
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

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982 Chs

Showing an awkward drama

  (Is this the reason...)

  Shinichi smiled bitterly, for a moment, feelings more complicated than before emerged in his heart.

  Sure enough, being too popular will alienate girls. No wonder Fumino always looks like she wants to help Rizu, it turns out she gave up a long time ago...

Shinichi always felt sorry for her. After all, this was because he had always ignored the ambiguity between the two. Giving up when there is no hope is normal.

  At first he thought Nino might be the first to give up, but Fumino had already decided to give up.

  He didn't know whether he was disappointed or relieved, "Is that so…" After hiding his disinterest, Shinichi regained his mood.

  "Back to the topic, what exactly is a 'fake relationship'? What does this have to do with Furuhashi?"

  Along with the sound of water, Rui's voice became a little damp.

  "Didn't I tell you before? Your current approach addresses the symptoms but not the root of the problem. Not everyone will secretly like and then give up like Fumino. And besides, you also have other women outside, right?"

  "Ahem, if you can't talk, talk less." Shinichi coughed awkwardly, "Don't say anything, it's like I boarded many boats and tarnished my reputation."

  Rui didn't even bother complaining about it, and continued.

  "You said you wanted everyone who likes you to be happy, but now that you think about it, that's impossible. Quintuplets alone are enough for you, let alone the two girls in the student council (Chika and Kei), and Fumino has already given up... No matter how good your plan is, I don't believe you can handle these girls perfectly, sooner or later it will happen fight."

  "You didn't say that before, why do you doubt it again now?" Shinichi pretended to be relaxed.

  "You actually don't need to worry about this kind of thing. I will handle my feelings myself..."

  Rui turned off the water, and her serious voice came through very clearly.

  "Stop being stubborn and face reality."

  "…What do you mean?" Shinichi frowned, while Rui sighed softly.

  "You are willing to die and survive. If you want to break the current deadlock, you can't do it without my help."

  "Blinding tenderness cannot change anything. Even if you keep the pool calm, you can't stop the damage of the water itself... A book says so."

  "Always passive and careful to maintain that fragile balance, why not find a way to destroy this balance and find a way to solve it once and for all?"

  "I'm not a love teacher, I've never been in love, and I haven't read as many books as you... But even so, I understand a truth."

  Rui opened the shower again, letting the sound of the water drown out her next sentence, but clearly reach Shinichi's ears outside the door.

  "After hearing that the guy them like has a girlfriend, a girl's reaction is more scary and useful than you think."

  "Even if... It's just a fake."


  Shinichi fell completely silent, looking at the wooden floor, his expression one of contemplation.

  It took a long time before he spoke.

  "Tell me in more detail... What are you going to do?"

  Water flowed all over her face, and Rui smiled faintly.

  "It's very simple. Cooperate with me and put on an awkward show before summer vacation is over."


  Time flies quickly.

  Saturday afternoon.

  Ichika comes to Asada's house as promised. After checking her makeup at the door, she pressed the doorbell with a smile on her face.

  *Ding Dong*

  "Will come..."

  Not long after, someone opened the door.

  "Hah? Ichika-san, long time no see... What's wrong?"

  Rui opened the door with ice in her mouth and looked at her strangely.

  "Rui-chan, long time no see~" Ichika greeted with a smile, looking back then back at her face.

  "I'm here to see your older brother. I have something to ask him today."

  "Oh, then come in."

  Rui invites Ichika in, puts on the visitor's slippers, and takes her upstairs.

  "He is studying in his room now. Do you want to ask about his homework?"

  "Not like that..."

(She is Shinichi-kun's sister, so it doesn't matter if I say it directly)

Ichika puffed out her chest proudly.

  "I am an actress who has appeared on the big screen! Although I'm not famous now, I will definitely become a big star that attracts everyone's attention one day. This is my dream!"

  "To make that dream come true, I came to ask Shinichi-kun about today's acting skills."

  "That guy still has this kind of ability…" Her expression didn't change, and she didn't even ask any more questions, Rui continued to chew on the ice and answered.

  "Okay, cheer up."

  "Eh~ So tasteless..." Ichika sighed to herself that the brother and sister were indeed the same, tasteless and a little annoying.

  After being taken to Shinichi's room, Rui didn't leave, she knocked on the door and went straight in.

  "Your guests are here."

  Seeing the figure sitting at the table, Ichika's eyes lit up, she raised her hand and waved.

  "Good afternoon, Shinichi-kun, I'm here to keep your promise~"

  "Good afternoon."

  Shinichi closed his book, turned around in his chair, and looked at Ichika's clothes.

  Mature but cheerful, simple but charming, much better than Rui who wears casual clothes at home.

  "I always feel like you are secretly scolding me... Hmph."

  Rui looked unhappy. After eating the ice and throwing it in the trash, she walked towards Shinichi.

  Ichika looked around, and when she looked at the bed, she felt like she was staring at his prey. She was about to sit and enjoy the interaction between the two brothers and sisters, and then when Shinichi proposed the purpose of the trip, a scene that surprised her occurred.

  Shinichi sat in the computer chair, while Rui coquettishly sat on his lap. Not the kind of sitting with legs apart facing each other, but sitting diagonally like a princess hugging.

  She placed her hand on his shoulder, and Shinichi didn't mean to resist, Rui adjusted her posture so she could lean against his better.

  Simply put, in front of Ichika, the two of them embraced intimately.


  After Ichika was stunned for a few seconds, she smiled as usual: "Are you trying to show your love as brother and sister? Would it be too much to do it so openly in front of someone like me?"

  "Sorry, Ichika-san."

  Rui apologized, leaning lazily against Shinichi's chest, looking at her with half-narrowed eyes.

  "You seem to like Shinichi Onii-chan, right? Just like Nino-san, it was obvious to me when I first came home."

  "Eh…" The smile on Ichika's face was stiff, a look of disbelief appeared in her eyes, and she pretended to be calm and asked.

  "Um... Rui-chan, what exactly are you trying to say..."

  A faint smile appeared on Rui's lips.

  "Shinichi Onii-chan and I are cousins, and cousins can marry, and our parents also approve of this marriage."

   Ichika's eyes widened, and the light in her pupils disappeared, and her voice became quieter.

  "So what does this mean?"

  "Then I will tell you directly."

  Rui met her gaze without backing down, showing her sovereignty, and held Shinichi's hand tighter.

  "He accepted my confession. Before you know it, I have become Shinichi Onii-chan's girlfriend!"

  The sound echoed throughout the room.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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