
Chapter 1

She got down from the car and waved at her mother, goodbye. She watched till the car zoomed off, the dust gently settling down. She turned back and looked ahead the school gate.

She brought out her oversized sweatshirt and placed it on, covering her head with a face cap. She adjusted her recommended glasses and took a deep breath in.

Layla walked in through the gate and kept her head as low as possible. Nobody seems to notice her as her presence was very weak. She had Literature first, so she went to her class even though it was not exactly the time to start lecture yet.

Soon, the clock strikes 9:00am and the other students trooped in.

Everyone was talking to that someone but she has no one to talk to. She loved it that way. Can not risk people finding out about her. The lecturer walked in and everyone went silent. As expected of Mrs. Allie. Mrs. Allie is a playful woman whose lecture one would enjoy but they all know better than to get on her badside. She is a very strict and disciplined woman. Nobody dares her. Well, except for one person.

That one person that always manage to make Layla's heart race. That one person that she likes so much but just cannot approach. Layla was unknowingly smiling as she thought about Bright Klinston. Wait! Why was he still not in class?

Just then, an handsome dude came in wearing a black shirt, black blazers, black- crazed trousers with a pair of sunglasses, his bag slung across his shoulder.

All the girls were cooing over him including Layla. Even the guys were smiling at his way. Except for Mrs. Allie, who was glaring daggers at him.

"Klinston, you are late." Mrs Allie said as matter of fact. "Yes, Mrs Allie." Bright replied her, not looking in any way remorseful.

"I should punish you... but I will not since it is the first day of the semester. But trust me, if you do come late again, you will be properly dealt with." She concluded.

Bright nodded his head and made his way to his seat. However, before he could sit down, she called him, " By the way Klinston, you look handsome. Keep up the good dressing. I love it."

His lips curled in a loop-sided smile, which made the girls squealed excitedly, including Layla who blushed as if the smile was directed at her but one look from Mrs Allie and their noise went down.

Bright loved the effect he had on his classmates, intact the whole school as he went to sit beside his friend, Jayson.

"This morning, we will be..." Mrs Allie's voice rang in the classroom. Layla was jotting down the things she was saying but could not help stealing glances at Bright who was smiling and talking with his friend and she longed for that smile to be directed at her. She sighed. When will she have the guts to tell him how she feels?


Layla walked out of the class with other students as it was 11:15am signifying that the class was over. It should have been over since eleven but Mrs. Allie made use of some extra time.

Layla immediately walked towards her domitory. As she was going, a lady bumped into her.

The lady did not even bother to apologize or look at her. She just walked away.

Layla sighed as her books were on the floor due to the lady's bumping. 'Why didn't I even place my books inside my bag after class? This would not have happened.' She thought to herself, getting angry but quickly calmed herself down. She bent down to pack her books on the floor and she heard some noise.

She stood up with her notes in her hand. She immediately placed them in her bag. She looked ahead to where the noise was coming from.

She saw the same lady that bumped into her with another girl having a heated conversation with Bright. He did not seem to be saying much and it was more of like the girls having argument with themselves. Soon, the girls started fighting, pulling their hairs out while Bright stood there watching in amusement. People gathered around them to watch the fight.

Layla didn't know what caused the fight. It did not seem like anybody knew the cause. She sighed. He probably two-timed the girls. He was not called the ladies's man for nothing.

She walked past the crowd with things running in her mind.

Why does she even like this guy? On a regular basis, she would have considered someone like him as a piece of trash but why is she falling badly for this guy? Why does one always fall for badboys when most times, they would leave one brokenhearted?


Layla walked into her room and pulled out her box from underneath her bed and arranged some things into the closet.

None of her roommates were in yet. It's not like she knew any of them. She was not excited or anything. She just wants to live a quiet one like she had all the previous. This was her final year and she does not intend to change any of that.

She laid down on her bed and she unconsciously started reminiscing about the good old days with Lila. She misses him so much. He was her defender back then even in High school. He would always make sure she was okay even if it meant him not being okay.

She took him for granted, but as they say, you never know the worth of what you have until it is gone.

He was now gone and it was all her fault. Tears started falling on her face and she was about to burst out when the door flew open with two girls chattering excitedly.

"I know, right. Bright is a scumbag." The one wearing red and white polka dotted jumpsuit said.

"A handsome scumbag." The other one wearing a forest green sleeveless blouse with sweet heart neckline and denim shorts with sneaker said smiling cheekily.

"Did you see how the blonde girl pulled the other one's hair?" The cheeky girl said again. "Oh, yes I did..." The other one trailed off finally noticing Layla.

"Oh, hi?" She said in a question-like manner. Layla waved at her, sheepishly.

"Are you in this room?" The cheeky girl asked to which Layla nodded her head in agreement. She squealed and rushed to hug her. This was very awkward for Layla.

"Nice to meet you, roomie. I'm Rochelle, your roommate." The cheeky girl whose name was Rochelle said.

"Layla." Layla said, introducing herself to Rochelle.

"Why are your eyes red?" The second girl asked her. "Were you crying?" Rochelle asked her concerned. Layla shook her head, no. She did not get how these two girls that were meeting her for the very time were talking to her like old time friends.

"But why are you wearing this big thing?" Rochelle said in distaste towards her sweatshirt. Layla was about to reply when Rochelle said, "Never mind. You should only wear clothes like mine." She stood up so that Layla can get a better look at her outfit. "See. And clothes like these..." She turned to bring out some clothes from her box but she could not find it.

"Beth, where is my box?" She asked the other girl. " Oh no. You did not take it out of the car's booth."

"Sh*t!" Rochelle cursed and quickly rushed out with Beth following her.

Layla was still in a daze. 'Looks like this is going to be a long semester!' She thought and dropped on her bed.


Instagram account @estheromisope2

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