
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

Reasons Full of Gaps

  When it was time to talk about serious matters, Shinichi didn't deliberately lower his voice, but spoke to Furuhashi at a normal volume.

  "Though it's a bit sudden, Kirisu sensei told me something this morning."

  It's coming!

  Furuhashi smiled in her heart, she had already discussed with Ogata on the other side of the corridor, not to reveal that the two had eavesdropped on their conversation, but to pretend that nothing had happened, and let Shinichi make a request.

  This is not to be cunning, but to avoid embarrassment. Like someone telling a friend that he likes a certain girl and wants to confess, but the girl overhears him, she can't just rush in and say "you're going to confess, right? Tell me, I'm in a hurry!" It's too embarrassing.

  Men are all reputation-saving creatures, especially Shinichi is the type of guy who is too awkward to speak. For him sake, Furuhashi decided to act with Ogata, and see how he will talk about his problems being their teacher.

  Laughing secretly, Furuhashi pretended to be confused and said: "What's wrong? Does this have anything to do with me?"

  "Yeah, it has something to do with you and Ogata Rizu." Shinichi nodded earnestly, and started talking about the reason he made earlier, "Kirisu Sensei had some business recently, so she couldn't teach you, but if you study alone, the chances of you passing next week's test will be very small, then this is tantamount to making things difficult for you, and there is no way for you to turn back. That's what she told me, and I don't know the specifics."

  Furuhashi held back her laughter, the corners of her mouth curled up with difficulty, and her cheeks trembled slightly: "Mhm... It's really hard for Sensei to think about us so much..."

  Even though he was a little confused by her strange expression, Shinichi finished the lie he thought up in a hurry: "Kirisu sensei came to me, she hopes I can teach you in this period of time, and tried her best to let you in a week. So that when you fail, you are willing to give up your goals. So for the next week, I'll-"


  It seemed like she couldn't take it anymore, Furuhashi had been puffing up and biting her lip to hold back her laughter, finally laughing.

  She even lay down on the table, buried her head in her arms, and then her shoulders shook.

"Pfft... Hahaha... Really... Hahaha... Asada-san really... Hahahaha..."

  Shinichi frowned, and his expression became a little ugly: "Furuhashi, is there something funny about this?"

  Did she see he was lying? No, even if she knew he was lying now, did she need to laugh?

  Seeing her raise her head and even shed tears of laughter, Shinichi became even more irritated.

  Did this woman really hate him for being dissatisfied and holding a grudge?

  He had given her a chocolate bar to satisfy her hunger yesterday, and now that she was laughing at him like this, how could there be such an ungrateful woman?

  Noticing that Shinichi's face was getting darker, and the eyes looking at her were getting more and more dangerous, Furuhashi quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, wiping her face with her hands, After returning to normal, she smiled at Shinichi with a red face.

  "I'm sorry, I was too happy. It turns out that Kirisu sensei was very kind and gave us a chance to fight... En, I see! It means that next week, you will be our tutor, right?"

  Hearing the word "tutor", Nakano Itsuki, who was sitting behind Shinichi, stopped concentrating on writing the exam questions, looked at the two of them through her thin-rimmed glasses, and finally looked him up and down, with a deep look.

  "That's right." Too lazy to argue with him, after a sigh, Shinichi nodded, and looked at her seriously, "Although my knowledge is not as good as Kirisu sensei, but I am in the same class as you, and my grades are not bad, I think I might be able to achieve a different effect if I teach. You only need to work harder on the test a week later, not to mention the high score, but it may not be a problem to pass the test."

  "So now, I want to ask your opinion, can I change educators to be your friends? Is that unacceptable? If you have any ideas, no problem, this is not a mandatory order, the most important thing is for the students' feelings, I can make appropriate adjustments depending on the situation."

  "Eh..." Furuhashi stared at him blankly, while Shinichi held his breath, looking into her brown eyes sincerely.

  As soon as she thought of refusing, through her eyes, Shinichi was able to detect it in time, and responded in the shortest possible time, trying his best to persuade her.


  "En, thank you for taking care of us so much. But, I'm fine."

  There was a gentle smile on that quiet and beautiful face, her head was slightly tilted, and her blue hair was loose. Furuhashi responded to her gaze without hesitation, and said with a bright smile, "Better say welcome! I've wanted Asada-san to teach me math for a long time…"

  Shinichi was surprised: "Really? Then why didn't you say it earlier. I'll teach you what I said before! Being a good teacher is one of my few shortcomings, if you ask me, I have reason to be able to teach you."

