
Love me like this forever

This book is dedicated to all those who have loved and lost. The author welcomes you to a tale of sweet friendship, a little bit of a family drama and an everlasting heart ache.

Kulsum_Ahmed_3025 · Urban
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22 Chs


"I wish to resign, George." I muttered quietly over the phone.

There was silence for a few minutes.

"I have sent an email for my resignation to you. Just forward

it to the authorities."

"What's wrong?" I heard her voice after a while.

"Nothing's wrong. I volunteered to work and now I am

resigning with my own will. Anything wrong with that? "My

tone was really bitter.

It had been two days ever since I poured out my heart in front

of him. I didn't want to go back to the hospital, I couldn't work

over there anymore. I needed to stay away from him.

"Alright, if that's what you want."

"Thank you." I declined the call.

I rubbed my hands over my face. It had been two days and I

hadn't bothered to go to work. I forced myself to get out of my


After an hour I was all decked up in my very professional

attire. All ready to get back to work.

"I am leaving, Daddy." I called out to him whilst wearing my

pink coat.

"You didn't have your breakfast, Romi." he came outside.

"I will have it on my way." I smiled.

He looked at me intently.

"You suddenly look old, Romi."

"What? I have wrinkles now?" I gasped and ran to the mirror

in our lobby.

My hair was harshly pulled back in a bun. I looked fresh and


I heard him chuckle beside me.

"Daddy. Please" I sighed and wore my heels.

"I am not joking. You look different, Romi." he patted my


"I think so too." I nodded.

"Romi, would you like to go for a hike tomorrow?" Daniyal

walked in smiling.

"No, I don't feel like it." I shrugged and opened the door.

I walked over to my car.


I needed distraction.

"Daniyal." I yelled, he turned to look behind.

"I'll come." I smiled.

He smiled back and drove away.

I was about to sit in my car when I noticed a flat tire.


"Daniyal left too." I whined. I glanced around.

"Hamza." I yelled as I saw him in the driveway.

"Hey, Hamza. Mind dropping me off?" I ran up to him.

"Not sure, sis. I have to rush. But Irfan can drop you off." he

pointed behind him. I noticed Irfan now. He waved at me.

"No, that's okay. I'll hail a taxi." I smiled awkwardly.

"Allow me, Romi." Irfan got out from his car and walked to

the other side. He opened his car's door.

"It is Romaisa, for you." I muttered bitterly.

"Romaisa." he muttered as he began driving.

"Thank you for giving me a ride." I smiled politely.


"So, where are we going?"

"My office." I typed the location in the GPS.

"How are you?" he smiled at me.

"I am good." I looked outside.

"So, how is life?" he smiled again.

"Very good." I replied sarcastically.

"I see you're not interested in talking to me." his smile faded


"I had a rough morning."

The car came to a halt. We had arrived at my destination.

"Thanks for the ride, Irfan." I said unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Romi, I..." he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes?" I raised my brow at him.

"Can I take you out somewhere? I promise there are no family

arrangements this time. I am not asking you just because my

dad's financing Hamza's app. Or the fact that your dad has

offered me a position in his company."

He sighed.

"I am asking you because I want to."

"I'll see." I smiled awkwardly.

"Can I have your number then?" he smiled hopefully.

"You can get it from, Hamza." I took my bag and got out.

I turned to look at him, he waved at me.

"Here, sir." I handed my trainee the task he had assigned me.

He studied the file for a few minutes.

"What is this, Ms. Khan?" he spoke, his tone cold.

"I... The task, sir." I replied nervously.

"Are you that dumb? You have changed the floor opening.

How many times have I asked you to be careful with the

markups that move the stairs?" he yelled in frustration.

It wasn't his fault. Generally, the interns made a lot of

mistakes in the red line markups.

"I apologize, sir. I'll correct it at once." I moved forward to

take the file from his hands.

"Forget it. Just get me a coffee." he pinched the bridge of his


I nodded.

I watched as the dark steaming hot liquid poured down into

the cup. It was a cold winter morning today and I craved for

some warmth. I wanted to be with him.

I missed him terribly. Though it had just been 2 days. I had

grown fond of him in these 2 months. I wanted to be with him.

