used to be.

Benjamin loved his wife deeply, and when he was in the accident, he thought he had died and left her all alone. But when he woke up, he found himself in the body of a cheerful teenage boy who had died under mysterious circumstances.

Now, Benjamin wants to win back his wife's love, but she hasn't shown interest in anyone else since her husband's passing. He wonders if Aurora will ever find out the truth about his new identity. Will their love be strong enough to overcome the challenges they face? Only time will tell.