
Beautiful voice

Risha was angry . She wanted to slap that bastard . She wanted to scold him. When she got out of classroom , she stamped her foot on ground. She took out her phone & tap on her favourite song. As soon as it starts , she clam down. She went to canteen for lunch. Her best friend was there. Friya was in electronic stream but they are friends from 1 st year. Friya:- "Hey , Rish come here. I reserved sit for you . Just come in." Risha just walked there & took a sit. She pull out her lunchbox from bag . By seeing her mood Friya asked her what happened . Risha told her hole story. Risha was still angry .But due to this Risha completely forgot about morning incidence. Friya said , " Hey dont be angry dear. Its happens . I think he has some interest in you. Baby I thing you got your 1 st admire. By listening this , she laughed . Risha :- " Are you nuts ?? My admire ! are you kidding me? with this face nobody is going after me." Friya :- " you never know , what may be happened." After this they ate their lunch & separate their ways with simply goodbye.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------At practical sessions , Risha entered in laboratory of fluid mechanics. Practical bach contains 20 students . She saw Luis sit at one of the bench. " Oh my bad luck ! Why he is here? " she said it to herself . Then she silently entered in lab. When Luis saw her , he chuckled. He is thinking of idea for trouble her. Teacher enter in lab & said ," For your practicals in lab ,you need partner. So you decide among yourself . Give me your partner'S name. " Now this is the chance for Luis for bully Risha. Luis stand up & said ," sir , me & Risha . We are partner . " Risha dumb founded when she heard this. She dont know what to say. She is not agree . She told that to her teacher. teacher said ," You guys solve this problem yourselves & give me your final decision ." Due to Luis nobody wants to be her partner & finally she dont have any choice .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She was extremely angry at that jerk. She dont want to see his face but she has no choice . She wants some peace . She went to quite place which is her favourite. She sat on grass in front of lake , under tree. She put on her head phones & tap on finger on favourite song. She start singing that song. YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE , YOU ARE MY HEART ,YOU ARE PAIN , YOU ARE MEDICINE OF MY PAIN...Her voice is too beautiful . From the meaning of that song tears start forming in her eyes . Mean while Dion is also off from school. He is tired & he needs sleep so he went to that quite place near lake . He sleep on grass. His eyes was closed. After some time one melody he heard. His mind feels clam. The emotions in voice are quite deep. The lyrics of song are meaningful . He just wake up & start walking towards this voice . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He saw one girl. She hugged her legs with her arms & her head is immersed in that hug . He can not see her face . He dont wants to disturb her. So he hide himself behind the tree. Risha is about to cry but she feels someone around her. She suddenly stop singing & turn behind, but nobody is there. She again back to her position & loudly said to her cats photo ," Hey kitty I miss you. Humans are rascal. You know today I meet one of that .....,,.." suddenly she remembered morning incidence . She said ," sorry kitty ...actually in morning I met one nice guy & he helped me ,but after that my day is hell. Kitty wait for me in home. Dont disturb moms rest & behave like good cat." She kissed that photo & smiled. When Dion saw this sean , he dont know why but he feels pain in his heart. When he saw face of this girl, he know , it was Risha. When he saw her smile , some kind of trickles passes through his body. Her smile is bright & warm. He feels his heart begin to explore . Her mole near her mouth looks so beautiful . His heart skip its bit. He just wants hug her once more like morning . He wants to feel her. He is in dezz. But when he regain his sense , girl is not there. In that mood he also leave that place.