I simply couldn't fathom the fact he had no feelings towards

me. I hugged myself.

The feelings that I had for him had given me immense

happiness upon realizing.

Why couldn't it be simple?

I handed the coffee to my trainer and walked back to my

cubicle. It was break time.

I slumped on my large, comfortable, leather black chair. My

mind drifting off to the memories of our last meeting. A

nagging question at the back of my head.

Will I be ever able to move on from this?

"Romaisa." he chuckled deeply.

I pushed him against the wall.

"Azaan." I smiled.

"What do you want?" he smiled as I cupped his face with my


I let my hands down and rested them on his chest.

"A dragon." I giggled.

"It doesn't exist." he shook his head still smiling.

"It does."

"Where?" he arched his brow.

"Here." I placed my palm on his chest where his heart was.

"There exists my heart, sweetheart." he smiled, the dimples

came in my sight and I felt myself falling a little more for this


"Azaan, I think I have fallen in love with you." I blurted out


He smiled and threw his head back against the wall and

closed his eyes. I cupped his cheek.

Then he leaned down.

"I would have guessed. You make it so obvious." he


"And you?"

"What about me?"

"Do have love me?"

He chuckled.

"Love can't even begin to describe my feelings for you, Romi.

I don't think it's love. It's something much more than that."

"Your lines are so cheesy." I giggled.

"Umm mm, cheesy. You reminded me of cheese, sweetheart."

he licked his lips.

I giggled.

"Do you know when I was little, I used to tell daddy that

when I grow up, I shall marry a cheese prince."

"A cheese prince?"

I nodded, grinning like an idiot.

"What about now?"


"Now that you're grown up, who do you want to marry? I

am pretty sure a cheese prince doesn't exist."

"I want to marry you." I smiled.

"So do I."

I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him for a hug.

A warm hug.

Perfect for a cold winter morning.

I woke up with a start. I glanced around. I was in my cabin.

Way to go, Azaan Ibrahim. You have now invaded my dreams


"Daniyal, could you give me a ride back home?"

"I am in the emergency ward, Romi. I am not sure if I can

leave." I heard his muffled voice through the sounds.

"Alright. I'll call Hamza."

"Good Luck with the surgery, Daniyal."

I wrapped a shawl around me. It was undeniably cold today.

I stepped forward to hail a taxi when a car halted in front of

me, the tires screeched.

"Irfan." I eyed him wearily as he rolled down his window.

"I am here too, sis." Hamza waved at me.

Irfan got out and opened the door for me.

"Get in, please. It's cold."

"Romi, I heard you've plans with Irfan." Hamza spoke up after

a while.

I angrily looked in the rear-view mirror. Irfan looked up and

then quickly looked away.

"Yeah, I guess." I still kept my gaze fixed on the mirror.

"I've a few places in mind. You can go there." Hamza spoke

whilst scrolling through his phone.

"Which ones?" Irfan spoke up excitedly.

"I'll text you the details."

"Why don't you come along, dear brother?" I smiled.

"No, I don't wish to be a third wheel."

"Third wheel?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah, third wheel." I saw Irfan grin through the mirror.

Here I was in deep agony due to my unrequited feelings and

my dear brother was trying to set me up with his friend.

I rolled my eyes.

My phone rang.


I swear if this is about him.

"What is it, George?" I sang, I saw Hamza look up from his

phone then he quickly glanced down.

"It's Azaan." she whispered.


I paused.

"Don't take his name. We don't talk anymore."

"What? Are you Selena? And is he Charlie? "She giggled.

I rolled my eyes.

"George. I am serious."

"He is sick, Romi. He needs you."

"Please, George. He doesn't need me and I need distraction.

He'll be fine." I whispered.

Although my heart was beating wildly, begging me to go check

up on him.

"Alright." she declined the call.

I glanced out of the window.

The day you realize that loving is not easy, will be the day you

actually learn how to love, Romi.

Daniyal's voice rang in my ears.

"Dear brother."

"Take me to Dignity Health – Medical Center." I smiled.

"Hey." I walked in George's cabin.

"I thought you wouldn't come." she got up.

