
Love Me Too

DCath · Teen
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3 Chs

A friend?

I woke up in the morning I was full of energy despite how hectic she had been last night. Emmett knew the rule, he couldn't stay the night unless it was the weekend. He always complied, that was something I also liked about him. I stretched out and rolled over on my bed, it felt good to have an apartment all to myself, I no longer had the need to confront my parents every time I was home late or to sleep with a boy. But at the same time I had more responsibilities, I had to organize my own life and go to university alone since it was the first day. I jumped up, and ran to bathe. When leaving I chose my personal style, to tell the truth, I dressed the same as three years ago. With a skirt that reached a little above my knees and a loose shirt, when it was cold I used to change the glued shirt accompanied by a jacket or sweater. And when I wasn't wearing a skirt, I preferred some pants or shorts, I used a coat that covered me up to my knees. I also did not like uncomfortable clothes, including high heels that look like needles, so I preferred sneakers, ankle boots or boots.

This day I did not make the exception, I took my blue skirt, along with a glued-colored shirt and one low-heeled shoes. I was deciding whether to get a hairstyle to go or leave my hair down when a message came to my cell phone from Harry. "Don't be late, good luck" I couldn't help but smile at his message, but he was right, if I wasted more time I would be late. I took what I needed to be able to have a good day and went out leaving my hair down.

I calmly got into my car and drove to the university. I arrived twenty minutes early just on time, as I had been taught. I parked the car, and when I got out I smoothed my skirt so that the wrinkles that had formed from sitting driving were not noticeable. Upon entering the premises, I could see that there were many people crowded into the cafeteria looking for something to eat. I had had some fresh fruit for breakfast with cereal and yogurt. When I saw them, I just kept walking until I reached the room that indicated the sketch that they had given me at the entrance for the first time at the university; There was a boy who offered to guide me, but I refused, I like to do things on my own. When entered, the classroom was empty except for a girl sitting in the opposite corner. She was wearing headphones with which she listened to loud music. As focused as I was, I did not go unnoticed in her eyes. As soon as I stepped foot into the room she turned to look at me.

-Hello!- She said, almost shouting from her place. I didn't return a word, just an attempt at a smile. And then I sat on one of the seats against the wall.

Still sitting I could feel his gaze analyzing me, it was uncomfortable. To avoid it, I took my cell phone, and began to check messages from my contacts. I had the numbers of several guys and their messages maybe a bit strong, so I just checked Harry's last message, smiled again as I read each word and replied "I wasn't late brother, maybe next time you can reward me with a cake for dinner". When I finished answering, I looked up to see if someone else was coming, but I found the girl in the corner looking at me again.

-mmm ... is he your boyfriend?

-not! He's my brother, I'm not in a relationship right now - nor did I plan to be in one.

-Oh I see,- he answered, then sat next to me where there was a free spot. -Can I sit down?- She ask when She had already done so.

-You're sitting down - I wanted to tell her to move, but it's not like she had the place reserved either, so I just left her.

I did not expect her to be a person with so many topics to talk about, because every time I tried to end the conversation she continued, and even changed the subject. By the time class started the only interesting information I learned was her name. It was Ferny. Even during class, I couldn't concentrate because she talked to me every moment that she could. Luckily for me the following classes until lunchtime she was my partner.

It's not that I didn't like the idea of ​​being able to have a friend, just that I didn't know how far she would be able to endure by actually knowing me. Let's say my friendships weren't long-lasting. My last "friends" had ended up calling me bitch. Well, there was no reason to push Ferny away, she would try to create a friendship until she gave up like other girls I had met before. In the end, she invited me to have lunch together and I agreed to go with her.

When the time came, we would go together to the cafeteria, she would not stop talking about how good the hamburgers were in this cafeteria. But my thought turned to a group of girls and boys sitting around a table. Apparently in the university there were also social groups based on the current beauty standard. I was hoping none of the guys would let me down. So I already had my next goals. Although one of them caught my attention more than the others. His brown hair, his gray eyes were his appeal that made him stand out from the crowd. I had high expectations of him and for a moment I imagined how good he could be in bed.

-Iby- Ferny pulled me out of my thoughts shaking her hand in front of my eyes- I think you're a bit distracted.

-Do you know who they are?- I asked, trying to point my gaze at the boys' table.

