
Love Live: The Starlight Of Adventure

In the world of Love Live there's also unknown mysterious goes across on this wonderful peaceful world... Enter Leon Winchester who's about to start his adventure in Nijigasaki Academy... and uh how unexpected this can be for to be only boy appearing due to unknown circumstances... Join Leon with many popular idol groups and as he learns more about himself times go on... P.S - I do not own Love Live Characters all rights reserved only I own is Leon and many other characters that aren't involved with Love Live

Clubfoot27 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 31- All Or Nothing Part 1

(Harujaku Live Idol Event Show - Backstage)

(Leon POV)

The rules stated that whoever win the finals of this contest would have the opportunity to have their school perform on the main stage of the School Idol Festival... It is really all or nothing for us plus relief of nine solo acts for representing the school meaning we have nine chances to succeed...

But I believe in them they would win this one of them will I guarantee it...I also make sure to give proper prep talk with each of them in specific following orders...

1. Emma Verde

2. Shizuku Osaka

3. Rina Tennoji

4. Ai Miyashita

5. Setsuna Yuki

6. Karin Asaka

7. Kanata Konoe

8. Kasumi Nakasu

9. Ayumu Uehara

However the downside is that our school will be going first...but as much of lady luck isn't on our side but Barry and I were on standby since I do sense something out there waiting for the right chance... Even if we are not so luck doesn't matter to me I know they will do great... I would be up in front well with Barry as bodyguards we all are waiting for this it gotta work I know it...Better than being on the sidelines watching them as Yuu decided to help support everyone on the sidelines with Leonidas keeping her company...we got this because I will be here for all of them like...someone would say our memories all linked to our heart...

I was right now beside Emma trying to reassure her since well she's gonna be the first one up... "I-Is it time?" Emma asked a little nervous "Almost, the host has to announce your name Emma," I said smiled "You are nervous?" I asked "Y-Yeah a little," Emma said "You will do great just remember that time over the park with Shizuku, Kanata, and I having that picnic," I said smiled "Your right just thinking of happy memories like those will be enough to calm me down," Emma said "Uh...can I held your hand till I get called," Emma said sweatdrop "Sure..." I said smiled

"I really appreciate what you have done for us and for me Leon. When I'm around you I feel protected..." Emma said (...) I thought stared down at Emma "So please focus and watch me all the way through!" Emma yelled "Sure you can count on me Emma," I said felt Emma's tight grip over my gloved hand...

"Please welcome to the stage for our opening performance...Nijigasaki High Emma Verde!!" Host yelled "You got this Emma! Show the world what European school idol can do!" I yelled "EMMAAAAA!!" Yuu and Leonidas yelled cheering....

(Evergreens by Emma Verde)

The crowd was sure hyper after withness Emma's performance... it was very beautiful especially the name written about her homeland. The faraway place she holds dear close to her heart so she made sure to let the crowd remember the feeling of vast green plains and sunlight... To be the opening would be a disadvantage however Emma turned it upside down to become her own strengths...

(Music Stops)

"Did I do good??" Emma asked breathing heavily "You did wonderful Emma. Your family would be so proud of you as how I am" I said slowly smiled "I hope so, I want to bring the experience of School Idols all the way to Switzerland!" Emma yelled "And Together we will make that dream reality" I said smiled felt something small green glow flowing inside me (Senses reactive code Joy) ??? Thought echoed in my head as I was confused for a bit but shook it off...

"I'm ready Leon-Senpai! Emma that was amazing!" Shizuku yelled "Thank you very much! I know you'll do great Shizuku" Emma said cheered "She's right you know? I also heard that you wrote a new song. That's impressive Shizuku" I said smiled "Thank you Leon-Senpai! when I'm writing I always think about how can I convey my feelings through the words I say" Shizuku said "Just like the amazing actress you are" I said smiled "Please welcome to the next stage...You must have heard her from the finals at the show Shibuya recently. Nijigasaki High Shizuku Osaka!!" Host yelled "H-Huh?!" Shizuku yelled shocked "SHIZUKU GOO!!" Yuu yelled "SHIZUKUUU!!" Leonidas yelled cheering "See, they still remember you and this time make them don't forget about you," I said slowly smiled as Shizuku nodded running to the stage as I watched afar...

(Audrey by Shizuku Osaka)

One day I'll reach my Audrey...to reference Shakesphere in a song coming from Nijigasaki Juliet... Audrey is a character from Shakespeare's As You Liked It. Someone who is not regarded as pretty, but is loyal, honest, and kind-hearted... I think this is someone Shizuku idols a lot and was well the first ones I got from her to read about... Although in my eyes Shizuku is already Audrey has her loyal, honest, and very kind hearted caring to everyone she cares about... plus Shizuku well is very beautiful...

"My feelings Leon-Senpai...They understood" Shizuku said slowly smiled eyes opened "Take it as you liked it Shizuku...I felt the feelings of true passion in your words...you made me proud" I said, "T-Thank you Leon-Senpai!!" Shizuku yelled had tears of joy... (Flight reactive coded Loyal) ??? Thought echoed in my head Again seriously what is that?? Ugh nevermind I gotta focus on who's next...

(Music Stops)

"Rina-chan board is Ready," Rina said smiled "Hey Rina...looks like you really upgrade Rina-chan Board for this performance," I said smiled "As an actress, I'm no longer a stranger to wearing masks, but Rina will steal the show!" Shizuku yelled "Rina loves you Shizuko," Rina said "Next we have a performer you can never forget about. Nijigaskai High Rina Tennoji" Host said "Good luck Rina!" Shizuku yelled, "Show the crowd what's the Rina-chan Board fully upgraded can do!" I yelled, "Rina-Board says showtime!" Rina yelled "RINAAAA!!" Yuu yelled cheering "GO RINA-BOARDDD!!" Leonidas yelled "Heh you got this Rina" Barry said thumps up...