  However, Furuhashi skipped this topic while laughing, her face was slightly red, and her gaze was also averted.

  "No! I don't want you to teach... After all, I just found out two days ago that the person sitting next to me is actually Asada-san! I just thought it was a student with good grades, and sometimes I would curse in my heart that all of her subjects were as bad as my math class…"

  Shinichi: "Hehehe, yeah..."

Furuhashi might as well not explain, the more she explained, the more annoying she would be!

  "You're welcome!" Furuhashi took a deep breath, forced the conversation back on track, raised a finger and said, "Asada-san will be our tutor for a week... No, it should be 'educator', right?"

  "Yes." Furuhashi's serious expression was quite pressing, and Shinichi could only sit up straight and nod in response.

  "Okay, then I will tell Ricchan about this matter, and he will definitely agree. You don't need to worry about anything else, Asada-san just needs to find a way to properly teach us, okay?" Furuhashi clapped, and a smile bloomed again.

  "Of course, Furuhashi-sama." Shinichi couldn't hold back his laughter, and didn't feel angry, but just saw a different side of his seatmate, and felt a little refreshed.

  As Furuhashi said, Shinichi only has one task, which is to increase their grades. It would be great if other matters could be left to Furuhashi, he could save a lot of time studying things himself.

  "What's so funny..." Furuhashi frowned slightly and pouted, then looked back to gently tug at her hair with her left hand, letting it cover the side of her face, and asked casually, "By the way, Asada-san, I have something to ask you."

  "What? Is this a math problem? Don't worry, I'm ready, just ask whatever you want!" Shinichi raised his eyebrows, his eyes lit up, and his expression was as excited as a gladiator taking on a challenge.

  "No! I just wanted to ask... Why did you want to help us? I'm not boasting. My grades in science are terrible. Even Sensei gave up teaching us. Why are you willing to do this thankless task?"

  Shinichi was stunned, for some reason, Furuhashi faced him.

  After a while, he shrugged and answered in a relaxed tone.

  "Now then, I wanted to hide it from you, but I guess I can only be honest. The director had the opposite opinion to Kirisu sensei about your matter, so the director also approached me, saying if I could let you successfully pass the test, she would help me give me extra points in my studies, and she would be able to buy some valuable books and put them in the library in order. I was the first to borrow."

  "What if it fails?" Furuhashi's voice was emotionless.

  "It's nothing, it's a no-cost business, so I agree." Shinichi said indifferently, he just wanted to let Furuhashi and Ogata receive his teachings with peace of mind, not with alms or sympathy, but with colleagues.

  That's why he said: "This is also a kind of learning, right? For me, that's killing two birds with one stone. As long as you don't mind, everything will be fine, so you don't have to worry about me. Be yourself, anything you can do will work."

  As for the real purpose, Shinichi didn't mean to say. After all, it was quite embarrassing to stand up for someone he didn't know very well and make such an impulsive bet.

  After all, it was only a matter of a week, and in the end, no matter if he lost or won, he wouldn't have much to do with Furuhashi and Ogata. If he won, he would continue his studies, if he lost, he would study elsewhere.

  "Thank You." After Furuhashi finished speaking, without turning to look at him, she took out her textbook and prepared for the first class.

  Shinichi didn't know Furuhashi's expression right now, but she was probably smiling, right? Listening to her voice and seeing her move, seemed happier than the smile she showed while sleeping?

  But why are her ears so red? Is it fever, or otitis externa?

  Under the cover of long hair, Furuhashi lowered her head, moved her lips, and spoke silently.

  (Wrong reason...)

  She was afraid that even Ogata couldn't be fooled by a reason like this, right? Anyway, the acting ability of the person next to her is comparable to her math grades, obviously really bad. Even if she didn't know the inside story, she couldn't be tricked that easily.

  (That's right, it's Asada-san after all. Despite his excellent grades, he can't lie, he's easily impulsive, and sometimes he taunts girls cruelly…)

  It turns out that her neighbor is a very bad person, and she only realized it now.

  (Nevertheless, a good man.)

  After hearing those words, whether it was her or Ogata, there would be a warm feeling of recognition in her heart.

  (So, Asada-san is a good person, but that's also something people want to believe in.)

  Furuhashi smiled helplessly. her face was as red as the setting sun, but the corners of her mouth curved like the morning twilight, smiling very warmly.


  She cursed lightly so no one could hear her.