
Love Me Or Not...

My life has always been in the shadow of everyone, constantly being pushed around. Living in the Shadow's never bothered me until I met my new life in a new City. This is an adventure of a poor boy always being overshadowed becoming the master behind the shadows.

Nicki_Joe · Realistic
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40 Chs

Upsetting The Guys

Going to my class with Mia, we checked the classroom and not finding my friends, I make a group call

" Hi guys" I say immediately they pick the call. I called Nick and Hart because I know that they are with their partners

" Hi" They all echo

" Where are you guys, I've been looking for you" I ask

" We are in the cafeteria, Nick and Riel just joined us" Winter replies

" Ok, I'm on my way" I say

" We are waiting for you, my bright Mun" Riel teases

" Yes Mun, we are waiting for you and you have to do the dare you're owing me, love" Winter says and winks at me

" Fine" I reply

" Mun, it's seems you've forgotten that they are our girlfriends. You better stop flirting with them like you do to other girls and get a girlfriend of your own" Nick says

" I'm not in a rush. After I get a date for the prom then I will think of having a girlfriend" I reply

" Mun I'm guessing you don't want a girlfriend because you haven't gotten over your feelings for your past lover, Mun move on, she is happy so you have to be happy" Hart says to me

" Shut up Hart" I say and then hang up

I'm thinking of the conversation I had on the phone when I hear someone say something beside me. Oh My Gosh, I forgot Mia was beside me when I answered the call

" Munje, aren't we going to meet your friends?" Mia asks me

" We are and by the way what my friends said is not totally true. I don't flirt with girls and I've never had a lover but I've had people that I liked" I explain to Mia because I don't want her to misunderstand

" It's no big deal, you don't have to explain, I'm just your date for the prom" Mia replies

" Although we are only dates for prom, it's still better to have a comfortable and honest relationship" I tell her

" You are right" She says and after we head to the cafeteria

The Cafeteria~~~

Arriving at the cafeteria, I look around and spot my friends at the corner of the room. Mia and I head towards them. Upon getting to their table, Riel and Winter walk up to me and envelope me in a hug

" Mun, I missed you soo much" Riel says with a cute voice

" Mun, please don't leave me, okay?" Winter says

" Ok, I promise I won't leave you guys. I missed you guys very much" I reply to them and after we break the hug, they give me a peck on my cheeks before returning to their seats. I look and Hart's face and he is looking very bitter. Turning to Nick, he is about to explode. I feel like laughing but I don't until I realize that they did all those in front of my date. Looking at my side, I see her staring at me coldly and I immediately know that I've messed up.