
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

What am I watching?

  [Abyss of Death Love] tells a series of stories that occur after the protagonist's lover mysteriously dies.

  The protagonist and his lover are deeply in love. Since the death of his lover, he didn't think about drinking or food all day long. He couldn't play games and couldn't sleep well. He became more and more decadent and thin, like he masturbated for ten days and ten nights.

  Until one day, he met a woman who had a similar temperament to his deceased lover but a different appearance. His feelings transferred to her and he began to chase her crazily.

  Under the diligent and unrelenting attacks from the protagonist, he finally hugged the girl. His deceased ex-girlfriend gradually disappeared from his heart, and his girlfriend's status became more and more important. His girlfriend also loved him very much, and the two lived happily ever after.

  But soon, the protagonist, enchanted by love, returns to his senses and realizes something is wrong.

  His girlfriend is too familiar with his various habits, including his tendency to tiptoe, his habit of holding a spoon with his left hand when eating, and his tendency to add a third of a spoonful of sugar when he drinks water. A habit he didn't have time to tell her, but the girl knew this.

  Moreover, his own habits also feel familiar, just like his lost ex-girlfriend.

  At this point, there are actually hints of some classic films. Then, when the protagonist notices that his girlfriend will wake up and disappear for some time at 4:44 am every day, and finds a large glass jar filled with formaldehyde in the basement. Everyone in the cinema knows the plot behind it.

  Complaints kept coming and going, Shinichi even asked Fumino.

  "Hey, this movie's ratings are really high..."

  Fumino was munching on popcorn while observing the image on the screen with great interest.

  Feeling Shinichi's gaze, Fumino turned her head and asked uncertainly: "What's wrong, Asada-san? Ah, do you want to eat popcorn again?"

  Then she handed over a super-large bucket of popcorn that had less than a fifth left in her hand.

  "…It's okay, you eat," Shinichi always felt that Fumino would definitely become a good friend of Itsuki with lots of topics to talk about while eating.

  It's just easy to arise one-sided hatred because of differences in size.

  Seeing that she likes to eat so much, why doesn't she get a lot of meat...

  Hearing the sound of munching popcorn beside him suddenly getting a little more fierce, Shinichi decided not to think about such impolite things, and turned to Rizu.

  Rizu stared at the movie screen, her whole body tense and stiff.

  She seemed to be muttering something in her mouth.

  "It's all fake... From a logical point of view, this plot is completely unscientific... How could these things be in the basement and only discovered now... The protagonist's discovery timing is too deliberate. Rational analysis shows that it doesn't make any sense at all…"

  Shinichi turned his gaze back.

  It looks like they're all serious about watching the film, so don't get distracted.

  Moreover, even if you can guess the plot behind it, the level of atmosphere creation, storyboard changes, and background music matching of this film can be said to be very good, and will not make people feel bored.

  While he was concentrating on the screen, the protagonist and heroine finally met in the basement at this moment, preparing for a thrilling confrontation.

  With a tearing sound, the girlfriend suddenly tore the human skin on her body, revealing a withered corpse underneath, and let out a sharp roar.

  While crying, Rizu immediately hugged Shinichi.

  Shinichi patted Rizu's arm.

  "Don't be afraid, it's all fake."

"I, I, I'm not afraid. I know it's right or wrong!" The arm was still around Shinichi's neck, and warm breath was blowing on his cheek. Rizu trembled in fear causing her skin to rub against each other.

  Shinichi sighed.

  In order not to let himself think strangely, he suddenly felt something, he turned his head and looked at the other side.

  Fumino was looking at him.

  It's not an illusion. In the darkness, Fumino's eyes watched him on the right through the dim light of the screen.

  Even though Shinichi turned around the moment his eyes met, everything seemed like an illusion, Fumino remained focused on watching the movie.

  But Fumino...

  She stopped eating popcorn...

  To be honest, this side is scarier.

  Shinichi knew in his heart that Fumino was secretly watching what was going on here.

  He watched the movie seriously.

  Not knowing what the purpose of Fumino's trip was, Shinichi had no intention of acting rashly, he only had one thought in his mind – finish watching this film like a plant.

  As a result, it didn't take long for him to realize that the film was even more interesting than he thought, he was immersed in it without realizing it, completely forgetting the two girls beside him.

  After the girlfriend physically breaks up and confesses to the protagonist that she is his deceased ex-lover, and that she only used human skin to resurrect her soul to get close to him, the protagonist takes an unacceptable step back and falls.

  His ex-girlfriend, whose face was filled with invisible sadness, rushed to his aid, but accidentally kicked the wire to the ground. After a series of chain reactions, the large glass jar containing formaldehyde shattered with a loud clang.

  The very good quality glass jar was not broken, but the ex-lover was crushed to a pulp.

  The protagonist escapes in a hurry, seals the basement, and spends miserable days, dreaming every day that his former lover crawls out of the ground to find him.

  Then the other party really came.

  The scariest part of the film also starts here.

  Wherever there is a hole, an ex-lover can find the protagonist.

  When going to the toilet, wipe the protagonist's buttocks in the toilet.

  While washing his hands, he stepped out of the faucet and greeted the protagonist.

  While eating, a hand reached from his throat to help him pick up the fish bones.

  All kinds of shocking and disgusting scenes shocked the viewer's point of view.

  Shinichi was stunned, not expecting such an operation at all.

  In the end, the protagonist finally couldn't stand the harassment, opened the sealed cellar, and tried his best to get rid of the large glass jar. The former lover's body which was originally made of meat paste, returned to its original state.

  It's still a corpse.

  There was no blood, the face was pale and wrinkled, the corpse was ugly and terrifying like the undead.

  She uses this look to initiate a touching final emotional scene with the protagonist.

  "Jack, I love you so much I want to go to hell with you. Hell without you is like hell. The world with you is heaven. That's why I was able to live until now because I love you."

  "Cecil, I love you too. After all, my life is hell right now, so why not go to hell with you?"

  Later, the protagonist kisses the heroine.

  Kissing those pale, rotten, dry, wrinkled lips that probably still contained formaldehyde, the protagonist kissed them hard.

  Humans and corpses had just been kissing passionately for a minute in front of the audience, the sight was so beautiful that sounds of vomiting could be heard from all directions. Many people couldn't stand it and left early.

  Shinichi rubbed his chin expressionlessly.

  He was thinking about what kind of expressive art this was, what the scriptwriter wanted to express, what the director wanted to convey to the audience, and why the actors' makeup could be so obvious that people could feel formalin just by looking at it.

  After the kiss, something magical happened, the corpse gradually regained its vitality and returned to a living human being who looked neutral and beautiful.

  "Your kiss brought me back to life, a kiss saved everything!"

  "No my beloved. It is love, love gives us hope, love makes us reborn, and a kiss is just a way to convey this feeling!"

  The two defended again, and this time the picture was much better.

  After the kiss was enough, they exited the basement, only to find that there was a completely strange world in front of them.

  Without the original home and familiar objects, the sky was gray, the land was barren endlessly, and the world seemed to be filled with the reek of blood.

  Even so, the two of them could still look at each other with a smile, hold hands, and walk together towards the unknown darkness ahead.

  —Even in death, pure love can still light the way to the abyss.

  As soon as the screen goes dark, the words appear and stop for a few seconds, and the movie ends here.

  The lights are on, but the cinema is silent.

  Shinichi leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

  "What am I watching?"