
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

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982 Chs

The king of smelly feet is none other than Nohara Hiroshi

  To be honest, Shinichi felt a little uneasy when he did this. On the surface he pretended to be calm, but in fact he was very embarrassed.

  Sandwiched between two girls who liked him, he hugged both of their shoulders simultaneously as if they were cheating, something only a playboy or a scoundrel, Shinichi would do for the first time. Without psychological burden, it is impossible.

  Even if he had a valid reason, he felt guilty.

  It's strange to say that it was clearly done to prevent Nino and Miku from continuing to fight, but why was he like a wild animal showing its fangs to its prey for the first time?

  Fortunately, the two girls seemed to realize the joke behind his actions, and did not hold any grudges, and let go after squeezing his waist.

  The man in the middle of the three holding an umbrella also covered the two women with his coat, hugging them as they walked forward with their heads lowered, the first reaction was clearly not envy and jealousy, but a sentence of psychosis.

  So they immediately returned to their original position. Miku continued to hold the coat, Shinichi continued to hold the handle of the umbrella, and Nino tied her long, half-wet hair into a ponytail.

  Along the way, they talked less.

  Even though on the surface the two of them pretended not to care, Shinichi's behavior when he had just hugged them left a deep impression.

  Miku rubbed the coat fabric from time to time, staring blankly at the rain, seeming to be entangled in complex emotions.

  Nino no longer held Shinichi's hand tightly, occasionally chatting with him, but holding back questions, so awkward that she couldn't ask even if she wanted to.

  Both of them tugged at the corners of his clothes, but the intensity became much weaker.


  When we arrived at the restaurant, there were already lots of people. After all, most people who went out to play in this weather would bring an umbrella, but Nino and Miku were exceptions.

  They also attracted a lot of attention when they entered the restaurant. Several men focused their attention on Nino who was not covered by a coat. Before they could see clearly, someone stood in front of Nino and relied, Shinichi adjusted his posture to block that unpleasant view.

  Nino also hid behind him very cooperatively and whispered.

  "Huh, you really are getting better and better at pleasing girls…"


  Miku nodded, while Shinichi acted like he didn't hear anything, shaking the umbrella and storing it inside the umbrella cover.

  "The hair dryer is next to the toilet, just straighten it and turn it."

  "Thank You."

  Taking the hot towel from the waiter's hand, the waitress pointed in the direction thoughtfully. After the three of them said thank you, they walked over while wiping their faces and hair.

  Regardless of whether you are holding an umbrella or wearing a raincoat, as long as you don't wear rain boots, your feet will definitely get wet in the heavy rain.

  Therefore, when they arrived at the toilet, they saw many people leaning against the wall while blowing out their shoes and socks with coin-operated hair dryers. The smell of wet feet filled the surrounding air with a strange mixture. The three people's expressions changed after seeing this, and they reluctantly approached with their noses covered.

  "Fortunately, there is no middle-aged uncle like Nohara Hiroshi here..." Shinichi felt lucky.

  The two sisters who were clearly paying attention to Crayon Shin-chan, their bodies trembled at the same time: "Isn't that hell..."

  But even though it was hell, the three of them still had to dry their feet. The wet footprints along the road proved how badly they had been tricked by Shinichi, not to mention that they were now soaking wet and cold. Miku and even Nino were wearing soaking wet shoes and socks, the desire to go home became stronger.

  What else could she do? Today's date was considered a waste, so why not just end it here, and immediately take Miku home to save her from catching a cold.

  As for the next date...

  For some reason, Nino suddenly felt a little unmotivated, her mind was filled with complicated thoughts which greatly reduced her interest.

  Glancing at Shinichi, Nino shook off a bit of annoyance.

  The three of them queued for a while, and finally it was their turn to use the hair dryer. There are too many people, so using them interchangeably is the most efficient way.

  Nino knelt down to take off her shoes, and as Miku was about to take off her black stockings, Shinichi suddenly spoke.

  "I'm going to the convenience store to buy something. You can help each other dry your hair first, and we'll take care of his feet later."

  "?" Although both of them were confused, they nodded and saw Shinichi turn around and run towards the convenience store.

  Looking at each other, there was silence, but soon they smiled at each other and returned to their usual tacit understanding.

  Nino put in a coin and grabbed a hairdryer. Miku covered Nino's too long hair with a warm towel. Amidst the sound of hair blowing, someone spoke first.

  "When are you going to cut your hair short? It's too long, isn't it troublesome?"

  "Of course it's troublesome. I have to spend a lot of time taking care of it every day," Nino said casually as she felt Miku's hair slowly dry and warm between her fingers.

  "But I don't want to cut it."

  "Why?" Miku asked and answered herself, "Is it because in the past, everyone had the same hair length?"

  "…No, I don't care about that kind of thing anymore." Nino was thinking about something, and her tone was a little calmer, "It's just that there is no reason to interrupt it. Besides, it has been left for so long, what a shame."

  "So that's how it is," Miku held her hair and changed the topic.

  "…That earlier shouldn't have any other meaning, right?"

  Nino was a little surprised, then laughed out loud.

  "Do you still care about that kind of thing? Don't worry, he's not that brave, or he's just doing something unexpected as usual, without really thinking anything through or it's just lust. When he saw two beauties who were soaked all over, he couldn't help it for a moment, how could he dare to board so many boats?"

  The corners of Miku's mouth raised slightly, then slowly calmed down.

  "Is Ichika too?"

  The reason why they weren't in two different situations was because Nino obviously also thought that Shinichi might have hugged Ichika yesterday.

  Miku noticed this and looked into her eyes.

  "Who knows what she did to him yesterday? Save your opinion." Nino looked very unconcerned and stroked Miku's hair, making her close her eyes in the hot wind.

  "There's no point in thinking too much. If I'm afraid he's too busy, why don't I just take his whole heart? I don't think he's the type of fuckboy who says 'I want it all.' Maybe he has his own plans."

  What she said before couldn't be taken seriously, if Shinichi was really a playboy, Nino wouldn't have needed to use her grades as a bet before, and she would have had to try hard to ask him out.

  Nino used to think that as long as a man was good-looking, it didn't matter if the other party was a little hasty, but when she truly fell in love with someone, she realized that all she wanted was for him to just look at her.

  Nino was stunned.

  (Unknowingly, I have been influenced by him a lot...)

  "I didn't…" Miku muttered defensively, but halfway through, she shook her head, "Indeed, as long as I can confirm that Shinichi likes me, I don't need to worry about the rest. Do as you wish... Huh."

  Nino came back to her senses and looked at her, with a gentle smile on her lips.


  At this moment, a calling sound suddenly came from the side.

  "Nino? Miku? You're here!"

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