
Love Lust (MBWL Series 1: Red and Amber's Story)

Love Lust MBWL Series 1 Amber Young She's a good girl with bad habits. A goddess of her own hell. Never thought that she will be dancing with the devil someday. Until then Red Lewis a simple man but full of authority. A sadist man. What would happen if the two of them meet? Will love find its way? Or is it just between love or lust? Red and Amber's Story MBWL series 1

ChillBaby08 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Special Chapter

For him.. (PS: Darling read between the lines)

She's the girl who looks down when you stare at her for a little long and turns away if you catch her looking.

She's the girl whose hair gets a little knotted, and whose smile isn't always real.

She's the girl who cries herself to sleep sometimes and care a little too much about what you say.

But she's the same girl who laughs at all your jokes- funny or not; the one who will love you with every inch of flesh inside of her.

She's the girl who will watch the stars with you at night.

She's the kind of girl who will give you her heart, so please handle it with care.


You showed me one important thing that no one has ever been able to show me before.

Not that i'm beautiful, not that i'm smart, not that i'm sweet.

None of that. You showed me something more important than any of those things.

You showed me that i was important, that there's a reason I'm here.

You made me feel like the world was lucky to have me.

And i don't know if anyone would ever make me feel that way again.


It's so hard for me to put you into words because i love you in ways i have never loved anyone else.


I think no matter how much time passes by, I will always have a weak spot for you. And that terrifies the hell out of me.


I know that you're no good for me

but it's worst without you.

Even when i try not to want you

i'll end up needing you,

You're my favorite joy,

yet my endless pain.

i tried to hate you but the only thing

i hated is how much i love you.


He is a storm,

and storm devastated,

but everytime he hurts you,

you hold your breath

and bear the hurricane;

Repeating to yourself,

One more chance

One more breath

just one more and you'll fix him.

Until one day you can't hold your breath anymore,

And you are half a stormy evening,

one tear stained night,

two minutes and five seconds

away from breaking down.


My heart races evertime i see you.



LISTEN. Im YOURS. That's it. No expectations.


Remember i might be the writer,

But you'll always be the words.


This is why i play the music so loud.

Earlier walking frustratedly.

Trying to think what should i choose.

Picking fights again in the middle of nowhere.

Considering that we just laughed while walking together.

Down the streets like nobody cares.

Earphones plucked in my ears, not wanting to hear even a single thing but just the song that i want to hear.

A beat to drown out the thoughts,

sounds so high you cannot think,

lyrics so close to home you don't even blink.


When she's happy she can't stop talking ,

but when she's sad she doesn't say a word.


It beats

It breaks

It loves

It aches

For you.

Only you


Trust me she's more than soul than skin.

you can see it in the way she bleeds for the one she loves.






If she only wants you don't worry about who wants her.


I regret nothing.



Knowing a person is like music,

what attracts us is to their melody,

And as we get to know who they are,

We learn their lyrics.


As long as it takes.


Good day.. this is just a special chapter for you guys to read..

It's quite my ego tonight to wirte some of these.

Please enjoy reading.

ChillBaby08creators' thoughts