
Love Live: The Starlight Of Adventure

In the world of Love Live there's also unknown mysterious goes across on this wonderful peaceful world... Enter Leon Winchester who's about to start his adventure in Nijigasaki Academy... and uh how unexpected this can be for to be only boy appearing due to unknown circumstances... Join Leon with many popular idol groups and as he learns more about himself times go on... P.S - I do not own Love Live Characters all rights reserved only I own is Leon and many other characters that aren't involved with Love Live

Clubfoot27 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 21 - It's Showtime Live Event!! Part 1

(Odabi Live Show Event - Waiting Room)

(Leon POV)

Wow, times sure fly by at a rapid speed than usually especially at how much Rina worked hard on something that will help her out... looks like everyone is almost ready...

"...Man it's been a long time since I wear this good old trenchie" I said sweatdrop "Yeah trench-coat with dress pants boots gloves and a blue t-shirt underneath that coat," Leonidas said "Yep I used this especially for important events like this," I said smiled "Hmm looks like everyone should be done by now..." I said smiled walking down...

"WOW!! Everyone looks amazing! Those costumes easily turned out better than I dreamed of" I said shocked expression "Not bad right? The suspenders were just I needed, thanks, boss!" Karin yelled "Anytime Karin but aren't we missing on someone??" I asked confused expression "I'm ready....presenting the new and improved Rina-chan Board!" Rina yelled "WHOAAA!!" All yelled shocked as I smiled put my hands over Rina's shoulders

"So what you guys think?" I asked smiled "Wow Rinari, what's with the new face?! That's like some super crazy tech!" Ai yelled cheered "Is that like, computer screen?" Kasumi asked confused "This is a new item developed for concerts thanks to Leo-Senpai and some of the techie clubs, I called it the Auto Emoticonverter Rina-chan Board!!" Rina yelled "Huh?" Kasumi asked confused "I was wondering what you were gonna do about this board but this was quite unexpected," Karin said stunned "If you need something from them they won't mind helping out," Rina said smiled "Importantly can you see?" Karin asked "Yes. It's an internal camera showing me my surroundings on-screen inside" Rina said smiled "That's great! I was kinda wondering how you were walking around without falling off the stage of course" Ayumu said sweatdrop "Rina this is great so you can see without falling anywhere" Emma said smiled as we all looked saw participants taking their turns some got cut or get nothing but zeros...like damn...

"Well some are good and some need to work more to be noticeable," I said sweatdrop arms crossed "This is so cool, Rina! It's like your from a movie!" Shizuku yelled "How's surprising. I bet your only idol with this kind of getup Rina!" Setsuna yelled, "Well I have seen the other groups and well...saw some really good ones but we will do our best!" I yelled "Yeah we all worked hard for this" Emma said smiled "You all will do great!" Yuu yelled, "I'm gonna be in the stages till your guys part show up!" Yuu yelled "Right," I said smiling "Looks like it from the division looks like solos would end up last," I said confused expression "So who was first for the groups?" Emma asked "U's by a landslide one of the best in group idol events," I said "That was to be expected," Shizuku said sweatdrop "The underwhelming pressure is powerful," Kanata said stunned "Yeah I know what you guys mean..." I said sweatdrop "Wait-HEY Kanata no time for napping!" I yelled "Zzzz...Hey, Leon care to join Kanata on a power nap?" Kanata asked "P-Power nap?! You need to prepare mentality for your event!" I yelled, "Power naps are what kept Kanata motivated!" Kanata yelled as I sweatdrop felt her sleeping on me "Finee..." I said "WHA?!" Ayumu yelled shocked expression "Just for this once....after all, she does have the sleepy idol style," I said sweatdrop (Kanata has steels of fiery motivation but compared to everyone...they look so hesitant and nervous...Ayu hands are trembling...) I thought gently move Kanata to the table...

