
Love Live: The Starlight Of Adventure

In the world of Love Live there's also unknown mysterious goes across on this wonderful peaceful world... Enter Leon Winchester who's about to start his adventure in Nijigasaki Academy... and uh how unexpected this can be for to be only boy appearing due to unknown circumstances... Join Leon with many popular idol groups and as he learns more about himself times go on... P.S - I do not own Love Live Characters all rights reserved only I own is Leon and many other characters that aren't involved with Love Live

Clubfoot27 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 13 - Back In Business!

(Nijigasaki High - Idol Clubroom)

(Leon POV)

I was a little late to arrived but I need to let go of the burden in me right now...Mom just told me that they found out who was one that murdered dad the real killer who been haunting me in my dreams his name is Kashin Qartez and been hiding somewhere here in Odaiba...where Mom and I are living right now...we are expected to have a meeting with police officers after the club I'm heading over there...

"Leo-senpai?" Rina asked poking my cheek "Leon," Ayumu said concerned "OH SENPAIII!!" Kasumi yelled shaking my chair as everyone stared at her... "WHAHHAA???!" I yelled flinched "Are you okay?" Setsuna asked concerned "Oh yeah I'm alright everyone sorry I kinda was out of the daze," I said nervously smiled "Leon you weren't saying anything everything okay?" Yu asked "Your hands are trembling," Emma said held them "And are really cold," Emma said worried expression "...I have been running a little late but really I'm okay thanks for warming up my hands Emma" I said smiled "As I was saying earlier" I said adjusted my gloves over my hands...

"Thanks to everyone's cooperation and about me being a little daze for a bit I want to say Nijigasaki Ac-High Idol Club is officially back and restart compete!" I yelled "YAY!!" Everyone yelled "As much we have new ultimatum moving forward, A new goal to achieve and participate at the School Idol Festival...but I rethink and we should at least get some experience from live shows like baby steps," I said "You mean like events? Like the one from before" Ayumu said "Yep although it won't be big like U's or Aqours event collaboration" I said "There's one coming up at least I think a month from now" I said as everyone looked at me...

"So what you all say I think the events would be in solo, duos, and group performances. I think this event would be great for our debut" I said smiled (I AM AN DUMBASSSSS!!) I thought (Relax Leon it's only your first time doing speech) Leonidas thought (YOU AREN'T HELPING LEONIDAS!!) I thought panic expression "Hmm, is it common for the Idol festivals to be in divisions?" Karin asked confused (Nice save Karin...) I thought sighed "No, I don't think so usually at least ones I'm familiar with have one group from one school," Shizuku said "Saint Snow from Hokkaido is probably one of the most popular duos out there in the world right now...Solo idols are well very uncommon compared to duos" Setsuna explained "That's interesting to know" Ayumu said (...I feel like I heard of Saint Snow from somewhere oh yeah they were on that poster board I found while on the train to school with Ayu...) I thought thinking of a confused expression...

"However I will say it's also due to popularity as well...U's obviously revolutionized the industry," I said looking at the television of U's doing performance of one of their best hits START; DASH something like that...

"They look amazing..." Emma said stunned "One day it will be you guys up there as a group or solo either way," I said, "Yeah looking at them getting me all fired up!" Ai yelled, "Also makes us realized it's all about duos and groups making this be a great chance for us!" Ai yelled "I agree entering with nine solos will definitely make put the school on the map," I said smiled "The possibilities are endless when it comes to school idols!" Setsuna yelled "I wonder if there'll be people who wear things like my Rina-Board card. It would be nice if I can find those who are like me!" Rina yelled (Now I think about it only Rina so far from what I research has something like a board in something like Idols) I thought confused expression...

"Maybe there will be! Like Setsuna says anything possible when it comes to school idols!" Emma yelled "Exactly! We may be like a small group from town winning the Love Live Contest!...though U's did had to retire and disbanded once but now are back into working but Aqours did something truly miraculous" I said smiled (I did say that right did I?) I thought (Not bad but you saying a word like Miraculous surprises me) Leonidas thought "Where's Leonidas I thought saw him around" Yu said confused expression "I'm right here Emma lap so comfortable" Leonidas said resting "Your so warm Leonidas" Emma said ruffled his head...

"Hey! One exception though! There are no possible idols cuter than your one only!" Kasumi yelled, "You all hear something?" I asked confused looking at my notebook "HEY!" Kasumi yelled as others giggled at Kasumi's rant...

"Okay...let's think about this is everyone cool with a solo acting right? If not speak now or say your peace" I said "RIGHT!!" Everyone yelled "Our first step as school idols is probably see how we could do on our own" Karin said "I agreed that would probably be a good idea," I said smiled "I want to see how I am cable of too!" Shizuku yelled, "And furthermore, I Ai would want to see what mysterious famous Setsuna Yuki brings to the table!" Ai yelled "P-Please don't say that...you're embarrassing me," Setsuna said nervously "Huh I really did enjoy the song called CHASE," I said smiled "WHA YOU SAW THAT?!" Setsuna yelled "We all did actually," Ayumu said smiled "Ga...I probably acted weird..." Setsuna said red face "WHAT YOU WERE REALLY AMAZINGGG!!" Yuu yelled as Setsuna nervously smiled "Ahaha..." I said chuckled "Yuu was kinda my inspiration actually to find your club and look where we are now," I said smiled "Really?" Kasumi asked confused "Yeah it's just I was distracted with school but Leo kept filling me in," Yuu said smiled "Well just do very well and kept those ratings high up at least until the school idol festival within our grasp," I said confused expression...

