
Love, Lust and Everything in Between

"I hate you," Arianna seethed, her breath coming out in short pants, mixing with his. His hold on her tightened and she felt him step closer until he was pressed against her body. Every bit of his hardness flush against her. Ashton leaned forward, hovering above her parted lips. "Oh my darling Ari," he murmured in mockery, running a finger down her face, before slowly cupping her jaw. "I most definitely hate you too." And then his lips captured hers. *** Ariana Hudson never wanted to be with a man. Her father forced her to go on multiple dates with different multimillionaires but she always found a way to get out of it. Ariana had lived four years of her life hating Ashton and the feelings were reciprocated. What happens when not only did her father set up a date between both arrogant billionaires but already signed a marriage contract on her behalf? It was one thing to despise someone, it was another for that hatred to turn into something unexplainable. Ariana wasn't sure she could handle it, especially when Ashton Drake wanted nothing but to frustrate the living shits outta her.

HB_Temilorun · Urban
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5 Chs


"What the hell was that Ashton Drake?!" Ariana thundered as he led her away. "And let me go! You are hurting my hand because your grip is too tight!"

Ashton slightly swirled her before her heels skidded to a stop. He looked over at her teal blouse tucked into a tight black pencil skirt appreciatively. Ariana planted her hands on her hips, cocked her head, and spoke again.

"Stop ogling me and answer the bloody question, Ashton! Who on earth gave you the right to say you and I are a thing? You and I will never be anything even in your dreams" Ariana asserted.

Ashton was relaxed as he responded. "Will you stop yelling? You know you are so much more beautiful when you are angry. But then again maybe it's because you are angry eighty percent of the time."

Ariana kept looking at him quizzically oblivious to the compliment.

"You know you really made a fool of yourself at the club last night right? Throwing yourself so shamelessly at men who did not even want you. Seriously Ariana? Don't you know that you are the face of Hudson Developments? You should learn to project a flawless image and not a drunken slutty one. I mean you disappointed me. I did not expect that from you of all people."

"You better shut the hell up because the last thing I need from you right now is a lecture. You might as well shove your lectures up your ass because what I do with myself and with my body is absolutely none of your business. You think because you and my dad signed a stupid contract behind my back or you played a shitty knight in shining armor for one night you have the right to act like my mother?"

Ashton stared at her in shock. "You are such an ingrate. I saved you from all the embarrassment you were nicely heaping on yourself and instead of thanking me here you are shouting as always pretending I did not do you a favor!"

"And was kissing me part of doing me a favor too?"

Ashton was about to respond with a cutting comment when a small slow smile stretched his lips.

"You begged me to kiss you, Ariana"

Ariana cringed as the memory came flooding back in fast kaleidoscopic flashes. The fight, Ashton swooping her into his arms and then his car, and how she drunkenly touched him and begged for a kiss. The embarrassment came again, more searing and intense than ever. Her cheeks reddened.

Enjoying how flushed she looked, Ashton decided to shove the humiliation down further.

"What spitfire girl? Nothing more to say? Or are you suddenly deaf and dumb? You begged me to kiss you. You wanted it so bad-"

"Shut the hell up!" Ariana snapped, while Ashton laughed.

"You know I should have just left you there. If I had, these annoying preening reporters would not be here trying to get a confession out of me," he lamented.

"A confession about what?"

"About what is going on between me and you silly!"

Ariana ran her fingers through her hair in frustration as her phone beeped with messages from Isadora. The Venture Capitalists were back and it would be rude to keep them waiting again for the second time.

"I have to get out of here,"

Ashton grabbed her hand. "I know a way out,"

Ariana looked at him suspiciously.

"How? You don't live here."

"Yes, but I live in a building just like this."

She followed him as he led her to the elevator that went underground. Ariana had not called Jameson in order not to alert the reporters, but Ashton's driver was there waiting in his silver Porsche. In a few seconds, the super-fast car zoomed forward out of the underground entrance and sped away before the reporters could comprehend what had happened.

They were at the offices of Hudson Developments within minutes.

"What the hell….?" Ashton said, taking in the sight before him.

"You have to be kidding me!" Ariana said in disbelieving frustration as the reporters crowded the Porsche with their microphones, cameras, and incessant questions.

"Mr. Drake, do you want to comment on the rumors that something is going on between you and Miss Hudson after last night?"

"Miss Hudson, what do you have to say to the online trolls referring to you as a sluttish drunkard after what happened last night?"