(3 Hours Later)

"Ahh...it's almost our turn," Ayumu said hesitated "Rina-chan board say, Pit-a-pit," Rina said "Well if you guys are still in a panic I could give you some hot barely tea, Having something warm to keep your stomach nerves calm down" Shizuku suggested to everyone "My grandma made some sweet candied potatoes if anyone wants one," Ai said sweatdrop "Oh I want one!' Kanata yelled snapped awake (Eh...?) I sweatdrop "I-It's good to get some carbs into your system before exercising right?" Kasumi asked, "Kasumi eating those will have a hard time digested..." Setsuna said sweatdrop "HUH?! I knew that!" Kasumi yelled, "Even Kasumi is nervous..." Karin said "Karin, your shoes are put on the wrong way," Emma said "W-WHAT!?" Karin yelled (Damn this isn't good everyone aren't as motivated or too panic...It's expected to be in the first event after all I was the same when I first did this well in group band) I thought sweatdrop

"Wait there is something" I muttered "Group talk?" Leonidas asked "Yep," I said "Hey everyone! Let's have a group talk before the event" I said smiled "Awesome idea! Let's do it!" Ai yelled, "S-sure why not?" Karin asked nervously chuckled "T-This will only make me even more nervous" Ayumu sweatdrop (...MAN WHY EVERYTHING I DO BACKFIRES?!) I thought flinched "Come on we all been through a lot haven't we," I said arms crossed "Yeah..." Shizuku said sweatdrop "You could say that Leo-Senpai," Kasumi said hesitated as I looked at each one of them...

(Nijigasaki Acadamy Passions - Instrumental)

"Kasumi you've been practicing so hard, all that practice has made you even cuter! It's time to live up your dream and become a school idol!" I yelled "Of course it has! I'm the cutest idol!!" Kasumi yelled (...Just this once) I thought smiled "Shizuku, it's time to show everyone what you learned from Drama club! I just know...you'll be able to give a much better performance!" I yelled, "Yes I'm so fired up now!" Shizuku yelled "Rina, even if you have to use your board. I bet you'll able to convey your feelings to the audience just fine! Time to debut the legendary Rina-Chan Board to the world of Idols!" I yelled "Yes, I'm been bursting with so much emotion! Rina-chan board says Woo, Hoo!!" Rina yelled "Ayu, you come long away since telling your first joke for the 'Let's Make Rina Laugh Tournament.' It's no different from your approach to becoming School Idol...It's amazing how quickly you improved once you start something!" I yelled "I've been looking forward to challenging myself today! Don't take your eyes off of me Leo!" Ayumu yelled, "I won't!" I yelled "Ai do you want an extra pair of socks?? In case you have cold feet!" I yelled, "Haha...as much how bad your puns are always want to help me be motivated!" Ai yelled "Setsuna, after all this time the mysterious unknown idol. The hype of amounts of training you undergo, there's no telling what strategy you make out there...I'm so excited! To see what THE Setsuna Yuki can do! Time to shine, your arrow will pierce through everyone's hearts!" I yelled "I'm shooting to fill my heart with your love Leo," Setsuna said giggled "..." Ayumu said nothing but stared at Setsuna for a bit...

"Kanata! I heard you score 100 points on your quiz the other day. The only question that remains is...What you're going to score onstage today??!" I asked "Ten thousand points!" Kanata yelled cheered "Karin I can just tell your loving your costume right now...and that all you're giving off will make everyone fall heels for you!!" I yelled, "Hehe, I won't be held responsible if people hurt themselves swooning at their sight of me!!" Karin yelled "Emma, the air around you is always carefree and peaceful. I can hope you can fill the entire building with that feeling today" I said slowly smiled "I will have to make sure no one nods off though!" Emma yelled

"We are the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. Performing we are separated, but deep down together...We are one! LET'S GET THEMM!!" I yelled "YEAHHHH!!" All yelled as everyone cheered in high spirits... much better than before...

(So how you think of my speech Leonidas?) I thought (8.5/10 because you didn't notice Ayu got jealous of Setsuna stealing you away) Leonidas thought (WHAT??!) I thought shocked expression "Well doesn't matter how we are gonna watch everyone do their best!!" I yelled (...I felt something really wrong right now...tch no not here...it's probably just some headache) I thought went to focus on the show...

To Be Continued...