"Wait, high ratings??" Ayumu asked confused "Of course they don't just let anyone else perform on a stage as grand as that...You have to earn up that high stage and spot if not the rest will be negated into smaller stages" I explained "I thought everyone could participate at the school idols festival" Emma said "Right, that's why it's called cultural festival for school idols" Shizuku said confused "Though if our goal is to be there, then why we need the high ratings?" Karin asked confused "I have a dream or vision actually not for only Nijigasaki to participate at the School Idol Festival...but to win the Main Stage contest at some point later on," I said "Are you sure that you're not asking too much out of us? Rina-Board says Hmmm" Rina said sweatdrop "Not at all, I do believe at some point we will reach the same main stage with U's and Aqours," I said smiled "U's and Aqours are already booked?!" Kanata yelled shocked expression "Well they have been longer and are pretty popular think of music festivals, only the best bands could participate in the main stage," I said sweatdrop "I can see why those two groups would already have their spots," Setsuna said "Matter of fact Leon used to be apart of the band as a guitarist," Leonidas said "WHAAAA?!" All yelled shocked "No come on now" I said sweatdrop "Leon you used to play really good at it" Yuu said smiled "Yeah I wonder why you stop playing the guitar" Ayumu said concerned "Well...it's kinda cause it hurts my fingers too point I need to take a long break or stop playing completely" I said sighed "Aww, I would like to hear Leon-senpai play the guitar" Kasumi said pout expression "Maybe when I feel comfortable...I will at this very moment I kinda wanna just enjoy my break and help you all get to that stage" I said smiled "Right!" Everyone yelled "As I was saying from Setsuna's comment earlier yes U's and Aqours are the most highest-ranking idol groups in the world. Aqours is the current Love Live champions right now, and U's are well the U's ranked number one around the entire world" I said smiled...

"Understood Leon-senpai! If that's what we gotta do, then let's give it everything we got!" Kasumi yelled "It looks like all the research been worthwhile eh Leon," Ayumu said "Though hopefully doesn't bother your sleep scheduled," Yu said worried "We will do some studying up too," Rina said smiled "Yea, sorry for letting you do all the research for us," Karin said sweatdrop "I'm alright it's my duty as a manager to keep you all knowing what's going out there," I said smiled "Aww, that's sweet of you maybe Kanata can show her secret lunchtime nap spot. We could snuggle during the break" Kanata said "Uhhh....??" I asked flinched "Kanata...no naps till the event over okay," Emma said smiled (Emma I know that smile it's a hint of big danger energy....CALM DOWN PLEASE EMMA-SENPAI!) I thought panic expression "That's right Kanata we gotta work hard for our manager he is sacrificing his free time and sleep for us," Karin said "Oh I heard taking short naps on tv would benefit make you more proactive," Ayumu said (DON'T COURAGE HER TO DO THAT PLEASE AYU!) I thought shocked

"Attia girl, Ayumu! You should lay your head into Kanata fluffy pillow but short nap like Karin says better stay focus on those lessons" Kanata said smiled "If Kanata agreeing into her short naps, she must be incredibly motivated!" Shizuku yelled "No fair! I wanna take a nice nap on a nice fluffy pillow too! Hey Emma-chi, let's join the resistance and get some shut-eye!" Ai yelled, "Uhh guys...?" I asked sweatdrop "H-Huh me?! Sure but only a little catnap, okay!" Emma yelled unsure of what to do...

"SWEET! Ai get to lie down on cushy Emma-chi pillow!" Ai yelled "I'm cushy?? You mean my belly uh sure?" Emma asked confused "...I-I'm sure that's not what she-nevermind I should probably keep my mouth shut..." I said sweatdrop "Hmph, I want in the airheads remarks, too!" Kasumi yelled "Hm? Kasumi you say something??" Shizuku asked confused "Huh, no nothing at all! Shizuko do you know what your gonna do for your event??" Kasumi asked confused "Well, we only rejoin up with everyone so I don't know yet but I wanna try something I failed at before," Shizuku said smiled "Well you were at Drama Club so I'm sure you'll find something that about you eh Rina?" I asked "U-Uh...um...I Rina-Board says Confused" Rina said hesitated (I think she finds me still scary...sad face) I thought (Well give it some time Rina still getting used to you) Leonidas thought sweatdrop "R-Rina you okay need something lie down on?" Ayumu asked nervously "Rina-Board says Love you Ayumu," Rina said, "I need to organized all of my ideas for the events as well!" Setsuna yelled "That's surprising Setsuna, I thought you would be the one who has everything sorted out and stuff," Karin said "H-Huh?! You think so highly of me Karin...I would usually get everything sorted or done last second!" Setsuna yelled "Like Leon then," Leonidas said "HEY!" I yelled "I always thought of you being far-presence but I understand though our manager does have something similar as you now," Karin said "KARIN-SENPAI?!" I yelled shocked "U-Uhh...I," Setsuna said shocked "Oooho I wanna hear this too," Kanata said "I-I guess so," Ayumu said "Hmm," Yuu said (COME ONNNNN!!) I thought covering my face

"But it's nice to know that everyone is different on what they do" Karin said smiled "Although having a lot of ideas before a big event would help tons anyway" I said rubbing my head nervously "True looks like Karin would seem like to be one with prepared" Setsuna said "Not entirely true...I would feel less stressed without a plan" Karin said sweatdrop "And done, I submit your entries" I said "I guess it's official now" Ayumu said, "WE ARE OFFICIALY BACKKKK!!" Kasumi yelled as I and others nervously laughed...

To be Continued