
Love Me Or Not...

My life has always been in the shadow of everyone, constantly being pushed around. Living in the Shadow's never bothered me until I met my new life in a new City. This is an adventure of a poor boy always being overshadowed becoming the master behind the shadows.

Nicki_Joe · Realistic
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40 Chs

Family not Familiar

I don't know how I feel right now. I'm a little disappointed but I already expected this. After a consultation with the doctor, we finally leave the hospital. I'm amazed to see Miss Belle still waiting. We say our goodbyes then Nick and I leave.

Finally I'm home. At home, none of my family members come to see me after returning from the hospital. After having dinner alone, I go to my room,take a shower, wear my pajamas and go to bed.

A Week Later~~~

Everything has been going as usual, go to school then work and finally back home. Currently I'm in class. Today we are supposed to present our individual project on the topic 'Family'. The presentations have began and it would soon be Nick's turn. After Nick is me and I'm the last presenter. Our teacher Mrs Smith will grade our performance. It's Nick's turn and I am anticipating him nailing his performance because he is a very outspoken person. Nick begins

"Good Day everyone, my name is Nick and I will be talking on family. Family to me is a word used to classify a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption. Apart from that, I think family can also be a friend who will stick with you through thick and thin, when you are sad or happy. Someone who is not your spouse or in a relationship with you but is ready to celebrate with you when you achieve something, ready to comfort and encourage you when you are feeling down. Family is not just a mere word but rather it's meaning is gotten from how you see it or how it is to you. People have different perspectives about family than I shared but I feel family is a deep tie and relationship, thank you"

After he finished his presentation, the entire hall erupted with cheers and claps. The cheers die down and I walk to the stage with confidence and start my presentation

"Good Afternoon everyone, my name is Munje and I would like to talk on the topic 'Family'. Today I would like to share my perspective of family to everyone. For me, I only knew the meaning of family and never knew the importance and the feeling of being in a family. To everyone, family is relatable cause we all come from a family but to me family is relatable but unfamiliar. I come from a family but I don't feel any sense of familiarity. Everyone has their things doing and there is no love, concern or bond among us. We have lost the spark in us. We no longer see the fun in having siblings and parents. We are too focused on ourselves to see that one of our own isn't fine. We no longer fight for our own rather we bully and neglect them. Family is beyond claiming someone as your father, mother and siblings, it is about how you show and express it. To call someone your family there should be a bond that you have. We have all forgotten that as a family we are meant to be one. In different homes and families we claim to be one yet we are apart and divided. I want us to think about the meaning and importance of family to ourselves and try to embrace it. As a family we should learn to love, care, encourage, comfort and be there for one another. Let there be a feeling of peace and love among us. Let's not just speak it but let's practice it. I would like for us to realize that a family is meant to always be there for us and finally, in a family emotions are not meant to be forced but should come for the heart, thank you" I finish my presentation. I can see alot of expressions on people's face. Some people are crying, some are in awe, some are surprised. After an minute of silence, everyone begins to clap. They then give a standing ovation. I'm glad they liked my presentation but I spoke my heart.