
Slept at the wrong side of the bed

This little girl becoming bolder and bolder. She is naturally quiet and transparent. Never conceal her emotions in front of him. If she's happy and dissatisfied of him, her eyes and face tell everything.

He likes it when she calls him boss though he knows this is because she needs something from him. This little girl is so easy to read. So naive, that's why she was able to trap her easily.

Even after knowing his position, she seems doesn't mind it at all and her temper worsen in short period of time.

She even pushed him and now tried to kick him between his thigh. If he was not able to dodge it, for sure it would hurt a lot. This little girl knows no fear.

The bed is a king size and since they are sitting at both ends, it's normal that they won't notice any movements. Even the little girl jumps on the bed, it will only be bounced on her side.

Tom unhappily stretch out his hand with blower. "Take it, I don't want you messing my pillows". If he knows this would happen, he might have let this little girl sleep as it is.

Sab panicked realizing the possibility of her successfully kick the man between his thighs, she'll surely be dead.

She awkwardly takes the blower; she smiled and apologize. "Oops, sorry. I did mean to... But thank you!"

Due to her sudden movement, she did not notice her shirt moves upward revealing her white thighs.

She wanted to stand-up, but Tom is on her way, not moving and just looking at her.

She senses of trouble from his eyes. His lips were tight, but his light browned eyes were smiling devilishly. Due to this, she decided to move as quickly as possible and exit at the other side of the bed. Though Tom is good looking, the cold dark aura exerting his body would make a person run away from him.

And before she could jump off the bed, a large warm hand pulled her back to the bed and next second, both of her hands were locked-up upward. He was now on top of her.

She panicked and tried to struggle but all her effort was in vain. Tom effortlessly locked her under his body. "What's the rush?" the man asked as his face moves closely.

He was trying to ignore this little girl since she entered the bathroom, but felt like she was trying to tease him. She looks sexy and inviting but she look at him innocently.

"What are you doing? It's in our contract you won't force me in anything," she said angrily.

"Who said I am forcing you? Tom answered in low husky voice touching her earlobe.

Toms warm breath and lips made Sab's body stiffen. She felt uncomfortable inside. She wanted to move her legs, but Tom's body weight was pressed on her that made it impossible for her to move even an inch.

"Ah, you're so heavy. Get off," she complained. Suddenly, her desire to kiss the beautiful man in front was getting intense. This man, he's trying to seduce her, and she won't let it.

Though she never had any experience, these things were thought in school. She was also fully aware that once it's done, she can never be the same again. Thinking of her future made her scared to the bone and made her sober from temptation.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again!" she pleaded insincerely.

Tom looked at the little girl small face. In a moment, he kissed her passionately, provoking her to respond.

"I'm doomed, he kissed me again" she thought the man we'll fall if she pleads. I must not respond.. I must not respond.. I must not respond.. her brain kept telling her, but she almost gone crazy as his tongue keep moving playfully inside.

Her breath is getting heavy and the heat from her body were all foreign that she has no idea how to disperse. 2 minutes, 3 minutes.. 5 minutes... 7 minutes... already passed and they were still kissing... When will he stop? She complained inside. Her brain was clouded that she unable to know what to do.

She didn't feel disgusted and deep inside; she doesn't want to stop it for some reason. 10 minutes... Sab moaned involuntarily as she tried to catch up her breath. Her small face turned crimson in an instant and wanted to bury herself a live.

Tom then stops kissing her and smiled. "It seems you enjoyed our kissed. You can't say that I forced you right?" he then stood-up went to the other side of the bed.

Sab sat-up and cover herself of under the soft black quilt. Her head shakes few times remembering what just happened.

"Shameless me!! Such a stupid me!! I fell on his trapped again." She's busy scolding herself when felt something weird and in an instant, a strong arm carried her and adjusted her position on the bed.

"You'll fall down," Tom smiled and then planted another kiss on slightly swollen red lips before turning off the light and went to bed again.

She did not say anything, her face still red from embarrassment due to this she did not notice that she was laying at very edge of the bed and one slight movement will make her fall out of the bed.

Tom woken-up exactly at 6 am, as usual to prepare for work. However, looking at the little girl soundly sleeping in his arms, he felt staying longer but there are important things he needs to do this morning.

Before getting-up, he planted a gentle kiss on her red lips and went straight to the bathroom.

Sab opened her eyes as soon as she heard the door closed. "Pervert!! He said their marriage was fake, but this man kept on kissing her. Pervert!!! Crazy!!! Pervert!!" she quietly yelled in her mind.

"Also, how did they end up in that position. She normally sleeps in the same position and can't understand why this happened.

She even put pillows as barrier before sleepin.." Sab's almond eyes widened in shock with her hands covering her mouth.

The pillows are still in the middle looks untouched, but she was laying at the side bed of Tom. Thinking that she was the one crossed the line made her face blushed early in the morning.

She suddenly left the bed and stared at it for a while in disbelief. Thinking the man's character in the bathroom, she refused to believe that this was his doing. But she normally wakes-up the same position when she slept.

It can't be because she wants to sleep beside him. This is an accident, for sure!!! Sab then prepared immediately for work with gloomy heart. She also went to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast, but everything was already set.

She greeted the house helper good morning and went back to the room seeing that there's nothing need to do. The house helper wanted to have a conversation with Sab but decided to drop the idea seeing her came out from master's bedroom.

As soon as Tom came out, she greeted him without glancing and went straight to the bathroom in a hurry, like running.

Tom lips twitch seeing the little girl running like a scared cat. Last night, he was having difficulties sleeping and was bothered by the number of pillows in between them. When he felt the little girl was already sleeping, he carried her to sleep by his side.

Seeing her asleep peacefully, made him want to punish the her again. She made him lose himself for few times now. His desire to explore her more was unbearable but because of self-pride, he forcefully stops.

Despite of being aloof and cold, he received a lot of confessions and had few marriage proposals thanks to his mother but none of them successfully gotten his attention. Surprisingly, this was not the case with the little girl.

He teased her little by little and was thrilled. It's like hugging and kissing her was only normal and natural thing for him to do. This was never happened to him before. "Am I this bored now?"