"I wasn't going to. But…." I smiled lazily and slumped myself

on the couch.


"I have feelings for him, George. And, even if he rejects my

feelings or we had an argument it is compulsory for me to

check up on him." I chuckled sadly.

"I love you, Romi." she smiled.

"Let's go and check up on him. Shall we?"

"Yeah." she nodded.

"So, his temperature is high again?"

"Yeah, the Pneumonia fever is gone. But he still has these

chills. Apparently, his muscular system is deeply affected by


"How long until he recovers?"

"Don't worry. It should take 2-3 days for him to be just fine."

she shrugged.

I pushed the door of his ward. Malik looked up. He was sitting

by his side, smiling widely.

"Hey Zainab." I hugged her.

"He was missing you." she whispered.

"I don't think so." I smiled sadly.

"Yes, he was. He kept looking at the door hopefully. And

whenever George would come to see him, I could see that he

wanted to ask her about you. He is my brother. I know him

very well." she grinned.

Probably some friendly feelings. I thought.

I sat down.

He didn't say anything. I looked at him. He looked so

vulnerable and weak. Despite the paleness on his face, I found

him looking adorable.

We were silent for a while. Glancing at each other from time

to time. There was something unavoidable in his eyes.

"Why did you come?" he asked me after a while.

"I have feelings for you. Remember?" I replied, my tone


"Romi." Hamza walked in.

"What are you doing here?" I got up.

He glanced around the room. His gaze lingered on Azaan for a

while before he turned to me.

"The receptionist told me that I would find you here." he

walked towards me, a big pale pink box in his hands.

"I need your help with this."

"I..." I looked around awkwardly at Malik, Zainab and Azaan.

"What do you need help with?" I whispered.

"Does this look good?" he whispered anxiously.

I smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah, I guess."


"Hey, Azaan. How you doing? Hamza? What are you doing

over here?" George walked in.

Hamza looked around nervously.

"This is for you." he quickly handed her the box.

"Thanks." she muttered confusedly and struggled to hold the

large box in her hands.

She managed to balance it and kept it near Azaan's feet.

"Careful." I reached forward and adjusted his blanket. I felt

him retreat his feet back under the blanket. Something clicked

in me.

"What is it?" she smiled and opened the box.

A cat jumped out and landed on Azaan's lap.

"A cat." George cried out.

"Oh. Thank you, Hamza. I love cats. I love you." she reached

forward and hugged Hamza. He stiffened.

I couldn't understand what was more shocking.

The fact that Hamza had gifted a cat to George.

Or the fact that she had confessed her feelings loud out in

front of everyone.

Or the look on Azaan's face. I got it.

He was scared.

The white cat was now purring against his lap. Its eyes closed

and the bell necklace in its neck making jingling sounds.

Azaan was staring at it worriedly. He didn't move.

"Malik." he whimpered.

I saw Malik and Zainab stifle a laugh.

"What's wrong?" I smiled slightly.

"He's scared of cats." Malik stated.

Azaan glared at him for a good 5 minutes before he turned to


"Dr. George. It would be very polite of you if you take your gift

away from me." he called out to George who was still hugging


Hamza looked amused, before he wrapped his arms around


I smiled.

At least George's feelings were returned. Better late than


I glanced back at Azaan.

Will he ever return my feelings too?

I leaned forward and picked up the cat in my arms. It purred

under my touch.

"George, may I have the honor of naming her?" I smiled at

George who was now at Hamza's side.

She nodded.

"I name her Drago, baby Drago." I kissed her head.

"Drago?" Azaan raised his eyebrow.

"Dragon in Italian language." I shrugged.

"Here." I forwarded the cat to him.

"Please." he pulled the duvet over him.

I giggled and handed her back to George who was now leaning

against Hamza. The two of them engrossed in a hushed


"Are you all hungry?" I asked everyone.

Truth to be told, I was hungry. There were dragons stomping

inside my stomach.

Dragons? Why dragons again?

It was beginning to become my favorite word, I suppose.

Everyone nodded in unison.

"How about the Brioche bread pudding or the Cabeza Tacos.

Turkish doner Kebabs?" I smiled at Azaan.