(Doki Pipo Emotion by Rina Tennoji)

A song about Rina board-no it's about her emotions she would want to show everyone...even if the board wasn't there I know she's having a lot of fun and really happy... "Whew...How you think Leo-Senpai?" Rina asked confused "I think you shown what exactly what you wanted Rina...Judging by that crowd out there they knew what your feeling EMOTION!" I yelled, "Rina-chan board says Emotion!" Rina yelled as I smiled noticed we are about to take a short intervals...

(Data Unknown reactive code Emotion) ??? thought I don't what's going on but that's the third time it's happening too...better get something to drink however I hope everyone else is doing alright while watching these performances...

(Back at Resting Room)

Shizuku, Emma, and Rina did really well for the first three to show up giving their best performances! Looks like going solos act is actually the best idea! At this point, we will have a chance into the finals...

"You're all were amazing! At this rate, Nijigasaki will take to the finals!!" I yelled "Yeah! I got so much better responses!" Emma yelled "Me too! I think group lessons really help out!" Shizuku yelled "Right?! We were able to teach each other skills. Ai taught me how to be getting the audience fired up. I'm going to give it a try today" Kanata said, "It'll definitely work! Give it a try!" Ai yelled, "What rankings makeup for the finals anyway?" Karin asked "Uhhh about that basically the top ten best highly voted performances to the finals tonight. Everyone else well it's over for them" I said "Oh..." Ayumu said flinched "Ayumu what's wrong?" Rina asked concerned "Ow, ow, ow my leg hurts real bad! cramping up from nerves aha..ow!" Ayumu yelled "Ayu!?" Yu and I yelled "Oh no!" Emma yelled, "Ayumu please sit here!" Shizuku yelled grab the chair...

"Where does it hurt? At the bottom of your foot? or the calf?" Kanata asked worried "T-The calf," Ayumu said as we all gasped... "Hey Ayumu, I'm going to take your shoe off. And try to fully stretch it out may hurt bad but bear with it little longer" Setsuna said helping Ayumu stretch her calf "O-Oww..." Ayumu said "It's my fault for saying it's over if nobody qualifies..I'm sorry Ayu" I said sweatdrop "Leon..." Yuu said "N-No it's okay! OW" Ayumu yelled "Just a little longer," Karin said smiled "Y-You can do it Ayubun! it'd underly devastating that your calf hurts, but don't have to cow! I'll put you back in good moo-d!" Ai yelled, "Ah it hurts to laugh Ai don't make me laugh!" Ayumu yelled nervously "Look like the tightness disappeared. I think your better now" Rina said "Huh? Your right it doesn't hurt anymore" Ayumu said confused "Drink some water, Ayumu. Sometimes leg cramps are caused by being too dehydrated. Being too cold or tense can be bad too, so keep your track jacket on long as possible" Emma explained, "D-Did my pun heal Ayumu injury?!" Ai yelled "No, no It was mostly from Setsuna," Karin said sweatdrop, "I think Ai also helped out too," Setsuna said reassuring "Right she helped me laughed all the pain away," Ayumu said giggled as Yuu and I sighed with relief "You really almost got me there Ayumu," Yu said nervously "I'm alright now thanks to Ai and Setsuna," Ayumu said smiled "That's good," I said sighed of relief "See! Even Ayubun and Setsu agreed!" Ai yelled cheered then we all heard a beep...

"Hm? Looks like small intervals are over!" Ai yelled, "It seems like it wish you luck Ai go get them!" I yelled, "better be watching Leoiko!" Ai yelled "I will at the sidelines," I said smiled (I just realized how much I actually enjoyed and loved this club since well I was novice...even if the members are stood alone they would always support each other more this happens less lonely they will be right?) I thought thinking of the situation...

"Welcome to the stage Ai Miyashita!!" Host yelled

(Meccha Going by Ai Miyashita)

A song full of energy, it's so Ai that I wanna scream it really did gives you that blood pumping doesn't it... I love it that even the crowd is pumped up about the situation "Chief?! Woah I'm out of breathing now" Ai said stunned "IT WAS AMAZING!!" Yuu yelled, "I AGREE!!" Leonidas yelled, "Heh I'm glad you two liked it!" Ai yelled "I also enjoyed it a lot as well Ai. You sure help them remember who they are listening to after all distracted from that short interval" I said smiled "I agreed "Does that make me a life-saver? Or Lifebulb?" Ai asked as I laughed "I guess we could say that Ai" I said smiled (Star-Light Sky Blade reactivated - Code Hyperactivity) ??? Thought as I was noticing something I felt a glow of aura flaring over my body than away in flash... (Something definitely going on but what is it??) I thought confused expression

(Music Stops)

"That was such an energetic performance Ai! I loved it!" Setsuna yelled "Aww, that's coming a lot from the famous idol Setsuna Yuki! I also got them fully hype out for you" Ai said chuckled "Thanks! Ayumu is also feeling a lot better" Setsuna said "Thanks for helping her Setsuna" I said smiled "Anytime Leo" Setsuna said "Time to show Ayu more of my signature puns!" Ai yelled left as both laughed...

A lot has happened and we are about to head into more shows awaiting for us...I also do have a somewhat uneasy feeling... "Barry you okay?" I asked "Yeah just a little tired but I did sense something nearby definitely waiting for the right moment to attack," Barry said hesitated "Then we will do our best to take them down," I said smiled "Hmm??" Both asked looked up saw figure in dark gear arms crossed with creepy grin eyes glowing dark navy blue (...Who the hell was that?!) I thought eyes widened as he faded in a gust of shadows disappeared...

I got a bad feeling about this...

To be Continued...