
Giving Up!

Linda was having a coffee when she received a call from Ana and told everything that happened in the office as well as the gossip about Sab in the group and that up to this now, she is still in Tom's office even if the man is not around, attending a meeting.

She was unable to recognize initially the woman but when she remembered how the man abandoned her without a word last time and not seeing that new secretary around when she left gave her an inexplicable feeling.

However, base on Ana's description, this woman is too lowly and ordinary. How can she gives malice on what's or compare herself to her? However, thinking about how can a woman be lowly in front of a man, especially if he is super-rich and handsome, anyone can be a competition and a threat.

Though she was positive that Tom will never like that kind of woman, she doesn't want to pollute her man and will never give a chance to any kind of woman to steal her man.

She already waited too long and will not allow anything that delays their relationship. She will make sure to put them in place or get rid of them at all costs. She immediately left the cafe after the call.

She supposed to work already in the company but requested to start after a week. She wanted to enjoy the stress-free life in the city with her old friends so she requested to delay it. Since people already knew who she was, no one complained and all smiles in accomodating her request.

Also, she wants to do shopping first in order to win Tom's attention. She notices that every employee there usually dressed very well. She wants to be the number 1 fashion icon and number 1 flower in the office.

With her looks and body plus her impeccable keen to fashion, it won't be hard on her to do that. Linda gracefully climbed out of the red sports car which attracted a lot of attention.

After passing the key to Ana who personally came to look for her in the lobby, she went straight to Tom's private elevator.

Though this elevator usually being used by the CEO only and his personal secretary and no other employees are allowed to use it, no one dared to stop when she chose to use it instead of the building elevator.

Who would be brave enough to stop the future Mrs. CEO unless they want their career to end immediately? Actually, the opinion of the employees is split.

Some people think that she's only a pretty face. Though she has achievements and came from a good family, she still not lucky enough to attract their boss's attention and get his heart. Also, she was not the first beauty who acted arrogantly and claimed to be in a relationship with their boss.

Base on statistics and trends, there was no difference from the past on how their boss acting up to now except on the rumors that she was the childhood sweetheart. But no one really knew if this was true or not.

However, in most men's perspective, no man in the right mind to decline such beauty. She's pretty, hot, rich and talented. If they have that kind woman by their side, they will try to kill other men from jealousy.

They are positive that despite how cold and proper their boss appears on the outside, he still a normal guy in the inside that can be stirred by such a beauty. That he is a gray wolf at night that attracts his prey mercilessly.

Ana was at a loss of words when Linda gave the car key without a word. She felt insulted at first but spotting the red sports car outside made her heart almost jump out of excitement.

She dated previously a second rich heir but he never allowed her to drive the car by herself. She likes anything fast and excitements. Naturally, her curiosity grew even more since then.

Seeing the people who can't help but stop and check on the red sports car, she felt elated and proud. If Linda will really be Mrs. CEO, people will respect her even more and might get more benefits for being the closest friend in the office.

Though she wants the CEO for herself, whichever comes first, that will happen. She will not be stupid to fight openly to this childhood brat. Her family lives well but considered nothing compares to Linda's family.

Sab was eating snacks when someone knocks on the door. Thinking it was Tom knocking, she waited but heard another knocked instead. Tom's office can be opened thru tap card or PIN, she slightly frowned and walked to open the door.

Linda arrogantly looked at Sab from head to toe a few times before pushing the door and walked in. The click of her heels could only be heard in the quiet room.

She scanned the room as if checking if something was missing or misplaced. Seeing the snacks and the coat neatly folded on the side made her eyebrow raised and looked sharply at Sab again.

Even without asking, she can already tell who's coat it belongs to. She looked again at Sab's direction. This woman is not really bad looking as described by Ana.

And compared to the last time she met her, she seems different. But she can't tell the difference. She hates to admit but she looks pleasant to the eyes and looks even better in time even without make-up.

Her figure was very slim as well but very proportion. She has fleshed in areas that women should have which gives a nice curve on her body. Though she was not tall, she looks just okay.

Is this woman playing innocence and pure? Being in the outside world, she knows the playing innocence and victim by vixen women.

Sab could feel the pressure building up in the air. She was sure that this woman is scrutinizing her on the way she looked at her and the way she checked every detail of the room.

She felt being caught red-handed by the wife in her husband's office though she is the real wife, hidden wife. She sighs internally. If Linda is here most probably, someone reported to her today's incident.

She was now doomed.

When Sab heard another knocked on the door, she automatically opened it thinking Tom's meeting might have been ended now but her heart sank when she saw another woman, Jenny.

Looking at the two beautiful, tall and confident women standing in front of her, she sighs is resignation.

These two women are not only pretty, but they are also very smart and achievers in their respective fields. One is rich and the other is super-rich.

Giving up is the best choice for her. Anyway, she was not ambitious enough to think that Tom and she are possible for real. It might work for a short period of time but not long term.

She is always very rational in every decision. If things cannot be possible for the long term, why the need to waste time, effort and emotions?

Sab broke the silence. "If you guys are here for Mr. Del Monte, please wait at the lounge first. I.."

"Why would I wait there?" Linda asked arrogantly not allowing her to finish talking. "Don't you know who I am?"

"According to Secretarial guidelines which I know was discussed last time to you, only those who have direct instruction from the CEO can stay inside the office."

Also, I definitely know who you are but I am just following orders. I'm sorry if you feel offended or unhappy but I need this job so I am obliged to follow the guidelines set," Sab long explained. I am no position to make decisions for him, she added in her mind.

"So you know that I am the Fiance and future Mrs. CEO and yet you are asking me to stay at the lounge and you get to stay at my man's office?" Linda blurted out with sarcasm disregarding her explanation but a controlled tone, trying to suppress the anger inside, emphasizing every word.

Jenny's face was calm, acting like an expectator between the two. Deep inside, she wanted to rip off Linda's mouth. She knew these words were not only for Sab but for her as well.

When she heard that Sab stayed in Tom's office alone, she wanted to see this herself. In all areas, his office is the most restricted one. Except on Alvin, all other needs permission from the CEO himself. Even his own mother has to create trouble just to enter his office.

Upon arrival, she learned that Linda also in his office. Due to strong curiosity and desire to understand what's happening, she forgot that she has the least or close to none reason to be there. Doing this will expose herself not only to Tom but to everyone.

Sab's face turned red from anger. If she has a choice, she wouldn't want to be here either. But then, if she will not act like a normal secretary would do, people might speculate more.

She knew that the more attention Tom gives to her, the more difficult her situation would be. Dealing with these women is too tiring. She would rather work 16 hours a day than thinking on how to survive from verbal and physical abuse from these women.

Her heart is beating fast, she doesn't want to fight anyone but if things get out of hand, she has no choice but to defend herself at least even if she knew that she'll lose in the end.