
Love Must After Study

Title: Love Must After Study (恋爱要在学习之后) Author: 路過的中二少年 (A middle schooler passing by) Genre: Harem, school, slice of Life, romance, comedy Synopsis: In Shuchi'in Academy, a second-ranked student of the exam, is known as the Second Unshakable King. Now he is the first rank, Asada Shinichi, the 69th Student Council President. In his address to the whole school, he said: “Sensei, in my not-too-distant life, I have realized a truth... The more hypocritical we are, the more we stop moving forward. The more we look ahead, the more things are missing. The more we care about the shackles of law and common sense, the less we can see the shadows of freedom and happiness. Everything is wrong! Human beings have limits, so I...” The principal very nervously rushed forward. “Asada Shinichi, exactly what are you trying to say!” Shinichi waved his hand, a group of beautiful girls came forward holding a novel with around a few million words. "There's only one thing I want to say, and it's only a very simple thing, Love Must After Study!"

TranslatorFanfict · Anime & Comics
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982 Chs

From now on, she has a heart of her own

  Several times, when someone glanced at Miku doubtfully and kept shaking their head, Nino wanted to throw the microphone in her face.

  Several times, when Miku stood in everyone's gaze, trembling with fear, Nino wanted to come up to comfort her.

  However, until Miku showed the appearance of giving up, she still resisted all prodding. Due to experiencing such pain, it meant that Miku was growing gradually, as long as she passed through this hardship, she would definitely become stronger than before.

  And when Itsuki went up with the loudspeaker, Nino also guessed that this was Shinichi's backhand... The man kept saying that he believed in Miku, but he had considered the possibility that Miku would fail.

  (How dangerous! Did you just tell me so much to persuade me?)

  Cursing in her heart, Nino couldn't help but smile.

  No matter what the situation is, Shinichi can always make her feel comfortable very quickly.

  Seeing Miku manage to speak successfully, even though she was nervous, and trembling, she still told the 150 students how to use a fire extinguisher, Nino turned her head and glanced at Yotsuba who had fully recovered. Then on to Ichika who was adjusting the lights in the distance. It was unknown where Itsuki who had just handed over the loudspeaker had gone.

  Looking around at the scenery of the forest school, she sighed.

  "This is the power of the quintuplets… No, this is the power of the cooperation of the five of us."

Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki.

  Not quintuplets, but these five girls with different personalities come together in this moment to save a bonfire party that is doomed..

  "...Hmph, I learned a lesson."

  Nino smiled, and began to cooperate with Miku to guide the atmosphere towards disaster prevention and control step by step, and used the collapsed bonfire as explanatory material, and Miku extinguished it.

  Under the "performance" of the two, the atmosphere became more relaxed, as if the accident was just part of an activity they had arranged, and even the expression on the teacher's face softened.

  But if this is the only way, can all the teachers and students really laugh at this mishap?

  Nino expresses her suspicions, but then Shinichi doesn't tell her what to do. She could only wait for Miku to take the fire extinguisher and gradually extinguish the fire and then think about whether to continue singing that song.

  So, when the bonfire is completely extinguished.

  Sharp voices sounded faintly from all directions.

  The lights disappeared at the same time, and the surroundings darkened, the light source disappeared from sight, and the darkness that couldn't be adjusted caused the crowd to panic.

  Nino's eyes widened. Although she still didn't understand what was going on, she still picked up the microphone and was about to face a crisis.

  At this moment, five distinct bands of light appeared in the night sky, causing chaos to dissipate.

  Nino looked up in surprise, and a second later, the band of light formed a pentagram, then exploded into five fireworks that surrounded her in a circle.

  The first, a yellow flower-shaped fireworks.

  The second is a purple butterfly-shaped fireworks.

  Blue samurai sword, green rabbit, red full moon... The fireworks were brilliant like stars, making her unwilling to blink and staring blankly with her mouth wide open.

  Even in a few seconds, such special fireworks slowly dissipated, and only two or three fireworks seemed to be insufficient to decorate the night sky, making the surroundings a little brighter.