-You mean them ?!- She said almost yelling as she pointed to the table where they were. The people around us looked at us, luckily they didn't notice. Suddenly she burst into laughter -I'm sorry, but you should see the expression you made,- she said while trying to stop laughing. -Well, they are second year now. The first one from the right is Logan Stoke and the girl you see next to her is her girlfriend Ally Sun. The one on his left is Ethan Merch, he has a girlfriend but he's not there, I think his name was Tefi, Tefa or ugly (Tefa rhymes with "fea" that means ugly in Spanish), something like that. The handsome brown-haired man in the middle is Jasper Mitchell, he also has a girlfriend once he's the leech with a red wig. And although it seems strange, the leech has a name; Her name is Conny Fully. The last one is Mike Tomson's hottie of mine. He does not have a girlfriend. So he's my spiritual boyfriend. I give you some advice, if any of them interest you, I hope it is not Mike, and you better give up, they are very closed, they are like peacocks that only walk among them.

-I see- I said before looking for the last time at the brown boy who had caught my attention, what was his name? Oh it was Jasper. Without realizing it he turned around and looked at me. We made eye contact for a moment and the moment dragged on, he didn't look away. His eyes were really cold as ice, it was impossible to decipher his gaze. It seemed very strange to me what was happening until I could not maintain eye contact and ended up turning to concentrate on choosing what to buy.

I gave the shelf a quick glance to finally select a piece of chocolate cake with a latte. Ferny didn't seem very happy with my decision; after all, she had given me a speech about the best foods in this cafeteria and that I did not choose any of her recommendations she did not like that.

-I prefer dessert- I said smiling.

When we received our orders we retired to sit at one of the tables closest to where Jasper was. We ate in silence, I was concentrating on listening to the group's conversations. But they weren't talking about anything that might help me get closer to them. They just made pointless jokes and laughed a lot.

-How do you know them? - I asked Ferny

-Mike, Jasper, Ethan and I studied at the same hight school.

-Why aren't you with them then?

-I didn't talk much with them, only with Mike, we became friends, but since last year I haven't been able to talk too much with him. They were always friends, Logan was not in the same school but I did get to see him with them sometime. Also that's how I met Conny and the others

-Is it because of the time that has passed that you do not approach Mike?

-Is not that. Conny never really gave me a good look. She doesn't show it with the naked eye, but she's a very cruel person and Tefa supports her. -She lowered her head for a moment, then took a bite of her hamburger and forced a smile.- It's not good to be sad about the past. Now I am fine.

Before classes started again, They got up from their chairs, Conny quickly threw herself on Jasper's neck, whispered something in his ear and said goodbye to him with a long kiss. Logan did the same when saying goodbye to his girlfriend, Ally. After a very heated goodbye, the two girls left first. Although that might have been the opportunity to make the first contact, I would not do anything out of the ordinary, nothing to lower the image I had formed of myself. But, I wanted to try something that would not involve me in an accident. I waved to Ferny, who came over to listen to me. She didn't seem to realize what she was about to do.

-Stretch your arms for a moment-I said to Ferny

-What for?-She asked doubtfully.

-Just do it- With her teasing air she moved her arms with force and ended up accidentally hitting Mike. He looked her straight in the eyes and she grew more and more ashamed.

-Sorry,- she said with a flushed face.

-Don't worry, just watch out for the next one,- he replied smiling as if nothing had happened. But actually Ferny had made such a strong move that I'm sure Mike was hurt.

Stealthily, I noticed the gazes of the other three, Ethan and Logan were looking at me discreetly, but Jasper, was still focused on the incident. His gaze seemed tired of the situation, he brought his right hand to his shoulder, and gave himself a gentle massage with the tips of his fingers. He seemed impatient not to be late for classes.

Finally, Ferny said goodbye to Mike with a smile and they left. When we lost sight of them, Ferny exploded with emotion and anger at the same time.

-You did it to get revenge. I'd be mad at you but everything went well so I'm happy- she said smiling.

Truth be told, I hadn't done it to get revenge for earlier, it was just because I wanted to get the attention of Mike's friends, especially Jasper's, and I had succeeded except for my goal. But I wasn't going to tell Ferny the real reason. So I just nodded smiling as I took the last bite of cake before going to class.