
Love Letter Folly

mistaken by what she's seen a girls desperate attempt for love breaks her heart. follow as she attempts to follow her old ways and give up on her future prospects for a carefree life that throws her into a loop of mistaken hopes, love and just plain weird!

alzielli · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs




he walked over and introduced himself.

"My name is Tellois vin tella. May i ask for yours?"

"my name is Centaurea velm cornflower..."

I mutter remembering this was going to be my new name.

"May i?"

he whispered as he tried to kiss my hand and finding it creepy i pulled my hand behind me and grimaced.

"I'm very sorry. I don't like my hand being kissed.."

His eyes seemed to say he was irritated but his smile never faltered.

I agreed to dance on centi's encouragement but the man turned out to be just the tinge bit smaller than me and it was getting hard to match his movements and my forehead kept slamming into his nose when i looked back up from finding out I'd stepped on something.... his feet... oops

I giggled to myself.

whenever he would try to place his arm lower down my back i'd jump only to slam into his jaw.

after the dance was over I felt so bad I left with him to a private area to help him clean up.

"I'm so sorry about that. I wasnt quite used to...i mean I just became distracted by your lovely features."

I lied to avoid making faults with who I was to become.

he gently smiled at me while i held a moist handkerchief cleaning up the small bits of blood by his mouth and nose.

Though our height were cumbersome to each other I felt like i could have a decent crush on him.

Maybe ill finally have a chance at romance or maybe friends?

"um sir Tella , if you don't mind could we get to know each other more?"

I had a big goofy grin on my face not knowing what it meant in this world.

"mmm maybe we could after the main dance is over."

he said with a weirdly smirky smile.

"ah okay! Then I'll see you in a few hours."

I walked back to centi and decided to keep my new friend to myself. I didn't need her changing her mind about leaving with her soon to be husband... I mean if she's running off with him its bound to happen.





"Centi would you mind if i left for awhile. i want to look around on my own..."

I gave my best fake smile. Honestly i was getting tired of greeting people and being forced to dance with married older men as courtesy to HER father...well my now NEW father...

arrrgh i dont even know his name or what he looks like and i have to be a good daughter for him. I still can't even fully accept what luuuis , no way I'm calling him the way he wants. It's my thoughts. centi...i can't, that personality of hers recks my nerves... boohoo boohoo oh woes is me... like please...

"ugh where is the nearest blanket...i just wanna be a burrito...plus this hallway and a decline i wanna roll down it...."

As i was mentally thinking to myself Someone had been watching me,

one second i was calm the next pulling at my hair, and the next minute i was trying to throw myself onto the ground to roll on the ground.

My actions made no sense and they muffled their laugh.

It was a young lady with short bobbed strawberry hair that curled around her ears and neck, she wore a deep orange dress that highlighted her shoulders.

she watched as I walked away angry at not having a blanket nearby.

"My how interesting.. I should tell my brother to bring me more often."

she walked away looking very proud as if she's found something new to play with.




I wonder where the ball room is.. maybe i should just find a room and take a nap...

I yawned and stopped when I heard laughing coming from a private room.

"Ah! so I see our Telly is going to become a man tonight!"

snorted out a thin but much taller man. His lips seemed like they were wrestling for dominance by how he smacked his lips when he laughed. didn't help that he was so pale that they easily reddened deeper with each slap of the lips.

"Are you even sure that she implied by that meaning. maybe she just wanted to have tea time."

A man crossing his legs while finishing of his drink said under his breath. He looked tired and annoyed by their rambles. he had long silky hair that had a warm red hue shinning through his dark hair.

"oh for all we know she just wants a pet? did you jot say she was slightly taller than you. look at you poor thing she did quite the number. are you sure she is not using you to vent her stress?"

A beautiful woman said as she crossed her ankles to lean over her chair and wink at Tellois.

Though appearance said woman the voice was mellounious and suductive. At this point i was watching my pronouns.

Though i still found them attractive. That voice alone.

I watched the situation play out and most agreed that the woman they spoke of wanted to befriend... in the bedroom.

oooh i outa plant my knuckles deep into that ground before It keeps sprouting nonsensical piles of dung.

I waited and hid behind a large decorative curtain. Soon enough they left. The only ones inside was the babbling dunce and the man with the cherry deep dark silky hair.

I kicked the door as watched as the scrawny man started yelling fiercely.

"what does this wench think she's doing storming into a private room!"

he huffed.

I didn't even give him the chance to speak again. I stormed over and spinned my body into the air slamming my foot into his face.

'pooft' I spat at his shoes and stomped out of the room.