  Nino was still staring blankly at the sky, and didn't recover for a long time.

  ...That person actually planned such a surprise.

  She remembered what had happened at the birthday party until now, and he wanted to use this method to give them a real fireworks display...

  ... Isn't this too stupid?

  Seriously, this is so stupid, how could there be such a shabby fireworks display and such a lack of atmosphere?

  Only Shinichi could come up with such a strange idea.

  He was a man who often made her angry. has a realistic, idealistic, and arrogant personality. He always spoke big words, but he had the power to make those big words come true.

  He was definitely not good with girls, he couldn't persuade or entertain them, but there were so many girls who liked him.

  What a pain.


  Nino put down the microphone, and smiled in acknowledgement, but also blushed.

  She said that no one would like him, but Fumino denied this.

  She said that he couldn't get a girlfriend, but was slapped in the face by the inexplicable acting.

  She had said that she hated him many times, but in the end she was slapped by his every action.

  Obviously Shinichi isn't the handsome man she likes, and he's not strong enough to give people a sense of security, and he makes her angry from time to time, and she's never won an argument with him...

  (Obviously beat you up, scolded you, walked home with an umbrella, got so busy working with you that I could barely leave the school gates, and made a promise with you to make the most perfect forest school...)

  (Like I didn't tell you?)

  (I don't want to like you in a hurry.)

  (I want to fall in love with you more seriously than anyone else.)

  (Because you are precious.)

  (...Love you.)

(If that's what you're asking, I'll admit it.)

  In the brilliant light and shadow that gradually descended, Nino smiled.

  From now on, she has her own heart.


  "Ha... I have to lobby Kirisu Sensei later..."

  Walking out of the lake and through the gloomy forest, Shinichi twisted his neck and exhaled slowly.

Itsuki next to him seemed to want to rub his shoulder, but Shinichi firmly refused... He was asked to do such a thing just now, if she rubbed his shoulder again, his embarrassment would really explode instantly.

  Itsuki followed him step by step, raised her head and asked.

  "Do you need me to go with you?"

  "No need." Shinichi ignored her disappointed eyes. Itsuki was more and more like a puppy that had found her owner. He looks impatient to do what's best for her. "You come back later. Help me investigate the student's satisfaction with this event, if it's not satisfactory, I'll have to find a way to fix it tomorrow..."

  "No, I asked 20 people, and 21 people said they were satisfied. They know it was an accident, but they also admire that we were able to respond in such a way after the accident, not to mention the fireworks. It can be seen that the people from the news club also said that they would do a good report about this forest school… In a positive sense."

  At the end of the forest, Nino put one hand on her waist, waiting for them to come.

  Nino glanced at Itsuki next to Shinichi, and after she clicked her tongue, she looked at him and smiled.

  "It's all thanks to you guys."

  "My responsibility."

Shinichi shrugged, reached out and exchanged blows with Nino's fists.

  "Good job."

  The two looked at each other and smiled.

  Nino stood there motionless, while Shinichi walked forward with a flustered Itsuki.


  "Itsuki! There are meat buns flying in the sky!"

Itsuki reflexively looked up at the sky, searching for the dark night sky.


  Seizing this moment, Nino turned and ran, her long hair fluttering.

  Placing her hand on Shinichi's shoulder, she stood on tiptoe, leaned forward, closed her eyes, and kissed his earlobe at the fastest speed.


  A voice that only the two of them could hear rang out, Shinichi opened his eyes wide in disbelief, numbness came from the part that was kissed, his feet were soft, and he almost fell over.


  Turning his head stiffly, he stared at her in surprise.

  Nino looked back, her face flushed but full of excitement, and she smiled gently.

  "Hmph, this isn't a joke."

  (Next time we're alone together, you'll know what a confession is.)

  (Wait for me, Asada Shinichi!)

  And when Itsuki lowered her head, both of them turned their backs at the same time, one looked at the sky and the other looked at the ground.

  "Nino, why are there meat buns flying in the sky..." Itsuki asked confused.

  Nino licked her lips and smiled.

  "Maybe I saw wrong?"