His eyes lit up in amusement.

He remembered.

"I'd love to but the Tacos from the cafeteria would suffice." he

smiled slightly.

"Yeah." Malik got up.

"Alright. I'll get them." I began to walk away but he held my


"Anything else?"

"Zainab will get it." he closed his eyes.

Everyone excited the ward.

"When you're all well, we all can go for a hike. I'll call Daniyal

too. You'll love his company." I sat down near his feet.

"Love his company? The last time we met he refused to shake

his hand with me, Sweetheart." he chuckled lightly.


"You need to stop calling me that." I smiled sadly.

"Yeah. I..., A slip of my tongue, I suppose." he stammered.

I nodded and looked down.

His feet.

I smiled wickedly.

I slowly inserted my hand inside the covers and touched his

feet slightly. His feet jerked.

"Romi, not there. Please." he retreated his feet back, but I was

quick to hold one of it.

"For the last time. It's Romaisa for you."

"You ticklish here?"

"No." he tried to pull it but I held onto it firmly.

I touched it lightly again.

"Romi, no." he giggled.

"Azaan." I touched it again.

"Stop. I am sick."

"Alright. But you can't keep playing the sick card every time."

I got up when he began to sit up. I looked at him as I adjusted

his pillows. He looked so innocent. I gazed at him, my gaze

soft and loving.

I sat down beside him on the bed.

"Why did you come here, Romi? After I hurt you so much." he


"I don't know. I couldn't help but come to see you."

"Besides, this isn't your fault. It's my fault." I whispered the

last part to myself.

He was trying to sleep.

"I don't believe living in dreams. But I wish we lived in a

dream where my feelings weren't unrequited, Azaan." I smiled

sadly and pecked his forehead lightly.

It was enough for the time being.

I felt someone stroking my hair. They were gentle, soft

strokes. I shifted and I felt a sharp pain on the side of my

neck. I whimpered. I struggled to open my eyes, when I

opened them, I saw my head placed on a broad chest. I

blinked my eyes and looked up.


He looked at me and I think we gazed at each other for a while

before the pain on the side of my neck increased and I sat


"I'm sorry. I dozed off." I rolled my neck and avoided his gaze.

"Hmm...." he hummed.

"What time is it?"

"It's 10pm."

"What? 10pm? I slept for that long?" I got up and walked

inside the restroom.

Merida's hair greeted me. I didn't remember leaving them


"Where is everyone?" I asked as I got out and stretched out a


"Your brother left with George, and my siblings have gone for

a nap."

I smiled widely.

"Do you know George had feelings for Hamza for 15 years

now? I am glad that they are together. I never thought it could

happen." I laughed lightly.

"When something is meant to happen, nothing can change it."

he smiled sadly.

"No, not all the time. I hope Hamza doesn't hurt my bestie."

He didn't say anything, probably understanding the real

meaning behind my words.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I nudged him to move and he

shifted. I sat beside him.

"Should I come to terms with this?"

"Come to terms with what?"

"Your bitter words." he muttered lowly.

"I didn't mean to. It was involuntary. I'll keep my tongue in

check the next time." I patted his shoulder.

"So, when do you plan to get well?" I laughed lightly.

He laughed with me.

"I asked my mom the same question."

He closed his eyes.

"I saw a dream, Romi." he smiled.

"About what?"

"I saw my mother. She was there with me. We were together."

"Uh, that's nice." I didn't know what to say.

"I never saw her in my dreams, but I saw her yesterday." he

laughed lightly.

"She came to me and then she told me she was waiting for me.

I can still see her, you know? The dream was that lifelike."

"Why are you saying things like that?" I almost stammered.

I saw tear drops falling down from his eyes and a pained

expression marred his face.

"Azaan." I moved closer to him and wiped the tears away.

He held my hand midway.

"I feel like I don't have much time left, Romi." he opened his


"Why are you saying things like that? Please don't." I

whispered frightened.

He smiled sadly.

"It's nothing like that. You need some positivity to get well

soon. That's it." I smiled at him and raised his hand to my lips.

I planted a long kiss on the back of his palm. My gaze never

left his.