
First meeting

It has already one week since classes were started . But idle group never shown in the class. But next week they suddenly show up in college . They have a grand entry in college . They all bring their classy cars in college. On that day Risha running late for her class. She parked her two wheeler in parking. Suddenly she hard sound of cars . She ignored & start running for class. When she reached at elevator it is full. So she decided to take stairs . The group of 10 boys moving towards class. They are allowed to take teachers lift . The lift is reached at their floor. The door is opened & they are moving towards their class. Dion is the last person who is about to move on from lift & some thing happened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dion is the famous guy in group for his coldness. He is tall , fair & handsome . He has sharp nose , dark black eyebrows . His hairs are also dark black. His eyes are blue. He is the only guy in that group , who is virgin . He never drinks any alcohol . But he is foul mouth.He never interested in girls. He speaks less but whenever he speaks everybody goes silent . He has strong physics . He always spent his time in gym & playing football . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------when is about to move , suddenly he saw one girl is coming towards him. She has lack of breath . She is running fast. Her body is covered with sweat . In no time she collapse in his embrace . They dashed on eachother. Dion put his hands around her waist. They lay down on ground. Luckily there is no one around them. ( Rishas POV) Risha took a stair. She is running on stair. She almost running out of breath but have to reach class. Her body start burning her calories . Her body is sweaty now. So she opened upper button of her shirt . When she reached at floor , she saw a handsome -Tall boy coming out from lift. She is in hurry. When she is about to reach at that guy she slip her leg & she closed her eyes . She is ready to landed on ground with pain. But suddenly she is not feeling pain . She feels soft something & at a one instant her waist feels strong arms. In her hole life she never feel like this. That touch was so warm & trickle full . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her heart start pumping hard. She feels like her heart is going to burst . Her face was on Dion's chest. Her hands around his neck . Now they both landed on ground. Suddenly he feels pain in his back. But when Risha rise her head & stared at his face , feels some thing. She stared at his blue eyes . They are pure , cold & deep like river . She wanted to swim in his eyes . She never has this experience . (Dions pov) ....when he saw girl in his arms he feel trickle in his stomach . His heart also pumping hard. He feels girls breath on his chest. This makes him crazy. When he feels her arms around his neck chills run through his spine. When she tries to rise her head but failed , at that time he feel something like big , soft but rigid cotton ball pressed against his chest. His face became red. He Realise that , its her breast . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He feel terrible . He has never this feeling .