

“Hubby, let’s make a baby!” * * * Her boyfriend abandoned Monique Ramirez on an island where they planned to have a secret marriage; now, she finds herself at a point of no return. Monique seized the chance to be saved by a stranger and have her problems resolved rather than being left on the island inside the prison. Zion Dawson hates his father for neglecting his mom, and his bottom line was touched when David Dawson forced him to marry someone else's daughter; otherwise, he would lose everything, including the Palace Garden he built in the memory of his mom. As he crossed paths with Monique, would his belief in love change? EXCERPT: Monique stormed Zion’s office and sat on his lap, ignoring the fact that her husband was in the middle of a virtual meeting. “Hubby, let’s make a baby!” Everyone rejoiced. Well, almost as one of his business partners fumes in jealousy. Who is he?

Elise_Elleneth · Urban
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11 Chs

Bigger Problems (01)

Upon learning of the caller's identity, Monique staggered as she looked for something she could lean on. She hurried to stretch her arm, reaching for the baluster on the balcony. Then she breathed in and out to calm down.

What she was worried about has come. But she still had two days, so then the Immigration Bureau could not arrest her. At least not yet.

Grace Island is under Miranda Parliament. They created a bill to protect the country and its citizens. It implemented the law when many tried to live illegally and served as an example so that no one dared violate it.

Miranda is a small country but is ranked as the fifth-most wealthy country in the world. Because of that, its reputation came with strict laws that even the citizens had to follow, except if you were one of those in the upper class clashing with wealth and power.

Upon arrival, they briefed everyone who received a temporary tourist visa about the country's laws to abide by. They informed the first-time visitor to the country, particularly on the island, that the punishment was the imprisonment of all illegal aliens for years before being deported.

Being a guest on Grace Island depends on a temporary visa. As for the Davidson family, for example, since they could afford this country's expensive lifestyle, they could come and go off the island without question from the authorities.

Sadly, everything that works here is money. However, for someone like her, she was under surveillance by the Immigration Bureau. They actually closely monitored the illegal workers.

"Hello, Miss Divine? Is there a problem, ma'am?" Monique tried her best to speak calmly and not stutter as she communicated to the immigration officer on the other line.

"We noticed that the days of stay you declared to us will end soon. The Davidson family had informed us they would stay for another two weeks with all the guests they brought into the country. Most of you had already notified us and extended the stay. However, you were not contacting us about your plan, Miss Ramirez. So I invite you to visit our office to settle things with us. Then we can lengthen your stay. Otherwise, well, we have already informed you what punishment you must face. You have only forty-eight hours left to settle the matter."

Monique was in a daze after listening to the immigration officer. She cannot bring herself to utter a reply, as there is no way she can afford the fees associated with applying for a new temporary visa. She must pay five times the plane ticket price she needs to purchase, and she has no option except to leave the island.

Otherwise, if she has a relative in the country, like having citizenship through marriage or a family member with a legal working visa, that person can sign an agreement to take responsibility for her stay, which comes with punishment if she does not leave the country on the set date.

But she knew no one from this country!

Monique could feel her head splitting from mulling over how to solve her problems. After the immigration officer reminded her and finished the call, she immediately contacted Debbi and shared the warning she received from Grace's Immigration Office.

"God, Monique! How can I help you?"

Monique could not stop the tears from flooding her delicate face. She allowed herself to cry vigorously. It might help to lighten the weight of her heart.

On the one hand, she must be honest with Debbie and say that she cannot contact Leroy for two days now.

Debbie pitied her friend, but she could do nothing to help her. "Monique, I will ask around if someone saw your boyfriend. I will also try to find someone to lend me the amount you need, okay? You still have a few days, so pray to heaven to send us an angel."

Hearing this, Monique even cried harder as it moved her to see how Debbie was willing to help her. She had no other choice but to have faith in her friend.

"Thank you so much, Deb! Don't worry. I will pay it back once I return to Sasha City. I can apply for a loan once I return to work next week. I just needed the money within two days! And it would be better to purchase my plane ticket tomorrow."

She is supposed to turn down this trip, but Leroy has promised to pay for her expenses. But then, he only ghosted her!

"I will do my best, Monique. I can't let you go to prison!"

They arrest anyone for an illegal stay. After an expired visa, it is forced to serve for years, such as community service. It may be a light punishment, but since it exposes them to the public, it is easy to recognize them, which usually receives criticism.

Besides, Miranda Country intended to make it a lengthened community service so that no one would attempt to violate the law. And those caught escaping during the service had to face the death penalty.

But, of course, there are situations like hers that cannot be avoided. So people shouldn't judge her if she will actually land in prison soon and begin her community service.

Community Service means it will assign them to public jobs such as cleaning the entire island, including landscaping, painting, and doing complex labor tasks.

So, instead of enjoying a good salary, you will only receive food, shampoo, and soap to survive the entire three years.

The punishment sounded light, but it was such a boring life to do hard labor every day. Truth be told, it was more likely modern slavery. The island benefited so much from having free workers; they didn't need to pay thousands of dollars daily to multiple legal employees.

They have had these slave workers for three years. The reality was there. Grace Island only sounds incredible for wealthy people, but not for peasants like her.

"Thank you again, Deb."

"Don't mention it. Pray that I can find the amount you need by tomorrow."


She badly wanted to go home soon rather than be jailed and sentenced to an illegal stay on Grace Island.

You know what? I am really, really curious how the main characters hide in other countries without questioning their stay for several years. Unless they already had residency there and many visas, right? ^_^

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