
Love me dear

Chrystlene,a bad ass general got transmigrated into the body of a young woman who is also named chrystlene. Crazy right,they share the same name which i don´t think is a co-incidence but fate. The former chrystlene died at the age of 30 and became the guardian spirit of her own body.She returned back to the past 8 years to be precise and guided the new chrystlene on her journey of taking contorl of the business and becoming rich$$$.Maybe also teaching her about loving a particular guy(Roy Vanguard) who seems to be the cream of the top and everything she ever wanted. But shhh!!! there seems to be a turn of event right in the later chapters . But i won´t tell you. Read this novel to find more about this feisty lady and her potential love interest.......

Helly_D · Fantasy
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WTF,This is not what i signed up for, But i am glad.

Ouch,what´s up with this headache and why is everywhere so blurry.

Young miss,you are awake,that´s good.

Young miss?What a strange name to call someone.Arghh,what happened to me and why is my head hurting like a cucumber which has been split open by a sword.

Finally,I could see.

My eyesight was back but where was i.


"Who are you" and how did you get in my room

Young miss,don´t you know me,is it because of the fall that you have a concussion,do you need to see a doctor.

Concon what, what is that.

Arghh!I screamed again as i began to see flashing images which did not belong to me play in my mind without a stop button.

I became dizzy afterwards as i realize i have been reborned into the body of a young woman named chrystlene.Chrystlene right,yeah i know it´s suprising we have the same name.


Chrystlene is the fourth daughter of the EL family.She´s the next sucessor to the EL´s industries and firms,which has a networth of over thirty (30) Billion dollars in both asset and capital.

Chrystlene is often schemed by her family members which made her loose the business when she was about 30 Years old.She is smart,cold but got manipulated by who she called her best friend and ended up dead on the cold floor.

I am sure you are wandering why Chrystlene got transmigrated into a 30 Year old body,but guess what she is currently 22 Years old.

When the old Chrystlene died she turned into a spirit and returned back to her past life,8Years to be precise and became the guarding spirit of her own body until the new owner (Chrystlene) transmigrated into the body.

End of information.

Oh!So that´s who´s body this is.

But how did i get into this body.


Now i remember,i blew myself up and saw a blinding light and a voice in my head which said artefact activated.Wait does that mean that stupid artefact which i spent 1 Million gold on is real!!!!


Arghh!!! Who said that.

Calm down ,It´s just me.

What the, who are you?

I am you chrystlene.

No, you are not me,i am me.

Chrystlene calm down,i am not you you i am me you.

You,You,Me,You???What the hell is that.

I meant i live in you Chrystlene.

So like a ghost.

Not like a ghost,like a guiding spirit.

What the hell,It´s still the same.

No,it´s not.

Yes it is.So what are you doing here and what am i supposed to do now.

Help me get revenge on those people who snatched my throne.

Ok,but how

I don´t know, why are you asking me,i´ve never schemed before.

And you think i have

Haven´t you?

No i´ve not,i was an upright general.....But I think i got it.

Got what?

Got a plan,what else.So the first thing i think we need to do is to break off your friendhip with your so called best friend and get revenge.

Wow! Chrystlene you are a such a genius i think i should but it hurts so bad

??....What hurts

My heart,it feels as if it has been broken into a million pieces

Yeah,i know that feeling

You do?

Yes,and it´s way worst.Do you know the feeling of hearing that your best friend and fiancee are in a relationship,to make it worse your fiancee told the enemy to kill you

"Voice breakage"

I feel a lump in my throat because i have never felt so pathetic in my life,putting my trust in a man i know will never bring me happiness.

Sigh...I am sorry to hear that and i guess we could be sisters since we both felt betrayal.

I guess so,I think we could be sworn sisters.Anyways enough of the sadness,we should be happy we got rid of the scums.

Yeah,we should be happy and rejoicing.Why don´t you come into your mind space with fine wine most especially red wine so we can celebrate.

Wait,mind space!!!!, What´s that?

Oh!, I forgot to tell you that there is a little place in your mind called mind space which you can enter at anytime and i guess it´s because of the divine artefact you brought with you.

Oh,that divine artefact which almost burned a hole in my purse.

"Chuckle"....Are you being serious.Seriously tell me much you bought it for,cause i am sure it is not that expensive and you are just being overdramatic.

How am i being overdramatic and how is it not expensive when it literally cost 1 Million gold.

"Stops laughing".Wait you are being serious.

Obviously i am always serious.

No,you are not.But seriously 1 Million gold!!!, Girl you are just too rich.

I know right,but i am usually not a spend thrift,if not that it is a divine artefact i will not have wasted my beautiful money on it.I could have been using it to do other meaningful stuff.

You should be grateful,if not for you buying the artefact i am sure you will not be alive and still standing here today.

Point of correction,i am not standing,i am sitting

"Both look at theirselves and burst out into laughter.