
Love , marriage , divorce and repeat.

" I am so sorry ...I am confused myself " said edward with a sad face. " what you want me to do ? " I asked him. " I think we should just divorce. " said Edward. well , my husband after three years of our wedding found out that he has a mate ...soul mate. So here I am filling our divorce forms cause he has a mate now. Our marriage was arranged by our elders . I hoped to live a good life with him but looks like it was all a dream .I have to move out from his house..have new home , new life but the secret that I am having...edward will never know that. I will not let him know about it. NEVER.

Anamika333 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Information chapter : Guide for the story.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that an Alpha in an arrange marriage situation with you will someday find his mate and you will find yourself standing in the court house applying for a divorce. Cause your husband can't wait to be with that other girl who just walked in his life. 

I am sitting here at the court office waiting for my husband. we have to sign our final documents today. And since our turn has not arrived yet , I will pain my brain with the information of our marriage life. 

How it all started and how it is coming to an end. Well I am Rosaline wells. And I am from Bloodmoon pack , which used to be one of the deadliest werewolf pack . I have heard stories of my ancestors from my parents and they used to have powers not seen by the world. 

It was also rumoured that my grandmother snow wells was daughter of moon goddess making us decedents of moon goddess. But I inherited no power from her , at least my mother lily wells,  got her beauty from her. well back to my story.

So Bloodmoon pack one of the most powerful pack known to all was attacked by stray vampires [ ones who are casted out from their groups for hunting human beings ] one night. 

The pack wasn't ready and we lost more than half of our pack. Only six survived the attack. Two left the group and my parents including my little brother we have joined the ' Diamond pack ' , this pack belonged to my father's friend. And Alpha Darcy has welcomed us with open arms. 

My father was alpha of his pack and even here his position was pretty high. The shift wasn't that for me , I was always someone who would stay with herself and not bother others so it was cool. I finished my studies here in the local college , and since I love organising stuffs and drawing I decided to study for'  Interior designing '. 

So there used to be one difference between human and werewolf societies where I used to prefer the human one better its in our packs we all stay together.

Doesn't matter even if you want to kill someone , or hate someone you have to stay together. It used to be one big house with 12 to 20 family staying in different rooms. Now its flats , we live in flats. 

Its a huge flat , 12 floors , with 25 families living together , including my family. Each family has their kitchens which recently started. But every Saturday and Sunday all the families meet up together , we have a huge feast , play games and just have fun together. 

But that hasn't killed the spirit of living as one family. we have gym , swimming pool, basket ball court , training area for the young werewolves and a nice park for the children's to play and elders to take evening walks.

Its everyone's duty to take care of the elderly and protect the young ones. We even have kindergarten for little ones whose parents works. 

Teenagers does duties like caring for the old and taking care of the kids , and the teenager who does good job gets a little amount of money and a badge from the Alpha as encouragement prize from alpha. The building is continuously getting new constructions done since more families are getting add on. 

I did helped with most interior design of the building and our Alpha loved it. Things were pretty good for me. I got my wolf maya , and everything was just fine for me. When my father suddenly thought that his daughter was ready to get married but hasn't found her mate yet. 

He has shared his problem with his best friend , the Alpha of our group whose son didn't have any mate by that time. So both of them thought it was a match made in heaven...liars. I know we must wait for our mates and not take sudden decisions , but some fortune teller told Edward Darcy [ son of our alpha ] that he was one of the unluckiest Alpha's who may not have a mate [ currently looking for her for reading such bad stars].

It was a heart-breaking news for his family. So he didn't mind and well the wedding took place. He became the new Alpha of the pack and I became his Luna.

Things were normal between us. I started taking care of him , help with the weekly parties , their was no love in this relationship just responsibilities , that's what my mom taught me. 

And I wish it stayed that way but it didn't ....I like a stupid girl fall in love with him. While staying with him , working side by side with him I started loving him. I decorated our flat nicely and cosily , I cooked him warm food , did all his work ....in other words spoiled him a lot. 

My husband , Edward Darcy is the Alpha of the pack and he also runs a spices company. A company which sells everyday spices, frozen food and cosmetics. He is a rich business man and I don't know why in my stupid love I became more of a housewife than what I was. 

And three years in our marriage what I got to listen from him ? That he has found his fated mate, he found his mate. Actually , few days ago a new family joined us. Mr and Mrs Allen . They are from Raven pack , since that pack is very backward they left their pack and joined us. 

I decorated their rooms and made sure that they get very comfortable for them. They arrived on monday , Mr Allen and Mr's Allen came with their daughter Katrina Allen . She is a beautiful girl , half of the packs male got attracted towards her on the first day. She has long hairs and beautiful eyes. 

I have helped them with paper works , arranging parties , arrange sports days for them , thought of many ways to keep them entertained as their luna but never got respect for them. But in few days katrina became apple of eyes for everyone. It was my Idea to add a idea box in front of the office room where other pack mates can say what they want to do on saturday and sundays. 

Helps me get new ideas , their she her ideas were a hit. Everyone wanted to do what she liked. And well I didn't mind , it was like having a topper in the classroom. She was good at everything , singing , dancing , fight and I got some rumors that she was more fitted to be luna than me. 

All hushed comments never in the open. And the unthinkable happened. On sunday night , in the ball room party [ which she suggested ] Edward found his mate....the one he thought he will never find. 

And the chaos of my life began from their , he found out that katrina was his fated mate. Well everyone cheered for the couple while I am sitting here waiting to finalise my divorce. I don't know what future holds for me but if you want to know more about me ....than join the train and lets find out together. 

Author ;

Hi ! hope you're doing well. I am taking part in a competition so if you read and support my story that will be great. Its just the intro of the story , chapters are coming soon. Hope you like it. 

Thank you so much.