
Seriously?! At this time of the year?!

It was a cold winter night. Although it's already winter, there are still no snowfalls. Do Siwon walks all by himself while the others around him are with their beloved ones. Siwon sighed and rubs his hands together to make them warm. While making his hands warm, he got a message from one of his friends.

Eunwoo: Hey Guys

Jin-Eun: What is it this time?

Eunwoo: Got any spare change? My money isn't enough to buy a gift for Mihye...

Jin-Eun: Seriously.... *sighs*

Siwon replied, " I'll lend you some of my money, Eunwoo".

Eunwoo: Awesome!!!! You're the best as always, Siwon-ah!

Siwon can't help but chuckle at his friend Eunwoo. He then puts his phone back in his coat's pocket and continues walking to his apartment back in the alleyway. When he was about to walk to his door, he noticed that there's a bunch of luggage with a note in front of his apartment door. Siwon curiously approaches it and reads the note. His face turned grim as he reads it.


You're always late on paying your rent and sometimes don't pay at all! So I have decided to kick you out of the apartment. Have a good day, Mr. Do. Good luck on finding a new apartment and Merry Christmas!

Sincerely Yours,


Siwon can't believe what he just read. Where will he sleep now? Where will he live from now on? It's Christmas eve and everyone is busy with their family.

"Family....family.." Siwon mumbled to himself.

"Ah! Right! I gotta call my mom!" Siwon exclaimed as he contact his mom from the states. His phone keeps ringing and he's waiting nervously. And finally, his mom picked up the call.

"Oh, Siwon-ah~ What's the ma-" Siwon cuts his mom and hurriedly says "Mom, I got kicked out of the apartment. Everyone is busy and I doubt anyone would take me in". He hears his mom humming.

"Ah! I have a great friend near that apartment! He helped me get through my pregnancy with you when your father left me for another girl" Siwon's mom cheerfully said. Siwon's grim and worried face now lit up from joy.

"Really Mom? Can you ask him to take me in? I have a deadline tomorrow and I can't finish it if I don't have room to work on" He said. His mom chuckles.

"Of course my son. I'll ask Haji to take you in. Mom has to go now, I love you~" his mom hurriedly said.

"Okay, Mom. Me too" he answered and the phone call ended.

He takes his luggage with him and finds a spot where he could stay.


Oh, what's this? A convenience store? And outside of this store, we could see Do Siwon sitting on cold ground next t a pole.

"Thank you for coming!" a cashier said to a customer who just walked out of the store. I wonder who this is...Hmm, let's check his nametag! Cha...Ha... Cha Haji? Siwon's mom mentioned the name Haji when Siwon asks his mom to help him find a place that he can stay.

"Ah... finally. That's the last customer for the night" Haji says to himself and tiredly sits on the chair next to the counter. Haji closes his eyes hoping to get some sleep when his phone surprisingly ring.

"AH! What is it now?!" He shouted and looked at the caller id.

"Huh? Areum-eonnie?" Haji confusedly asks. He then picked up the phone.

"Eonnie? What's the matter? Why did you suddenly call at this time of the night?" Haji asks.

"Haji, you remember Siwon right? He's a senior in high school now!" Areum proudly says.

"Oh is that so? That's great, Eonnie! Feels like time passes by so fast! He was still small when I last saw him" Haji happily says to Areum.

"Uhm.. Haji. I have a favor to ask you.." Areum worriedly says.

"Sure! What is it, Eonnie?" Haji asks.

"Can Siwon stay in your place for a while? The apartment he's been living in kicked him out. And since it's Christmas eve there, everyone else is busy. I beg of you Haji. Please take Siwon in" Areum begs Haji.

"Oh, Eonnie. I'll be happy to take him in!" Haji answered.

"That's great! Siwon's outside your store! Bye-bye ~" Areum says before ending the call.

"Huh?! What do you mean?! How long has he been in front of my store?! Hello?! Eonnie!" Haji nervously asks and just realized that Areum already ended the call. He hurriedly puts his coat on and goes out of the store. A cold Siwon greets him. Siwon woke up from a nap and looks up at Haji who is catching his breath. And at last, the first snowfall falls between the two.

To be continued.....

It's my first time here and I hope you guys enjoy the first volume~

maichune_desucreators' thoughts