"Are you both an official couple? When can we expect a statement?"

The whole thing was a crazed nightmare.

"I think they have surrounded the building", Ashton said knowingly. "You might have to walk inside by pushing through." He advised.

"Are you crazy?" Ariana asked with a flash of her blue eyes. "It is an avalanche out there!"

Ashton shrugged as though to say it was none of his business.

"It's your call, but I need to get back to my company premises. I have businesses of my own to attend to so…"

He did not need to finish his statement. It was obvious she had to get down and figure out a way to get into her company all on her own. How was she to do that with all the paparazzi? They could block her and prevent her from going in unless she answered their aggravating questions and then what would she do? She could not fight them off by herself, of course, and there were the venture capitalists who were waiting for the second time today.

"Ariana," Ashton called, trying to bring her back. He snapped his fingers in her face.

Ariana turned on her inner charm and portrayed the helpless damsel in distress. Powerful men like Ashton Drake liked to have a superior savior complex because it fed their ego.

"Please Ashton, don't leave me here with them. Help me." She begged.

Taken aback by the sudden effect she had on him, Ashton silently stared into her eyes transfixed by the depths. Then he looked out at the crowd of reporters.

"Ariana, are you begging?" Ashton finally managed to ask with surprise.

Ariana wanted to roll her eyes and tell him off but she fought the urge. Instead, she said nothing and just placed her flawless well-manicured hands on the back of his bigger calloused hand and batted her eyelashes.

"Please Ashton…please,"

Ashton smiled a small smile before speaking. "Alright then, get down." He ordered.

In minutes he was by her side on the other part of the car, and then he held her firmly towards him as he pushed through the paparazzi, single-handedly, while Ariana clutched tightly for dear life. After what seemed like an eternity, they made it to the front doors of the building and Ariana practically ran to the elevators.

In the elevator, none of them spoke and Ashton was perplexed at her pride. Could she not say a simple thank you? He had to admit though that he had enjoyed protecting her briefly. The minute the elevators opened to the spacious airy floor of the office, Isadora appeared as though in expectation of them, but her mouth dropped open in shock as she saw Ashton.

"Miss Hudson…Mr. Drake…," She greeted them as though she was still half unsure she was seeing them together.

Ariana shrugged herself out of her jacket, noticing a small tear when a reporter had grabbed a fistful. She looked up.

"Where are the investors?" She demanded.

"In your office Miss Hudson"

"I hope you kept them well entertained."


"Are the files ready? I want everything waiting down and ready for me."

"Yes, they are,"

Ariana looked up as though she just recalled Ashton was by her side. Before she could dismiss him or he could excuse himself, he slipped her hands around her waist, and to Ariana's consternation, he whispered in her ear.

"Later baby, you know there is still much for us to discuss right?"

And without another word, even before she could react, he fluidly strolled back into the elevator, thrust his hands into his pockets, and winked.

Baby! Was he insane? Who on earth was his baby? When she looked back the entire office was gaping.

"Do I pay you to stand around and stare at me?" Ariana asked.

The staff hurriedly pretended to mind their business.


The four-hour meeting with the venture capitalists went well, considering all the hiccups. Finally, a ten-million-dollar investment was settled upon, and as Isadora ushered them out, Ariana leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. It was three in the afternoon but it was the first time that day her head seemed organised. She opened her phone and found voice messages from Gene and Mason.

She opened Mason.

As much as you hate him, Ari, you have to admit that you and Ashton Drake make a fine ass couple. What's the full story though? Don't leave a man hanging here. Drinks tonight?

She was never drinking again, not even if her life depended on it. Cocktails or mocktails maybe.

She opened Gene.

OMG, Ari!! I just knew it when I saw him carry you! The hot dickhead has a thing for you! Do you have a thing for him too? Get over here after work! I want to know everything! You have to spill!

She was about to message both of them on their group chat when her dad's call came in.

"This whole stupid marriage shit has gone to hell Dad!" Ariana shouted. "It was a bad idea. It was always a bad idea. Now my whole life feels like it is turning into a circus!"

"Swearing is the way you greet your father," Alphonsus declared dryly.

Ariana closed her eyes and took deep breaths. "Dad, I want the rumors about me and Ashton cleared up immediately."

"Ariana, will you calm down and stop being so dramatic?"

"Dad! This is about my life! Please clear them up! It's the least you can do!"

She went off the call.

"Isadora! Can I have the files on the Manhattan housing project please?"

Isadora rushed in. "Of course, Miss Hudson."